29 January, 2009

Another day...

another dollar owed, another mess to clean up, another pound gained,
another cold day to shiver through, another day to not finish everything on my list...
another day to sip coffee, another day to watch Sesame street, another burst of sunshine,
another day to let my hair grow, another book to read, another floor to mop/vacuum,
only one more day until Hubby comes home left, another kiss from my children,
another "I love you, Mommy", another chance to talk to my Creator...
Another day to hope, dream, inspire to do better, another day to love a little more...Another day to enjoy the blessings that I have been given...
This is going to be a good day...Italic

26 January, 2009

Back Again...

It's been nearly a year...but I'm blogging again - sort of.

So - we're back. Not in the ATL anymore. Not livin' in the 404 no more. Not rocking in the ...okay. We're back in South Carolina - the best state in the Union. However, to tell you what city our family is in would be a little difficult ...during the week at least. Hubby opened up his own law practice in the Charleston area, and I am being the gorgeous trophy mommy that I was meant to be here in my hometown. That was definitely a joke. I don't exactly know when our family is going to be together 7 days a week again...I haven't had time to think that far ahead.

Bear is talking up a storm. It's so much fun! He loves to be read to, and he loves to play imaginitive games...Our latest game has involved bad pirates and missing boats. If you come around us at the right time - I just want to warn you - you have a pretty good chance of being labeled a "bad pirate." Mommy happens to be a good pirate - just to let you know.

Princess Baby is absolutely beautiful - I wouldn't be partial at all, of course...She started walking at 11 months and has kept me on the "go" ever since. She is just as prissy and girly as my heart could ever have wished that she would be. You should see her when she puts her bracelets on her arm and grabs her purse and her baby...But - whew!- does she have a temper! I would have no idea where she got that from... :) She has the prettiest blue eyes and curly brown hair. You wouldn't believe how gentle and nurturing she can be...and sooooo smart and strong willed. She absolutely knows her mind. She is everything and more than I could have ever wanted. I love both of my little kids so much. And you know what? - they love me, too. Yep. So I absolutely don't mind putting every bit of myself into taking care of them. It's awesome.

And me...I've given up caffeine. Trying to be more realistic about life and people...Life is passing quickly. Sounds weird coming from someone who isn't even near thirty yet (or not as near 30 as her husband...). But it's true. You can't keep wishing for the next big thing. You just have to enjoy what you have when you have it. Yes - You're gonna miss this. I know...And...people are not nice - and they aren't trying to be. But I think that we all have those not-nice moments - just some of us have them more than others...and some of us enjoy them more than others. I've given up ever running thirty miles a week again. I am still trying to avoid the mom jeans look - and failing miserably. And I have finally decided that my hair is curly and boofy - and it won't easily be anything else. I have given up the battle, and now enjoy the frizzy chia pet that lives on my head. Oh, yeah - there aren't many bad days that Grateful Dead, red lipstick, and sunshine can't fix...And ...if you can't look nice, you can at least smell nice. Never give up eating dark chocolate. Never stop singing in the shower - but only when the kids are awake. Dance like a crazy person, and never forget how to play...But I'm afraid that we all forget how to make-believe. We can't help it. It's something I heard once in Peter Pan...and it's so true - and sad. If only those camelia bushes could still have money growing on them...Never forget that you're bound to family by blood for some reason - whether you like it or not. God knows better than you why - just trust Him and go with it. And - by the way - Jimmy Carter is a doggone idiot. And - Michelle Obama will probably never learn to walk gracefully. It's just life.