I still want hotdogs and sauekraut - only now I also insist upon relish, slaw, onions, ketchup, and mustard.
I turned in my paper today. I have to do an evaluation for my professor. Ha, ha,ha... He started being very nice to me.
Poor little Lancelot had to get a shot today. He has a hot spot on his back. That means that he will have another spot of really red hair when it heals.
She wanted to paint our bedroom yellow and trim it in blues and greens. I should a' let her. It wouldn't a hurt nothin'...
Frozen York peppermint patties are wonderful...
Hubby does not like pour-over cheddar popcorn. What is wrong with him? Law school has affected his good taste.
I do not think that I have gained any more weight in the past two weeks. Hooray! We shall see if this is true on Monday when I go to the doctor.
I do not ever, ever, ever want to be a soccer mom.
Not talking to Hubby during the day is a challenge for me. I saw him for 5 minutes this morning before he left. I have only had about 5 or so minutes of conversation with him on the phone. I miss him.
I miss dieting. It is fun. I cannot diet while pregnant. I can only watch carbs - but I still can't try to lose weight. It has been weird to not try to lose weight for this long of a period of time. I like trying to meet goals.
I want to shave my legs. Isn't that one of the most awesome feelings in the world - the way your legs feel just after you shave them?
I am going to suntan tomorrow. It had better not rain - or else... I don't know what, but I'll think of something.
My mommy doesn't know that we are going to celebrate her birthday at home tonight. Or that we have surprise plans for tomorrow. I love birthdays!!!
I can't wait to have Peanut's first birthday party - or any of his birthday parties for that matter. Or any party for him. Yeah!
The cashier in Wallie World today was pregnant. Her little boy is due August 23rd. She was nice.
I really, really want hotdogs and sauerkraut. Yum!!!!!
I want to start working out after the baby is born. I miss feeling strong. I miss the adrenaline rushes. I miss the endorphins and the runner's high.
Angry white boy music is awesome. I can enjoy it even though I am a black Latina woman.
I want to take dance lessons. I want an excuse to buy pretty dresses to take dance lessons in. I am looking forward to getting a waist back again. However, I have become quite accustomed to and fond of my baby bump.
"My hump, my hump, my big ol' baby bump...Check it out..."
Last night it felt as if Peanut had kicked my hip bone. It hurt like the devil. It felt worse than when he grabs onto my ribs...
I want my Hubby to come home! Now!!!! I know that when he comes home, all of his exams are over. Then he is mine - all mine... Yeah!!!!
I have a bunch of overdue books to go back to the library. I always keep movies and books out later than I should. If they were girls and I was a boy taking them out on a date, I would be shot by their daddies...
Wastin' away in Margaritaville. Looking for my lost shaker of salt. Some people say there's a woman to blame. But I know...It's my own durned fault...
I like my running shorts. Those are the only pants that I will opt to wear now that it is so hot. I am kind of glad that I can still wear them - despite my baby bump. My hump, my hump, my big ol' baby bump...
I miss hanging out with the old drunk geezers in the Vista on Thursday nights. Hubby says it doesn't sound like fun. That's just because he hasn't ever seen old drunk people act rowdy while listening to remade Beach bands...You should see them shag... One time, I went with some friends. This really well-to-do old drunk woman saw me shagging with some guys I was with. She told me that she thought it was cute that I shagged - if that's what you call what I do on the dance floor to beach music - and that I was a little young to be there. I laughed at her. She was funny. Old drunk people - while being sad and pathetic, sort of like young drunk people - are hilarious. I really, really need to take some real shag lessons.
I cain't dance worth a hoot...But I shore like to try. Come on Hubby, let's go cut a rug...
Ooooh, digrace. Satin and perfume and lace. The minute I saw your face, I knew that I loved you....
You walk by and you shake that thing and you know I'm not that strong...
Wow. I just smelled my foot. It doesn't stink like I thought it would. Incredible.
I am so bored!!!!!!!!
I wonder if I would float better in the water since I have my baby bump. I heard that fat people float better than skinny people...
Watch out J-Lo! My butt is getting bigger everyday!!!! Soon, you will look like those skinny little white girls with no-butts compared to me.
I want a blooming onion with my hotdogs and sauerkraut...