This song must have been written under the influence of lots and lots of pot. It freaks me out. And the show comes on just before Sesame Street - which Peanut loves...So, if one day my sanity is completely gone...You'll know what happened...It's really disturbing, y'all...
"Hey, give me another Nicotine patch. I think I still got some room on my butt...." Crusty the Clown...
28 September, 2006
27 September, 2006
I am really not this angry...I promise...
Hey, guess what!
My soon-to-be-lawyer is also my baby daddy. It might be the only thing that Anna Nichole and I ever have in common - if I believed that Anna Nichole's lawyer was really her baby daddy. I think that they are saying that just to get that freak of nature who had a "relationship" with her off of her back. She might want to come back to the USA at some point...
I am going to "baby-cise." That's where I use my child as a weight to get some serious bulk in my arms...Poor Peanut.
Wow - Rachel Ray is very loud. But I still like her. Weird.
I think that my weird, loud neighbors actually named the devil that is disguised as a dog "baby girl." Because they keep yelling for her. And it makes me want to punch them. I do not like having neighbors. I need a wall around my 2000 acres one day. No neighbors. Unless I have really awesome neighbors. But I have bad neighbor luck. At least they aren't yelling drunk outside of my bedroom window...
The guy on the news is bringing me good news. (Step onto soap box now...) Our city's wonderful politicians are actually doing something right. They are thinking about banning smoking in restaurants...and bars, which is just weird. But I like it. I hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE cigarrette smoke. It smells gross. And I feel like I am being smothered when I am in a smoky room. I hate eating at California Dreaming because you always have one smoke stack who puffs away and fouls up the whole restaurant. I don't want my baby around that crap. So I hope that they do ban it. Oh, yeah, I also hate cigars, pipes, hookahs (especially hookahs - I have only smelled smoke from a hookah once outside of a hookah bar in Asheville and it made me want to vomit. It was completely disgusting and offensive and gross. Of course, I was pregnant...) I would rather stick my nose in a dirty diaper than smell smoke. I hate it when my neighbors smoke outside and the smell lingers in the air. I greatly dislike smoke.What people do in their own homes is completely their business. So - whatever...But, anytime that I can smell it...I hate it. It's rude. It's offensive. It's disgusting. There are people that I know - and love dearly - who smoke. But if we talked about this issue, I would have to express my opinion - maybe, in a much, much, much more polite way, of course. But only with some of the people that I love who smoke. Some of them I have already told straight out how I feel...Some of them only when I was teeny tiny...
Here's a funny story...
Back in my early college years - back when I still thought that guys just come over to you and start talking to you for no other reason than because they just wanted to be your friend...I had this guy come over to the bench where I was studying outside. And we started chit-chatting...And pretty soon - being the mature 18 year old I am sure he was - he asked me if I minded if he lit up a cigarrette. (I think he was trying to impress me.) I thought that he was being a sincere gentleman, who was concerned for my lung's health and my state of mind. (Cigarrette smoke makes me angry sometimes...) So I told him that I did, indeed, mind. I think that I shocked the crap out of him. He already had the lighter going to the cigarrette...And we only had about 5 minutes before class. So...he kind of started backing up, but was still talking to me. I can't remember if I started going off on the detrimental effects of cigarrette smoke - both to the smoker and to those around the smoker...I remember that I asked my mom if I had been rude when I went home. She laughed. And she started to say "yes." Then she thought about it. And said "no." And I totally agree with her, though some other's might not agree. He did ask - didn't he? (And, by the way, the guy did talk to me all semester. And on the day of the final exam, he asked me to go with him to an 18-year-old's dance club. A most unsavory place in my mind at the time...So I declined his invite. But my commentary on his rude habit did not - I am assuming - influence his opinion of me. So... here's a sudden revelation...Maybe smokers don't think that smoking is rude. And if we told them, then they would respect that. Hmmmm....Somehow, I don't think that that would work on all smokers. The guy on the TV who is 100% against the ban shows me that...)
(Step off of
My soon-to-be-lawyer is also my baby daddy. It might be the only thing that Anna Nichole and I ever have in common - if I believed that Anna Nichole's lawyer was really her baby daddy. I think that they are saying that just to get that freak of nature who had a "relationship" with her off of her back. She might want to come back to the USA at some point...
I am going to "baby-cise." That's where I use my child as a weight to get some serious bulk in my arms...Poor Peanut.
Wow - Rachel Ray is very loud. But I still like her. Weird.
I think that my weird, loud neighbors actually named the devil that is disguised as a dog "baby girl." Because they keep yelling for her. And it makes me want to punch them. I do not like having neighbors. I need a wall around my 2000 acres one day. No neighbors. Unless I have really awesome neighbors. But I have bad neighbor luck. At least they aren't yelling drunk outside of my bedroom window...
The guy on the news is bringing me good news. (Step onto soap box now...) Our city's wonderful politicians are actually doing something right. They are thinking about banning smoking in restaurants...and bars, which is just weird. But I like it. I hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE cigarrette smoke. It smells gross. And I feel like I am being smothered when I am in a smoky room. I hate eating at California Dreaming because you always have one smoke stack who puffs away and fouls up the whole restaurant. I don't want my baby around that crap. So I hope that they do ban it. Oh, yeah, I also hate cigars, pipes, hookahs (especially hookahs - I have only smelled smoke from a hookah once outside of a hookah bar in Asheville and it made me want to vomit. It was completely disgusting and offensive and gross. Of course, I was pregnant...) I would rather stick my nose in a dirty diaper than smell smoke. I hate it when my neighbors smoke outside and the smell lingers in the air. I greatly dislike smoke.What people do in their own homes is completely their business. So - whatever...But, anytime that I can smell it...I hate it. It's rude. It's offensive. It's disgusting. There are people that I know - and love dearly - who smoke. But if we talked about this issue, I would have to express my opinion - maybe, in a much, much, much more polite way, of course. But only with some of the people that I love who smoke. Some of them I have already told straight out how I feel...Some of them only when I was teeny tiny...
Here's a funny story...
Back in my early college years - back when I still thought that guys just come over to you and start talking to you for no other reason than because they just wanted to be your friend...I had this guy come over to the bench where I was studying outside. And we started chit-chatting...And pretty soon - being the mature 18 year old I am sure he was - he asked me if I minded if he lit up a cigarrette. (I think he was trying to impress me.) I thought that he was being a sincere gentleman, who was concerned for my lung's health and my state of mind. (Cigarrette smoke makes me angry sometimes...) So I told him that I did, indeed, mind. I think that I shocked the crap out of him. He already had the lighter going to the cigarrette...And we only had about 5 minutes before class. So...he kind of started backing up, but was still talking to me. I can't remember if I started going off on the detrimental effects of cigarrette smoke - both to the smoker and to those around the smoker...I remember that I asked my mom if I had been rude when I went home. She laughed. And she started to say "yes." Then she thought about it. And said "no." And I totally agree with her, though some other's might not agree. He did ask - didn't he? (And, by the way, the guy did talk to me all semester. And on the day of the final exam, he asked me to go with him to an 18-year-old's dance club. A most unsavory place in my mind at the time...So I declined his invite. But my commentary on his rude habit did not - I am assuming - influence his opinion of me. So... here's a sudden revelation...Maybe smokers don't think that smoking is rude. And if we told them, then they would respect that. Hmmmm....Somehow, I don't think that that would work on all smokers. The guy on the TV who is 100% against the ban shows me that...)
(Step off of
26 September, 2006
Today, I would like to slap...
Is it just me - or do the Clintons' just make you want to upchuck your cookies? Has anyone else been following that little Clinton interview story where he emphatically defended his stance on terror...Did he have one?
Read this.
Condy - didn't your mama ever tell you, "When you hear nothing, say nothing." I think that's a great saying. Sometimes it's just better to keep your mouth shut. But, instead, you wanted to play the five-year-old's game. Now - you just gave Senator Hillary Clinton the foothold to defend her neurotic, ignorant husband. Great going, baby...
And Hillary - Please!Your husband did a great job of demonstrating how a five-year old handles it when his daddy confronts him about the crack on the windshield of the car. Your husband is a big, whiny, perverted baby. And you would have left his heinie high and dry for your still secret lesbian lover - probably Rosie O'Donnell - if you hadn't seen that you could live out your Jackie O./Eleanor Roosevelt dreams when he philandered around on you during his governorship. Get a grip woman! You are one of those pushy, neurotic, rude, loud, overbearing women that I can't stand. Woman, thy name is "Satan."
People - I will make a confession. I have never voted before. It should be no secret that I don't like most politicians or the little games that they play. I don't trust them. I don't like the government. I think that the law is self-interested and easily used for personal gain by those in power. It's all just a matter of how well you know how to play the game. But...If Hillary runs for President - Well, just look for my big ol' booty to be registerin' to cast my vote agin' her.
On another topic, Did Jessica Simpson fire her stylist? She looks really awful lately. Hey! Maybe Nick really was her stylist! I heard gay guys have great fashion sense. Oh, yes! I did go there!
Watching Rachael Ray makes me feel Italian. But not hungry. What a great cooking show! But did you see the episode with the woman who was freaking out because she was having a dinner party for 7 people? Give me a break! I hope to feed more than that everynight around the family dinner table soon!
I think that our neighbors thought that I had left Hubby. During the time that he was taking the bar, we went out to dinner and back to the house so that I could pick up some things for the baby. And we had neighbors stop by who had never stopped by before - or since. And then last night, they asked me if I was working because they had not seen me around. And they said that they wondered what I was doing. I should have told them some elaborate story about how I left to live out my dreams of being a Vegas Showgirl, but missed Hubby too much. So he flew out to Vegas for a 48 hour trip to convince me to come back with him. And he lured me back with the promise of painting our kitchen. I should have made him promise to paint the bathrooms and the living room...and the dining room...
Hey! I am Super Mommy! I moved all of the furniture around all by myself yesterday! Woo Hoo for Girl Muscles!I think that this has inspired me to lift weights...someday. Maybe one day I will be a ripped muscle babe!!!
Read this.
Condy - didn't your mama ever tell you, "When you hear nothing, say nothing." I think that's a great saying. Sometimes it's just better to keep your mouth shut. But, instead, you wanted to play the five-year-old's game. Now - you just gave Senator Hillary Clinton the foothold to defend her neurotic, ignorant husband. Great going, baby...
And Hillary - Please!Your husband did a great job of demonstrating how a five-year old handles it when his daddy confronts him about the crack on the windshield of the car. Your husband is a big, whiny, perverted baby. And you would have left his heinie high and dry for your still secret lesbian lover - probably Rosie O'Donnell - if you hadn't seen that you could live out your Jackie O./Eleanor Roosevelt dreams when he philandered around on you during his governorship. Get a grip woman! You are one of those pushy, neurotic, rude, loud, overbearing women that I can't stand. Woman, thy name is "Satan."
People - I will make a confession. I have never voted before. It should be no secret that I don't like most politicians or the little games that they play. I don't trust them. I don't like the government. I think that the law is self-interested and easily used for personal gain by those in power. It's all just a matter of how well you know how to play the game. But...If Hillary runs for President - Well, just look for my big ol' booty to be registerin' to cast my vote agin' her.
On another topic, Did Jessica Simpson fire her stylist? She looks really awful lately. Hey! Maybe Nick really was her stylist! I heard gay guys have great fashion sense. Oh, yes! I did go there!
Watching Rachael Ray makes me feel Italian. But not hungry. What a great cooking show! But did you see the episode with the woman who was freaking out because she was having a dinner party for 7 people? Give me a break! I hope to feed more than that everynight around the family dinner table soon!
I think that our neighbors thought that I had left Hubby. During the time that he was taking the bar, we went out to dinner and back to the house so that I could pick up some things for the baby. And we had neighbors stop by who had never stopped by before - or since. And then last night, they asked me if I was working because they had not seen me around. And they said that they wondered what I was doing. I should have told them some elaborate story about how I left to live out my dreams of being a Vegas Showgirl, but missed Hubby too much. So he flew out to Vegas for a 48 hour trip to convince me to come back with him. And he lured me back with the promise of painting our kitchen. I should have made him promise to paint the bathrooms and the living room...and the dining room...
Hey! I am Super Mommy! I moved all of the furniture around all by myself yesterday! Woo Hoo for Girl Muscles!I think that this has inspired me to lift weights...someday. Maybe one day I will be a ripped muscle babe!!!
22 September, 2006
Flavored with 100% Pure Stupidity...
It's his choice, but did you ever hear the story about the guy putting the snake into his jacket? What a weird, weird thing to do.
It's kind of like - "Hey, children...Let's go play with that nice, friendly grizzly bear! Maybe it would like to go on vacation with us!" or..."Honey, let's adopt a serial killer who likes to rip the heads off of weird, stupid yuppies like us." or... "Hey, Bubba! Will you learn me that there game of Russian Roullette? I done put 6 new bullets in my gun."
The only thing saving his skinny white booty is the fact that millions of people all over the world worship the man...And even that may not be enough...
Oh, just read this.
It's kind of like - "Hey, children...Let's go play with that nice, friendly grizzly bear! Maybe it would like to go on vacation with us!" or..."Honey, let's adopt a serial killer who likes to rip the heads off of weird, stupid yuppies like us." or... "Hey, Bubba! Will you learn me that there game of Russian Roullette? I done put 6 new bullets in my gun."
The only thing saving his skinny white booty is the fact that millions of people all over the world worship the man...And even that may not be enough...
Oh, just read this.
21 September, 2006
This one's angry...
I want to punch Chavez in the nose. The only thing that he has going for him is a cool name. "Chavez" - without that name, he wouldn't even be worth his weight in decaying fecal matter - decaying camel, or is it monkey, terds. How the heck does he think that he can come here and insult my leader? When he picks the monkey terds out of his nose, maybe then he can smell anything. Sulfur my behind!!! He better get used to that smell. Oh, yes I did go there!!!!
Read this to see what I'm ranting about.
Read this to see what I'm ranting about.
My New Greeting for Everyone - "What's Up, Baby?" ...Or - Yes, I am a geek.
I got inspired to blog today by Soft Scrub. Yep. I like it. Go look here.
I used to hate it. It does leave a scratchy, white coating on surfaces. But...It is a wonderful cleaner. I will mop my floors with it today. It works great if you mop tough spots with it first - then go back over with bleach. (By the way, I love, love, love the way that bleach smells...Sooooo clean!)
And...I like the commercial for soft scrub. Pink cabinets. A monkey slapping a man. And a cute kitty. Great commercial.
Look here for the great commercial!!!!
Have you ever thought about how weird the word "there" is? I fell asleep thinking about that last night. And dreamed about a skunk, which I kept calling a "pole cat" in my dream. Isn't that bizarre? (I like the word "bizarre." It just has a neat sound to it.) And "there" isn't pronounced at all the way that it is spelled. It is pronounced more like "thay-ur" - only really quickly. Maybe more like "thayur." Not "theer" or "ther" or "theeree." So why don't we spell it "thayer." Weird, huh?
I was sooooo happy yesterday that I cried. I was just driving to my parent's house...with Mick in his little car seat - we had just gone to Wallie World, where my little boy just cooed and smiled in my arms...We got to see a talking grill that freaked us out...And I was just soooo happy. I was just thinking about how good God is....And how blessed I am...And how much I love my Hubby and my little boy...And I couldn't help having tears in my eyes. I love my life!!!!
I really want to make a chocolate cheesecake. But I have to have other people eat it. I can't have cheesecake on my diet. But I want to make one.
OOOOOOHHHHH! I want hot pickles and ketchup!!! Yum!!! Not really the Mickey D's hamburger - just the hot pickles and ketchup...
GREEK FEST on Friday!!! Yahooo!!! I love Greek food! Spanokopita! Gyros! Lamb! Opa! Bring on the baklava, baby!!!
I miss my Hubby...I can't wait until Saturday!
Baba ganoush (did I spell that correctly?) and Damascus bread would be wonderful right now. I should probably go eat something...I have food on the brain.
It is cold. Fall is definitely here. Think about it...Cold mornings ( great for snuggling with baby!), Greek Fest, wonderful hazelnut coffee, and beautiful, sunny clear skies that can only be that clear when the air is crisp...Fall is here!!! Hello, Fall!!!!
Today is the day that Hugo visited Chucktown back in '89. I was eight years old. That was the first - and the last - time that I played stupid to get a little boy's attention. I pretendI wied that I didn't know what a hurricane was so that he would have to spend his whole recess explaining it to me. He was the brainy type. And I quickly tired of his boring talk...
My feet are freezing!!!!I will go clean in order to warm myself up. I am going to try to run today when baby wakes up from his nap. What a great day to run!!!!
I used to hate it. It does leave a scratchy, white coating on surfaces. But...It is a wonderful cleaner. I will mop my floors with it today. It works great if you mop tough spots with it first - then go back over with bleach. (By the way, I love, love, love the way that bleach smells...Sooooo clean!)
And...I like the commercial for soft scrub. Pink cabinets. A monkey slapping a man. And a cute kitty. Great commercial.
Look here for the great commercial!!!!
Have you ever thought about how weird the word "there" is? I fell asleep thinking about that last night. And dreamed about a skunk, which I kept calling a "pole cat" in my dream. Isn't that bizarre? (I like the word "bizarre." It just has a neat sound to it.) And "there" isn't pronounced at all the way that it is spelled. It is pronounced more like "thay-ur" - only really quickly. Maybe more like "thayur." Not "theer" or "ther" or "theeree." So why don't we spell it "thayer." Weird, huh?
I was sooooo happy yesterday that I cried. I was just driving to my parent's house...with Mick in his little car seat - we had just gone to Wallie World, where my little boy just cooed and smiled in my arms...We got to see a talking grill that freaked us out...And I was just soooo happy. I was just thinking about how good God is....And how blessed I am...And how much I love my Hubby and my little boy...And I couldn't help having tears in my eyes. I love my life!!!!
I really want to make a chocolate cheesecake. But I have to have other people eat it. I can't have cheesecake on my diet. But I want to make one.
OOOOOOHHHHH! I want hot pickles and ketchup!!! Yum!!! Not really the Mickey D's hamburger - just the hot pickles and ketchup...
GREEK FEST on Friday!!! Yahooo!!! I love Greek food! Spanokopita! Gyros! Lamb! Opa! Bring on the baklava, baby!!!
I miss my Hubby...I can't wait until Saturday!
Baba ganoush (did I spell that correctly?) and Damascus bread would be wonderful right now. I should probably go eat something...I have food on the brain.
It is cold. Fall is definitely here. Think about it...Cold mornings ( great for snuggling with baby!), Greek Fest, wonderful hazelnut coffee, and beautiful, sunny clear skies that can only be that clear when the air is crisp...Fall is here!!! Hello, Fall!!!!
Today is the day that Hugo visited Chucktown back in '89. I was eight years old. That was the first - and the last - time that I played stupid to get a little boy's attention. I pretendI wied that I didn't know what a hurricane was so that he would have to spend his whole recess explaining it to me. He was the brainy type. And I quickly tired of his boring talk...
My feet are freezing!!!!I will go clean in order to warm myself up. I am going to try to run today when baby wakes up from his nap. What a great day to run!!!!
19 September, 2006
17 September, 2006
This week, the Pope issued a statement which angered many Muslims. Actually, the statement also angered me. I guess that the Pope has never read the part in the Bible where Jesus reminded his disciples that you cannot serve two masters - you must always end up loving the one and hating the other. Instead, the Pope has shown his support for Islam because they serve one "god" and also worship Mary. You know - the last time I checked there was only one golden calf when Moses went up Mt Sinai. Stupid, stupid people!
But in his "I love Muslims - let's be friends..." speech, the Pope decided to quote from a text dating back to Medieval times. The text referred to the fact that Muslims like to kill people. And the pope said, "Hey, we love you Muslims. God doesn't like you killing us. Now, let's just all play nice." And his speech backfired on him. The Muslims resent the fact that anyone would actually say the obvious - that they like to kill people.
In retaliation against the pope, Muslim people have been committing acts of violence - to show that they are not violent people. Blowing up churches, shooting nuns working in a hospital in the back...Stupid cowards.
Well, Muslim people - I hope that you feel special. I hope that you feel like big, powerful idiots in your dirty little dresses and head towels. I have no respect for you. I feel sorry for you - you are blind and lost and you like it that way. You can shoot a nun in the back. You can use bombs to blow up buildings and churches. You can kill innocent children. And you can change the lives forever of children when they learn that Mommy and Daddy won't ever be coming home - because you big, "brave" people flew an airplane into the place that Mommy or Daddy went to earn money to support their family. I hope that when you look into the mirror to brush the camel crap out of your beards, you are happy with the miserable, cowardly people that you are. As for me, I am sick of you. You disgust me. I fear for your souls. But I have to admit that I have a hard time praying for anything other than revenge on you.
But I will say it - may God have mercy on you. You violent people who show no mercy or courage or love. May God have mercy on your souls.
But in his "I love Muslims - let's be friends..." speech, the Pope decided to quote from a text dating back to Medieval times. The text referred to the fact that Muslims like to kill people. And the pope said, "Hey, we love you Muslims. God doesn't like you killing us. Now, let's just all play nice." And his speech backfired on him. The Muslims resent the fact that anyone would actually say the obvious - that they like to kill people.
In retaliation against the pope, Muslim people have been committing acts of violence - to show that they are not violent people. Blowing up churches, shooting nuns working in a hospital in the back...Stupid cowards.
Well, Muslim people - I hope that you feel special. I hope that you feel like big, powerful idiots in your dirty little dresses and head towels. I have no respect for you. I feel sorry for you - you are blind and lost and you like it that way. You can shoot a nun in the back. You can use bombs to blow up buildings and churches. You can kill innocent children. And you can change the lives forever of children when they learn that Mommy and Daddy won't ever be coming home - because you big, "brave" people flew an airplane into the place that Mommy or Daddy went to earn money to support their family. I hope that when you look into the mirror to brush the camel crap out of your beards, you are happy with the miserable, cowardly people that you are. As for me, I am sick of you. You disgust me. I fear for your souls. But I have to admit that I have a hard time praying for anything other than revenge on you.
But I will say it - may God have mercy on you. You violent people who show no mercy or courage or love. May God have mercy on your souls.
Still painting...Yep. Still painting... But it looks great!!! I am very pleased with the finished result. However, I am not pleased by all of the paint still sticking to my body and hair even after I scrubbed my skin until it was red. Not fun. How in the world did I get paint all over me? I hate paint.
Sometimes I have to just sit back and watch what God is doing with my life...and I am amazed. I am definitely a "work in progress." Sometimes, I don't know why God doesn't just give up on me...But the important thing is that He doesn't. It really does blow my mind.
Peanut had apple flavored rice cereal tonight. He has displayed such an interest in watching me eat. I was holding him last week while I was watching Clifford the little red dog (that's a whole other story...) and eating almonds. I heard him laughing, and looked down to see him watching me chew an almond. So, I started talking to him...and kissing his cute little cheeks...And he stopped laughing. I ate another almond, and he laughed at me again. It was really bizarre. I think that he is really hungry. So, I fed him. And he loved it. He hates plain rice cereal. But he really loved the apple flavored stuff.
I found some recipes for baby friendly foods. We have a long time before he is eating cake and fish...But I have decided that I should practice cooking now. I want him to really love my cooking - bless his heart. Maybe if I only take him to nasty restaurants and not let him eat anyone else's cooking...Just maybe he will think that his mommy is the best cook ever...I could just "make" my world-famous tiramasu complete with stencilling and plastic packaging for him...
I almost made it. I was only going to eat chocolate and icecream all day today. I made it until about 6pm - and then I ate a Lean Cuisine pizza. That's what I call healthy eating. All of the sweets that I had eaten were Weight Watchers. What a diet!
The guy from the Red Hot Chili Peppers dances like a little child. And I think that it looks fun. And I would love to convince Hubby that we need to dance like that around our living room - and jump on the couch...and the bed...and the guest bed...Doesn't that sound like fun?
Sometimes I have to just sit back and watch what God is doing with my life...and I am amazed. I am definitely a "work in progress." Sometimes, I don't know why God doesn't just give up on me...But the important thing is that He doesn't. It really does blow my mind.
Peanut had apple flavored rice cereal tonight. He has displayed such an interest in watching me eat. I was holding him last week while I was watching Clifford the little red dog (that's a whole other story...) and eating almonds. I heard him laughing, and looked down to see him watching me chew an almond. So, I started talking to him...and kissing his cute little cheeks...And he stopped laughing. I ate another almond, and he laughed at me again. It was really bizarre. I think that he is really hungry. So, I fed him. And he loved it. He hates plain rice cereal. But he really loved the apple flavored stuff.
I found some recipes for baby friendly foods. We have a long time before he is eating cake and fish...But I have decided that I should practice cooking now. I want him to really love my cooking - bless his heart. Maybe if I only take him to nasty restaurants and not let him eat anyone else's cooking...Just maybe he will think that his mommy is the best cook ever...I could just "make" my world-famous tiramasu complete with stencilling and plastic packaging for him...
I almost made it. I was only going to eat chocolate and icecream all day today. I made it until about 6pm - and then I ate a Lean Cuisine pizza. That's what I call healthy eating. All of the sweets that I had eaten were Weight Watchers. What a diet!
The guy from the Red Hot Chili Peppers dances like a little child. And I think that it looks fun. And I would love to convince Hubby that we need to dance like that around our living room - and jump on the couch...and the bed...and the guest bed...Doesn't that sound like fun?
15 September, 2006
I am listening to Chopin - Waltz in A minor. Wow. Chopin always takes me back to the day...and makes me want a piano more than almost any other nonliving thing that exists...Do non-living things really exist? Anyways...I probably couldn't even play any Chopin piece anymore - it's been soooo long...
Somehow coffee just goes so well with classical piano music. Or any music if the truth be known. I like the way lamp light looks in a room. So warm and comforting. Friendly without being obnoxious. I like the way you can transform a room just by placing a lamp in a different location in the room.
The painting is still coming along...Painting trim and cabinets is a pain in the rump. And I can't cook with the kitchen looking like this. It bugs the devil out of me. I actually miss cooking. I dislike eating out greatly...Grease does not equal appropriate seasoning for food.
I am going to paint my livingroom the "Belgian Waffle" color - a warm, sunny yellow...And I will paint my dining room the "Pony Tail" color - a mild beige color...How very earthy of me...I am not usually an "earthy" sort of person when it comes to color...I like sage green. The rest of my imaginative color pallette is something like reds - albeit, a more calm sort of red - and clean, crisp blues...and yellow - lots and lots of yellow. I love yellow. As far as decorating goes...I love it more than pink.
Peanut just got home from having a day with my daddy. Peanut missed mommy lots and lots. I missed him, too. Somehow there is peace and happiness when he is in my matter what else is going on around us.
I am covered in white paint. I never thought that I would willingly paint a wall white. But when the cabinets and trim are beige and the bottom of the chair rail is yellow...I guess white ain't so bad.
Hubby is coming home with sushi - soon I hope. I am starving...And anytime that sushi is involved...Let's just say I'm ready to eat.
Hey, I want a face painting. Don't you?
Somehow coffee just goes so well with classical piano music. Or any music if the truth be known. I like the way lamp light looks in a room. So warm and comforting. Friendly without being obnoxious. I like the way you can transform a room just by placing a lamp in a different location in the room.
The painting is still coming along...Painting trim and cabinets is a pain in the rump. And I can't cook with the kitchen looking like this. It bugs the devil out of me. I actually miss cooking. I dislike eating out greatly...Grease does not equal appropriate seasoning for food.
I am going to paint my livingroom the "Belgian Waffle" color - a warm, sunny yellow...And I will paint my dining room the "Pony Tail" color - a mild beige color...How very earthy of me...I am not usually an "earthy" sort of person when it comes to color...I like sage green. The rest of my imaginative color pallette is something like reds - albeit, a more calm sort of red - and clean, crisp blues...and yellow - lots and lots of yellow. I love yellow. As far as decorating goes...I love it more than pink.
Peanut just got home from having a day with my daddy. Peanut missed mommy lots and lots. I missed him, too. Somehow there is peace and happiness when he is in my matter what else is going on around us.
I am covered in white paint. I never thought that I would willingly paint a wall white. But when the cabinets and trim are beige and the bottom of the chair rail is yellow...I guess white ain't so bad.
Hubby is coming home with sushi - soon I hope. I am starving...And anytime that sushi is involved...Let's just say I'm ready to eat.
Hey, I want a face painting. Don't you?
14 September, 2006
Fall is here...
I hate wallpaper. As simple as that. I hate the way that it looks, the way that it feels, the way that it makes my life suck to take it down... In short, wallpaper is from the devil.
Hubby and I have been redecorating our kitchen. We took down the hideous magnolia border and striped wallpaper that did not match the green paint on the bottom of the chair rail. And we primed. And reprimed. And now we are painting...everything. We are painting the walls...the trim...the cabinets. It'll look great once we're finished - if we ever finish. I am used to projects taking maybe a day or two. Not a week. I guess I never knew how efficient my parents are at projects like this. And I never realized how slow Hubby and I are. It's killing me. I can safely say...I never knew what a pain in the butt taking down wallpaper was. It is from EL DIABLO. My parents have never taken down wallpaper. They hold the same aversion for the stuff that I feel.
Last night, I was playing on the floor with Peanut while Hubby was upstairs. When Hubby came down and sat next to Peanut, Baby got soooo excited to see his Daddy!!! He started laughing and kicking his legs like crazy. I have never seen him quite that animated. I think he is becoming a Daddy's boy. That's perfectly okay with me - as long as he remains his Mommy's little boy as well.
I have made my son a promise. Mommy will not eat chocolate cake until he can also have some. Somebody knock on wood that he will not have a chocolate allergy. That would be a disaster. I think that I would seriously lose my sanity.
When will the kitchen be finished?!! Probably when I stop blogging and go paint it. That's right - I guess I forgot that I can't paint and blog at the same time.
I want to paint the living room. I found a color called "Belgian Waffle." Sounds nice, huh? I like it. It makes me hungry. I am always hungry. I hate diets.
Baby won't sleep. I rocked him to sleep - twice. But everytime that I move, he wakes up. I put him in his bed and covered him over with a blankie. He saw me and started lifting his head and crying. So, I am upstairs...blogging...and listening for him. He quit crying when he couldn't see me. I guess he never really started crying...He just kind of went "Eh!" a few times...Well, he is cute, anyways. And I really don't mind holding him all day. In fact, I kind of like it.
I am going to make another pot of caramel truffle coffee. And I will drink it all myself...with hazelnut creamer. Yesterday was the first true day of fall - at least for me. Fall is coffee season. And coffee season never stops for me - it just starts on the first day of fall...And ends on the last day of summer. Kind of like icecream season. It starts on the first day of spring...And ends on the last day of winter. Or chocolate season...It starts on Feb.14th and ends on Feb.13th. It's a great system...
I guess that I should paint now. Hubby is going to cook me a wonderful, gourmet dinner complete with candles and soft music when the kitchen is finished - he just doesn't know it yet. I wonder when I should tell him...
Hubby and I have been redecorating our kitchen. We took down the hideous magnolia border and striped wallpaper that did not match the green paint on the bottom of the chair rail. And we primed. And reprimed. And now we are painting...everything. We are painting the walls...the trim...the cabinets. It'll look great once we're finished - if we ever finish. I am used to projects taking maybe a day or two. Not a week. I guess I never knew how efficient my parents are at projects like this. And I never realized how slow Hubby and I are. It's killing me. I can safely say...I never knew what a pain in the butt taking down wallpaper was. It is from EL DIABLO. My parents have never taken down wallpaper. They hold the same aversion for the stuff that I feel.
Last night, I was playing on the floor with Peanut while Hubby was upstairs. When Hubby came down and sat next to Peanut, Baby got soooo excited to see his Daddy!!! He started laughing and kicking his legs like crazy. I have never seen him quite that animated. I think he is becoming a Daddy's boy. That's perfectly okay with me - as long as he remains his Mommy's little boy as well.
I have made my son a promise. Mommy will not eat chocolate cake until he can also have some. Somebody knock on wood that he will not have a chocolate allergy. That would be a disaster. I think that I would seriously lose my sanity.
When will the kitchen be finished?!! Probably when I stop blogging and go paint it. That's right - I guess I forgot that I can't paint and blog at the same time.
I want to paint the living room. I found a color called "Belgian Waffle." Sounds nice, huh? I like it. It makes me hungry. I am always hungry. I hate diets.
Baby won't sleep. I rocked him to sleep - twice. But everytime that I move, he wakes up. I put him in his bed and covered him over with a blankie. He saw me and started lifting his head and crying. So, I am upstairs...blogging...and listening for him. He quit crying when he couldn't see me. I guess he never really started crying...He just kind of went "Eh!" a few times...Well, he is cute, anyways. And I really don't mind holding him all day. In fact, I kind of like it.
I am going to make another pot of caramel truffle coffee. And I will drink it all myself...with hazelnut creamer. Yesterday was the first true day of fall - at least for me. Fall is coffee season. And coffee season never stops for me - it just starts on the first day of fall...And ends on the last day of summer. Kind of like icecream season. It starts on the first day of spring...And ends on the last day of winter. Or chocolate season...It starts on Feb.14th and ends on Feb.13th. It's a great system...
I guess that I should paint now. Hubby is going to cook me a wonderful, gourmet dinner complete with candles and soft music when the kitchen is finished - he just doesn't know it yet. I wonder when I should tell him...
12 September, 2006
11 September, 2006
Survey Says...
This is a survey that I made up. The answers in pink are mine. The answers in blue are Hubby's. Hubby is not aware of my answers...and I answer first, so I don't know his either...
1.Who is a bigger ho - Nick or Jessica?
Definitely Nick...But Jess is a huge ho as well.
2.What do you like least about wallpaper?
That it even exists.
It's existence.
3.What do you like most about wallpaper?
The fact that when you wet it with fabric softener and peel it off...It reminds me of the way that my skin peels when I get sunburnt...But I haven't really been sunburnt in so long, I barely remember what it's like.
4.If you were a stripper...What would your stripper name be?
Pabst Blue Ribbon Heather.
5.If the moon were bar-b-que spare ribs, would you eat it?
Only if it were mustard or ketchup based barbeque.
Of course. Especially if it were vinegar barbeque.
6.Have you ever stuffed anything up your nose?
No. But I read a book about a boy who stuffed pebbles in his nose. I always wondered what it felt like.
Sure. What else is a midget for?
7.Who is better...Old Yeller or Lassie?
Definitely Old Yeller...until he went loco...
Old Yeller was way cooler. However, I think Sounder could of kicked both their butts.
8.Who would make the best President ever?
Jerry Garcia would have made a great President. But maybe Jimmy Buffett now. Or ...the best President ever would be Hulk Hogan.
Jean Luc Picard. With Chubaka as his vice-president.
9.Can the government be trusted?
Heck fire no! The law is self-interested and twisted and corrupt. There is no justice. They really do listen to every phone conversation with this big machine...And when certain buz words pop up, they red flag you. And then you might be audited by the IRS...or something worse...I shudder to think...
It depends. Is that capitalized?Yes.Pink Floyd's mother says the government cannot be trusted.
10.Who is the cutest baby in the world?
Mommy's little Micky-Bear!!!!!
Peanut. My baby-mama's baby.
1.Who is a bigger ho - Nick or Jessica?
Definitely Nick...But Jess is a huge ho as well.
2.What do you like least about wallpaper?
That it even exists.
It's existence.
3.What do you like most about wallpaper?
The fact that when you wet it with fabric softener and peel it off...It reminds me of the way that my skin peels when I get sunburnt...But I haven't really been sunburnt in so long, I barely remember what it's like.
4.If you were a stripper...What would your stripper name be?
Pabst Blue Ribbon Heather.
5.If the moon were bar-b-que spare ribs, would you eat it?
Only if it were mustard or ketchup based barbeque.
Of course. Especially if it were vinegar barbeque.
6.Have you ever stuffed anything up your nose?
No. But I read a book about a boy who stuffed pebbles in his nose. I always wondered what it felt like.
Sure. What else is a midget for?
7.Who is better...Old Yeller or Lassie?
Definitely Old Yeller...until he went loco...
Old Yeller was way cooler. However, I think Sounder could of kicked both their butts.
8.Who would make the best President ever?
Jerry Garcia would have made a great President. But maybe Jimmy Buffett now. Or ...the best President ever would be Hulk Hogan.
Jean Luc Picard. With Chubaka as his vice-president.
9.Can the government be trusted?
Heck fire no! The law is self-interested and twisted and corrupt. There is no justice. They really do listen to every phone conversation with this big machine...And when certain buz words pop up, they red flag you. And then you might be audited by the IRS...or something worse...I shudder to think...
It depends. Is that capitalized?Yes.Pink Floyd's mother says the government cannot be trusted.
10.Who is the cutest baby in the world?
Mommy's little Micky-Bear!!!!!
Peanut. My baby-mama's baby.
07 September, 2006
It's Pacey!!!!! Don't you just love Pacey? I do. Do you remember when Pacey and Joey got locked into KMart? And Pacey let Joey shave him? And they almost kissed? I think that was sooo beautiful. Since watching that, I have always wanted to shave someone. I wonder if Hubby would let me shave him...
I think that Dawson handled the matter like a true gentleman. Anyone could tell that he really, really loved Joey. But he knew that she loved Pacey. So Pacey ended up with Joey. And Dawson had that great career where he wrote that series about all of them...and in the series he got the girl. Beautiful.
I tried to read a Conneticutt Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain. What a horribly boring book! I couldn't get past the first 50 pages. So...I am now reading This Side of Paradise by F.Scott Fitzgerald. I think I like it. I haven't gotten very far, yet...But there is just something so refreshing about Fitzgerald's realistic, sarcastic take on life. I think that it is good to read that view point, too, instead of always reading the sugary sweet views expressed by other works of literature. I think that is why I like Charlotte Bronte. She just realizes that some things about life just suck sometimes. But you deal. And I like Jane Austen...well, for many reasons...but alot because of the way that she always has one character who puts it to pretentious one way or another...either to their face (which is always best) or behind their backs in a mocking way. And all of the dances. I like the parties where the fashionable people don't have poise or grace or good manners. Wow. I really love Jane Austen.
It is sooo much fun to try to name your future children. It has become a hobby of mine. I love my baby!!!I want lots and lots and lots of babies!!!
No, Joshua Jackson will never be just Joshua Jackson to me. He will always be Pacey.
Have you seen who that ho Jessica Simpson is dating now? My man John Mayer. But that's okay. Hubby is much sexier than John Mayer. And since he lost me to Hubby (we were going to get married), he just let himself go. So Jess can have him. Plus - Jess may be a ho...But Nick is a man-ho. Yep...I said it.
A fly is having babies in Hubby's coffee. I hate flies. I can't find a fly swatter anywhere.
Doc, I was thinking this morning about our old trips to Chucktown. And how much fun we had! Shopping on King Street...going to the beach...One day...we will have to go there with the hubbies. Especially since you are getting married this spring! Yeah!
hubby says "No." Hubby will say "yes." I just have to keep nagging him until he lets me shave him...
I think that Dawson handled the matter like a true gentleman. Anyone could tell that he really, really loved Joey. But he knew that she loved Pacey. So Pacey ended up with Joey. And Dawson had that great career where he wrote that series about all of them...and in the series he got the girl. Beautiful.
I tried to read a Conneticutt Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain. What a horribly boring book! I couldn't get past the first 50 pages. So...I am now reading This Side of Paradise by F.Scott Fitzgerald. I think I like it. I haven't gotten very far, yet...But there is just something so refreshing about Fitzgerald's realistic, sarcastic take on life. I think that it is good to read that view point, too, instead of always reading the sugary sweet views expressed by other works of literature. I think that is why I like Charlotte Bronte. She just realizes that some things about life just suck sometimes. But you deal. And I like Jane Austen...well, for many reasons...but alot because of the way that she always has one character who puts it to pretentious one way or another...either to their face (which is always best) or behind their backs in a mocking way. And all of the dances. I like the parties where the fashionable people don't have poise or grace or good manners. Wow. I really love Jane Austen.
It is sooo much fun to try to name your future children. It has become a hobby of mine. I love my baby!!!I want lots and lots and lots of babies!!!
No, Joshua Jackson will never be just Joshua Jackson to me. He will always be Pacey.
Have you seen who that ho Jessica Simpson is dating now? My man John Mayer. But that's okay. Hubby is much sexier than John Mayer. And since he lost me to Hubby (we were going to get married), he just let himself go. So Jess can have him. Plus - Jess may be a ho...But Nick is a man-ho. Yep...I said it.
A fly is having babies in Hubby's coffee. I hate flies. I can't find a fly swatter anywhere.
Doc, I was thinking this morning about our old trips to Chucktown. And how much fun we had! Shopping on King Street...going to the beach...One day...we will have to go there with the hubbies. Especially since you are getting married this spring! Yeah!
hubby says "No." Hubby will say "yes." I just have to keep nagging him until he lets me shave him...
06 September, 2006
"Oh, so you are awake." Yes, I am awake.
Update to Haircut Day...Let me take a deep breath and remember that my hair is not a reflection of who I am...
Baby was really wonderful for the first twenty minutes. After that he fussed mildly...(It started when the hairdresser covered my face with my hair.) Then he screamed alot. But he was so cute, and he stopped crying the minute I picked up his carrier. Just too much estrogen floating around, I guess...
I ate sushi last night...Yum...Sushi... It was sooooo good. Yummy sushi...
The only court trials I like are the ones on TV so that I can laugh at Cinnamon the Stripper screaming with Destiny the Psychic about twenty-five dollars that one "loaned" the other ten years ago when they were drunken college girls. (Okay, so maybe it couldn't have been ten years...But some of those cases happened a long time ago...)
I think that people subconciously name dogs "Lady" so that they will have a good stripper name...Or maybe it's their kids that will have a good stripper name...Why do I think that an occupation that is so loathsome is sooo funny? Maybe it's because everytime I think about Cinnamon the Stipper, I see an 85-year-old woman in some wild outfit going to the local church for a fundraiser striptease...Didn't I tell you that I was weird? Someone - actually more than one person - has told me that I would be so much fun if I ate a special type of brownie...I don't know what they mean...
I must clean...I must clean...But I already did the fun stuff yesterday...I scrubbed the kitchen counters and floor and the bathroom floor and ...well...the bathroom. Today I have to fold and put away the clothes that I washed, and dust and vaccuum. I hate doing that! And...CRAP...I have to iron. Ironing is from the devil.
Yoga pants are good cleaning pants...They are most unattractive on me, however...But it doesn't really matter, does it?
Chocolate toffee popsicles make a wonderful breakfast...followed by hearty helping of whipped cream...But the popsicles are weight watchers and the whip cream is fat free. That makes everything okay...
Thanks, Aunt Faye, for the great memories of the breakfast that Michael and Savanna and I ate with you. I think every adult should let kids eat pound cake and chips and coke for least once in awhile...People are too uptight about food. Life is too short for that.
Bon Appetite!!
Update to Haircut Day...Let me take a deep breath and remember that my hair is not a reflection of who I am...
Baby was really wonderful for the first twenty minutes. After that he fussed mildly...(It started when the hairdresser covered my face with my hair.) Then he screamed alot. But he was so cute, and he stopped crying the minute I picked up his carrier. Just too much estrogen floating around, I guess...
I ate sushi last night...Yum...Sushi... It was sooooo good. Yummy sushi...
The only court trials I like are the ones on TV so that I can laugh at Cinnamon the Stripper screaming with Destiny the Psychic about twenty-five dollars that one "loaned" the other ten years ago when they were drunken college girls. (Okay, so maybe it couldn't have been ten years...But some of those cases happened a long time ago...)
I think that people subconciously name dogs "Lady" so that they will have a good stripper name...Or maybe it's their kids that will have a good stripper name...Why do I think that an occupation that is so loathsome is sooo funny? Maybe it's because everytime I think about Cinnamon the Stipper, I see an 85-year-old woman in some wild outfit going to the local church for a fundraiser striptease...Didn't I tell you that I was weird? Someone - actually more than one person - has told me that I would be so much fun if I ate a special type of brownie...I don't know what they mean...
I must clean...I must clean...But I already did the fun stuff yesterday...I scrubbed the kitchen counters and floor and the bathroom floor and ...well...the bathroom. Today I have to fold and put away the clothes that I washed, and dust and vaccuum. I hate doing that! And...CRAP...I have to iron. Ironing is from the devil.
Yoga pants are good cleaning pants...They are most unattractive on me, however...But it doesn't really matter, does it?
Chocolate toffee popsicles make a wonderful breakfast...followed by hearty helping of whipped cream...But the popsicles are weight watchers and the whip cream is fat free. That makes everything okay...
Thanks, Aunt Faye, for the great memories of the breakfast that Michael and Savanna and I ate with you. I think every adult should let kids eat pound cake and chips and coke for least once in awhile...People are too uptight about food. Life is too short for that.
Bon Appetite!!
05 September, 2006
Today holds all the promise of a new haircut. That could be good - or that could be a disaster.
I am taking The Mick with me to the salon. I hope that he does not 1) cry or 2)flirt too much. That boy loves to flirt! You should see him smile and laugh and grin at people...He's soooooo cute!!!An old lady touched him on Saturday. I didn't like it. I was holding him as close to my body as was possible. And she touched him anyway - after parking her caddy in the three spaces next to me...
"How cute is that baby..." And she touched his leg and his arm. I was freaked out. What would she do if people just came up and touched her leg?
Harry Morton bought Lindsey Lohan a puppy to "make her calm down." Isn't that weird?
I was looking at hairstyles online last night. I keep going back to the Jennifer Aniston bob...But apparently no hairstylist can replicate that in their memories...How do I know? They tell me. Weird. I don't even know if it would work on my super curly hair. What I wouldn't do to make my hair grow! (And maybe just be straight for a little while...)
Coffee is a wonderful substance. Hubby's coffee was wonderful last night. We tried to go to Wired Bean - a great coffee shop, for Lexington...- but they were closed yesterday. We had already left The Mick with his grandparents (which, by the way, he has right where he wants them). So we went to Books A Million. Hubby got coffee, but I thought it best that I skip the caffeine. Wow, that was good coffee...
Hair cut time...
I am taking The Mick with me to the salon. I hope that he does not 1) cry or 2)flirt too much. That boy loves to flirt! You should see him smile and laugh and grin at people...He's soooooo cute!!!An old lady touched him on Saturday. I didn't like it. I was holding him as close to my body as was possible. And she touched him anyway - after parking her caddy in the three spaces next to me...
"How cute is that baby..." And she touched his leg and his arm. I was freaked out. What would she do if people just came up and touched her leg?
Harry Morton bought Lindsey Lohan a puppy to "make her calm down." Isn't that weird?
I was looking at hairstyles online last night. I keep going back to the Jennifer Aniston bob...But apparently no hairstylist can replicate that in their memories...How do I know? They tell me. Weird. I don't even know if it would work on my super curly hair. What I wouldn't do to make my hair grow! (And maybe just be straight for a little while...)
Coffee is a wonderful substance. Hubby's coffee was wonderful last night. We tried to go to Wired Bean - a great coffee shop, for Lexington...- but they were closed yesterday. We had already left The Mick with his grandparents (which, by the way, he has right where he wants them). So we went to Books A Million. Hubby got coffee, but I thought it best that I skip the caffeine. Wow, that was good coffee...
Hair cut time...
02 September, 2006
Sometimes I forget that God did not create us to be completely independent creatures...Those times never last long...maybe an hour...minutes...seconds...Then I come crashing back into His arms and your arms...Will you hold me there for a while and let me rest?
It's so nice to wake up with them...They look alike...only different sizes...And my cheesy soul adores both of them...
No matter how much I pretend I don't care - I do care. But you already knew that...
I want to swing...I want to soar high into the air and come racing back to the ground and then back into the air and then back to the ground...And I want you beside me...And I want laughter...And I want sunshine...And I want an early autumn day...I want to feel like I'm flying and that sad things don't happen ever and there is no hate and chocolate has no calories...
Sometimes run-on sentences are the only way to express yourself. I like being completely liberated from the tyranny of grammar.
You think that I don't like "different." But how could I not like different? I am different. Different is what I know. It is the differences between us and you and him and her and them that let me see a glimpse of your and his and her and their souls...It is so hard to see someone's soul. Sometimes it is dirty and torn and tramped upon. Sometimes it is radiant and clean and pure and beautiful. Sometimes it is bleeding and pained and injured. But their are walls up. They won't let me or you or them see. They want to hide their souls. I wish that everyone would break down their walls. Or at least put up a fence that would let me get just a glimpse. I wish that I knew how to let you and him and her and them get a glimpse of mine. They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. But I don't believe them. Everyone has a part to play...
I like green and yellow and red and blue and PINK and black...Yes, I like black. And black IS TOO a color! They even made a black crayon. And a white crayon. And a pink crayon...But the pink and white and yellow don't really show up on white paper. They just make the page look glossy.
Why does everyone want to sleep like a baby? My baby wakes up about every few hours. You should want to sleep like me in my pregnancy days. I used to sleep for a long time. Not now. But that's okay.
Mmmmm...I was just thinking about nice things...I was thinking about my baby and InStyle magazine and pink stillettos and big, dangly earrings and cotton candy and poodle puppies and runs in the rain (that would be a good Indian name) and pink roses and Vera Wang fragrance and big bows and sage green curtains and Ethan Allen settees and empanadas with cold coffee and smiles on a friend's face and kisses from Hubby and 1/2 point chocolate popsicles and chocolate birthday cake and the way it feels when Mama rubs my hair and cookie monster and my friend's new cat (though I haven't seen it yet, but it sounds like a very nice kitty...) and happy days at the lake with my cousins during childhood and BIG families and how wonderful my family is and HOW WONDERFUL IT IS TO BE A CHILD OF GOD! Praise God for the comfort that His love brings! Praise Him for His many blessings that He pours...not just gives...but POURS out on the undeserving, selfish, people who want so badly to please Him but can't do it on their own because they mess up so often so they beg for grace which He gives so freely!
It's so nice to wake up with them...They look alike...only different sizes...And my cheesy soul adores both of them...
No matter how much I pretend I don't care - I do care. But you already knew that...
I want to swing...I want to soar high into the air and come racing back to the ground and then back into the air and then back to the ground...And I want you beside me...And I want laughter...And I want sunshine...And I want an early autumn day...I want to feel like I'm flying and that sad things don't happen ever and there is no hate and chocolate has no calories...
Sometimes run-on sentences are the only way to express yourself. I like being completely liberated from the tyranny of grammar.
You think that I don't like "different." But how could I not like different? I am different. Different is what I know. It is the differences between us and you and him and her and them that let me see a glimpse of your and his and her and their souls...It is so hard to see someone's soul. Sometimes it is dirty and torn and tramped upon. Sometimes it is radiant and clean and pure and beautiful. Sometimes it is bleeding and pained and injured. But their are walls up. They won't let me or you or them see. They want to hide their souls. I wish that everyone would break down their walls. Or at least put up a fence that would let me get just a glimpse. I wish that I knew how to let you and him and her and them get a glimpse of mine. They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. But I don't believe them. Everyone has a part to play...
I like green and yellow and red and blue and PINK and black...Yes, I like black. And black IS TOO a color! They even made a black crayon. And a white crayon. And a pink crayon...But the pink and white and yellow don't really show up on white paper. They just make the page look glossy.
Why does everyone want to sleep like a baby? My baby wakes up about every few hours. You should want to sleep like me in my pregnancy days. I used to sleep for a long time. Not now. But that's okay.
Mmmmm...I was just thinking about nice things...I was thinking about my baby and InStyle magazine and pink stillettos and big, dangly earrings and cotton candy and poodle puppies and runs in the rain (that would be a good Indian name) and pink roses and Vera Wang fragrance and big bows and sage green curtains and Ethan Allen settees and empanadas with cold coffee and smiles on a friend's face and kisses from Hubby and 1/2 point chocolate popsicles and chocolate birthday cake and the way it feels when Mama rubs my hair and cookie monster and my friend's new cat (though I haven't seen it yet, but it sounds like a very nice kitty...) and happy days at the lake with my cousins during childhood and BIG families and how wonderful my family is and HOW WONDERFUL IT IS TO BE A CHILD OF GOD! Praise God for the comfort that His love brings! Praise Him for His many blessings that He pours...not just gives...but POURS out on the undeserving, selfish, people who want so badly to please Him but can't do it on their own because they mess up so often so they beg for grace which He gives so freely!
01 September, 2006
I had forgotten how much I like the song "Mexico" by Incubus...or any other Incubus song... This song always makes me want to curl up in a cushion with a hot cup of coffee...
I think that I like Damien Rice...I had never heard any of his stuff...untill now...
She's such a fortunate fool...
I miss my baby...But I have had some really good sleep...I think that I will go get my little one SOON!!!!
It's all for you...You got me where you want...
Ooooooohhhhh....I am so hot...
I want to drive somewhere...I want to speed...I want to feel the air blowing in my face...I want to crank the music up so loud...I want to watch the countryside flying past me...
My body aches...
I want a motorcycle for Christmas...I miss the way it feels to go speeding through the countryside on one...Hmmm...Maybe I could convince daddy to take me for a ride...when I feel better...
Sometimes I want to look like the girls in the magazines...And then I think, "What does it matter anyway? We'll all look the same in a thousand years..." Morbid, huh? But, really...What's important is the part that won't just be dust...God, help me to remember this.
Let's go on a picnic...By a stream...
Further down the river...
I haven't felt the way I feel today in so long it's hard to specify...
I think that I like Damien Rice...I had never heard any of his stuff...untill now...
She's such a fortunate fool...
I miss my baby...But I have had some really good sleep...I think that I will go get my little one SOON!!!!
It's all for you...You got me where you want...
Ooooooohhhhh....I am so hot...
I want to drive somewhere...I want to speed...I want to feel the air blowing in my face...I want to crank the music up so loud...I want to watch the countryside flying past me...
My body aches...
I want a motorcycle for Christmas...I miss the way it feels to go speeding through the countryside on one...Hmmm...Maybe I could convince daddy to take me for a ride...when I feel better...
Sometimes I want to look like the girls in the magazines...And then I think, "What does it matter anyway? We'll all look the same in a thousand years..." Morbid, huh? But, really...What's important is the part that won't just be dust...God, help me to remember this.
Let's go on a picnic...By a stream...
Further down the river...
I haven't felt the way I feel today in so long it's hard to specify...
Thoughts on being sick... :(
This is a weird day...
I had chills this morning...and now I am dripping sweat...I ache all over...I am going through baby-withdrawal - he's with his granddaddy...Pooh!!!!
Hubby is gone, too. He is watching a divorce of two lesbians...I am all alone...I think I will eat a can of worms...
I want to take a bath...but I am too hot to bathe now...Yuck!!!
Baby was smiling at mommy this morning when I picked him up. He looked puzzled when he saw his granddaddy downstairs...But he smiled at him, too. I miss Baby! I don't know what to do with myself when he is not around...Yesterday was a prime example. I had to go to Columbia to run errands for Hubby. So, Baby stayed with my daddy - who got off work at 12:30...I felt naked. I was never so glad to see his little, smiling face...Okay, maybe I am just as glad everytime that I see him...
Oh, little playmate..I can't come out and play with you. My dolly's got the flu. Boohoohoohoo! I can't slide down your rainbow into a pot of gold. But we'll be jolly friends forever more!
If only there were someone here so that I could whine to them...
What's your name, little girl? Tell me - what's your name...Shouldn't you stay, little girl? Well, there ain't no shame...
Heaven's to Bessy...Somebody ought to be ashamed! Wonder what their mama thought of them writing that song?
Lonely...I'm so lonely...I need somebody....HERE so that I can WHINE to them...Whining to oneself is not fun...
I had chills this morning...and now I am dripping sweat...I ache all over...I am going through baby-withdrawal - he's with his granddaddy...Pooh!!!!
Hubby is gone, too. He is watching a divorce of two lesbians...I am all alone...I think I will eat a can of worms...
I want to take a bath...but I am too hot to bathe now...Yuck!!!
Baby was smiling at mommy this morning when I picked him up. He looked puzzled when he saw his granddaddy downstairs...But he smiled at him, too. I miss Baby! I don't know what to do with myself when he is not around...Yesterday was a prime example. I had to go to Columbia to run errands for Hubby. So, Baby stayed with my daddy - who got off work at 12:30...I felt naked. I was never so glad to see his little, smiling face...Okay, maybe I am just as glad everytime that I see him...
Oh, little playmate..I can't come out and play with you. My dolly's got the flu. Boohoohoohoo! I can't slide down your rainbow into a pot of gold. But we'll be jolly friends forever more!
If only there were someone here so that I could whine to them...
What's your name, little girl? Tell me - what's your name...Shouldn't you stay, little girl? Well, there ain't no shame...
Heaven's to Bessy...Somebody ought to be ashamed! Wonder what their mama thought of them writing that song?
Lonely...I'm so lonely...I need somebody....HERE so that I can WHINE to them...Whining to oneself is not fun...
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