26 December, 2007

I have a dream...

I have a dream that one day there will exist a place where no one will ever be sick on Christmas. In this place there will be at least one hairdresser who knows how to cut thick, curly hair...and who doesn't say things like, " You pretty girl. You have face. Hair no matter." or "hair poofy. Poofy hair..." In this place there will be a pretty pink tablet that causes my hair to grow an inch a day and my fat to melt away over night. Chips and snicker bars will be healthfood. I will be able to run five miles a day...and spend at least an hour a day tanning myself under a bright, beautiful sunny sky.

My little boy and I worked out a pretty sweet little deal. He is going to take dance lessons with me...and I will teach him to drive on the way to the lesson. And then we will gorge ourselves on icecream and cotton candy before we go home. How much fun is that going to be someday!!!!

And....I promised my little girl that she will get a beautiful corsage of tiny pink roses every year on her birthday...and a gorgeous new pink dress...and we will wear crazy hats and go have tea somewhere very elegant and relaxing. Of course, once she is older...she and I will go get a manicure and a pedicure...and we wouldn't dream of not starting our morning off with a crisp, refreshing run. And that night we will snuggle up in warm blankets while we wear pretty nightgowns and drink hot chocolate...and we will watch Gone With the Wind and talk about all the wonderful things that happened the year that just passed...and we will dream about all of the wonderful things that are going to happen in the year to come.

19 December, 2007

Hello. You are listening to Mexican radio - curtesy of the neighbors in the apartment below.

Crepe makers are wonderful things...and a Hubby that makes crepes...It's a wonderful life.

I feel so old. All I want to do is sleep...and - well - sleep. I had a wonderful dream the other night that I was young again. And I was going out to lunch and go shopping with Clinton Kelly from What Not to Wear...and I had to buy a new outfit so that I would look chic enough to have lunch with Clinton Kelly. Wouldn't it be nice to feel young, chic, and well-rested? And a little less violent than I have been feeling lately?

Hello, darkness my old friend...Darkness is only my friend when I want coffee, or want to brood over philosophical issues, or government conspiracies...And darkness has always been the perfect catalyst to change me into a chatterbox. (The next time that anyone who reads this blog sees me, I will be greeted with bright lights and ear muffs...) But I am sick of darkness. I want sunlight.

The mariachi band next door is louder than my thoughts...I wish I knew Spanish so that I could tell them exactly what I think about them. I would like to stuff a soccer ball up their heinies.

I wonder how the musical Mexicans below me would feel if they knew who lived above them...The old, crazy catlady...with the grey sweatpants and the huge collection of glass miniature kitties...Someday I am going to take my glass kitty collection to the vet...

Great...their little brat must be as sick of the music as I am. Shut up the radio and the squalling kid. Gotta love livin' in the ATL.

Oh if I just wasn't a lady what wouldn't I say! And if I only knew Spanish...or just a few Spanish cursewords...

13 December, 2007

I have a confession...

I have always wanted to know - since I have been 5 years old - if I could really hitch a ride just by showing a little leg.

I often wish that I could watch old monster movies and eat myriads of wild food combinations until I could no longer hold my eyes open...and I wouldn't wash my ice cream dish until morning.

I wish that I could tap dance on a pier.

I like long conversations about government conspiracies.

I almost punched the girl hogging the treadmill today. If you want a place to stand and watch Spanish soap operas, go back to your apartment. Either run or get off the treadmill...

My dream car is a 60's or 70's monster car...or a big bubba truck. Okay, fine...I would settle for a tractor, too.

I would love to take a trip with no destination and no scheduled itinerary.

11 December, 2007

Thank goodness for early Christmas presents!!! Yes, this year Santa brought me three warm spring-like days. I love warm winter days!!

I have found that organization is absolutely key to my survival. I want to be able to put my hand on anything in my house in 30 seconds or less. I want to be on a rigid schedule. I want - sigh - order in my life.

I started running again this week. Such a wonderful way to escape stress...Yet, somehow I still feel like buying a big yellow sweatsuit and answering to "Goodyear."That's only on the days that I don't dream about wearing grey sweatpants and counting my miniature kitty collection...I'm allergic to the real thing...

Playing with my little boy is SO MUCH FUN!!! I can't wait until he can laugh with me at the bad little children getting in trouble at the park...Wait - we can't laugh at bad children getting in trouble at the park. Bad children don't get in trouble...because they don't have any adult watching them misbehave. But I wish they did...for many reasons. Does it make me an awful person that I think brats in time out are the most amusing things in the universe? I have the hardest time not laughing at temper tantrums.

I almost got hit by a non-English understanding or speaking person in the parking lot today. I almost chased after their car. They better be glad I didn't. That's all I have to say about that.

Some weird things I do for fun...balance the checkbook, scrub my kitchen, mop my floors- my son and I often fight over who gets the privilege of this task-, observe the non-English-speaking-or-understanding people that live around me, Windex everything that can be Windexed in my apartment. These are the things that I do when I have time to myself. Oh, yeah - one thing I forgot...I like to waste time writing weird blogs. Time to get back to work...

05 December, 2007

Some things I don't understand...

1.Why people don't use the word "splendid" anymore...or did they ever use it outside of the movies?

2.Why South Carolina is the best darnded state in the whole union - I just know it is.

3.Why people use curse words. I have come to realize just how tacky that really is.

4.Why my spring fever starts earlier and earlier every year.

5.Why cleaning is so much fun sometimes...and so stressful other times.

6.Why I didn't inherit my mother's ability to make everything she cooks taste really wonderful.

7.Why no one will nominate me to go on What Not To Wear. I would make a perfect candidate...and a $5000 visa card for shopping would be absolutely...SPLENDID!!!!

8.Why so many people live in this town. What do they see in it?

9.How red lipstick can change your whole mood. Add some high heels and sunshine, and you have a wonderful day.

10.Why I haven't been to the beach in 3 years.

11.How drinking hot chocolate makes me feel like a kid again.

12.How HGTV can never get old for me and Hubby.

And...I will NEVER understand how God can love me so much...or why He has chosen to just absolutely rain down blessings on my family like He has. Any time I feel like complaining...or feel down...I just look down at my babies, and I know that the good things in my life drastically outweigh any hardships. I love my life...and wouldn't change a thing.

23 November, 2007

This is my BEAUTIFUL baby girl...Oooppsss, she just woke up from her nap. Gotta go.

28 September, 2007

This just makes me chuckle. Yeah, I would feel bad about this country, too...After all - the poor little fellow did so much for this country. He came here illegally...took the job that a legal citizen could have enjoyed...didn't pay taxes...and decided to take money from the American economy to add to the failing economy of his wonderful home country. And to top it all off...he even managed to never learn the language. Wow.

Check it out here at:

26 September, 2007

After all the talk about "dirty Americans," I have just one thing to say...At least when we go to a country and decide to make pigs of ourselves by not adapting to the culture there, we contribute tourism dollars. We don't decide to take up residence and drain the social security fund without contributing tax dollars and still complain about the government and not even bother to learn to speak the language correctly.

And another thing...I am sick of the commentary of complete strangers on the condition of my stomach. I am sick of questions like..."How much do you eat to get that big?"..."How many babies are in there?"..."You are small to be almost 9months pregnant."..."What you havin'?Oh yeah, I could tell...I have 20 first cousins." Guess what, buddy - I got you beat. I have almost thirty first cousins. And I don't care about you, or your family, or what you think about my body. The next stranger to give their opinion on my body is going to get a bloody nose.

I have about four weeks to go...and people better stay out of my way if they know what is good for them. It could be hazardous to your health to mess with a very pregnant woman.

24 September, 2007

Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a car like Kit? I can see it all now...

"Kit, looks like we're going to the park AND the library today."

"Does this mean what I think that it means, Mrs.Phreedom?"

"Yep. You're going on auto, and we are going to go on 85, 285, AND 75...I'll take over driving once we are on 120...or maybe not."

19 September, 2007

Last weekend was so WONDERFUL! We took Bear to two different parks...one near Roswell and one near Marietta. And...we went to the antique festival in Marietta on Saturday...then on to get a snack from Chik-fil-A - my craving du jour - and then on to the park near Roswell. On Sunday morning... we tried to find a church. And I found myself getting up and finally leaving in disgust. It makes me shake with rage to hear God's Word distorted and twisted to back up self-interested ideas. I think that it finally became too much when the altar call became a call to membership to the church. Some churches should read what happened to David when he counted the fighting men-not that I think that it is wrong for churches to count attendance...I wouldn't do it personally, but...to make an increase in numbers the primary focus and goal of the church. Come on...

After our church experience...we decided to go to Madeliene's. So YUMMY! We even splurged and ate a fruit tart...only a little Bear decided that he wanted all of the blueberries from it. So, we headed over to the park in East Cobb. I was really surprised to find that it was such a nice park! And there were actually other parents who were actively watching their children! Can you believe it?! My son found an admirer in an adorable 17 month old little girl - who shocked even him with a huge bear hug. When he wouldn't return her advances, she toddled off with her father chasing behind her. Of course, bear went the other way with his Daddy behind him...leaving the moms to chat. Her parents were really nice and we decided to set up a playdate some time. And to top it off, the weather was so beautiful and cool. I love fall.

So...that is just a little update for anyone who cares...And now I am off to clean up and bemoan my fate as a prisoner of this tiny space on such a beautiful day. Woe is me...

15 September, 2007

I can't believe that my little girl should be here in less than 2 months. Wow. My goal today is to find those cute little headbands with the bow on them for her to wear until I can actually put bows in her hair. I can't think of anything more wonderful than being a mother to two wonderful little babies...unless it is being a mother to ten wonderful little babies. It is such a wonderful feeling to be needed. My little bear cubs are so dependent on me...and they love me in such a wonderful, special way. You can't imagine it until you experience it. Truly a blessing from God.

I am still trying to adjust to Atlanta. And I am more and more convinced that I am definitely not a big city girl. My dream is still to get 20 acres in the middle of nowhere with a big, white farm house just big enough to hold me, Hubby, and all of our babies. But, adjusting I am because I absolutely love Hubby's new job. How wonderful to have him home in the evenings! I live for the time of day when I hear his key in the lock and see my little boy call "Daddy!" and start for the door. I love being able to cook for him and have family suppers around the table.

Some of the other positive things about being here...
-a neat little bakery chain that sells really good crepes and really beautiful pastries...
-a really wonderful Mexican restaurant that puts Monterreys' to shame, but is still really cheap
-Roswell and Marietta...both really cute little cities with tons of antique stores
-a Stride Rite outlet and a Carter's outlet
-7 Ethan Allen stores in the city
-a Gone With the Wind museum...and the Cabbage Patch nursery not too far away!
-no smoking allowed in any restaurant that serves children under 18. Woohoo!!
-...the possibility, perhaps, of finding out that there may be more positive things about this area that I might discover, if I am persistent, within the next 20 years...but I still seriously have my doubts...

27 August, 2007

I think that Atlanta is about as Southern as Florida. Which is just to say that it is not. But at least it is good to know that there are pockets outside of Atlanta where Southern heritage is celebrated and Sherman is hated still.

Only two more months until my baby girl arrives...or maybe a little less. I have been in search of bows for her hair...Such a hard thing to find. Who would have imagined...

Isn't it funny that before Peanut arrived I was scared to pieces of having a little hellion when he started walking...Things actually get easier the older he gets. And parenting is more rewarding. What an awesome feeling it is every time that he brings me a book and plops down into my lap for me to read it to him...or when I catch him with a dust rag wiping down the furniture with Mommy when I dust. I can't wait to have two babies. I have no fear but that they will love each other. But for all of the horror stories I hear, I loved having my little brother. Who else would have let me play like Barbie was GI Joe's mommy? My only concern is that I will have to be careful to make sure that he isn't too rough with his little sister in his enthusiasm to hold and see the new baby.

Some day when I am dead and gone...Hubby will find himself a wilderness woman. She'll scrub her face on a rock in a murky stream. And fry him up a mess of crickets for dinner. She'll go a month between shaving her legs. And her favorite colors will be tan, red, and camouflage (...did I spell that right?)... She won't need a bathhouse when she camps...just a shovel and a corn cob. And she will laugh at the thought of a shower on vacation. She'll put on extra weight in the winter for insulation against the cold...and until she loses it again...she'll be his shade for sun in the summer. She'll be able to tree a squirrel better that any old hound dog. And she'll boss his butt around with a voice louder and more harsh than any man's. And I am going to sit up in heaven and laugh at him. And think about all of the times that he called my form of survival camping in the wilds of a campground for 1 night max "campering." It most definitely is not "campering" to fight off bugs all by yourself in a dirty bathhouse. It is a scary fight for survival...

09 August, 2007


I am in Hotlanta now. Except for this week...but that's a long story. Renting out a house is no fun...especially in the days before it is rented.

I am scared that my babies will grow up talking like Yankees...or midWesteners - which is the preferred "American" dialect these days. Not that I have a Southern accent...but I always had such high hopes for my little ones. Everyone in Atlanta that I have heard speak, speaks just like a durn Yankee.

A few things that I have learned from moving...
1. Never hire movers... what a pain in the heinie!
2.Spanish soap operas are so much cooler than American soap operas...and the talk shows are so much more entertaining...even if you don't understand 90% of what is going on.
3.Throwing away what feels to be 1/3 of all of your earthly belongings to move is dramatic, traumatic, and a little empowering. I feel as if my soul in lighter now. Don't ask me why.

It all happened so fast...I am not even sure who knows that we are gone and who doesn't. By the way...I am trying to convince baby girl to make her debut in 10 weeks. Pregnancy is no fun anymore when it lingers on.

Oh...here is just one reason that I am convinced that I have the smartest baby boy in the universe...Hubby came home the other day when I was cleaning the back bedroom. And Peanut was playing with his toys in the livingroom. He came and got me when his Daddy was trying to get into the door (we have one of those locks that can only be unlocked from the inside...). He walked to the doorway of the bedroom, pointed tothe door, and said "Dada." I asked him if his Daddy was home and he started walking to the door. I had never heard Hubby knock at the door because the fan was running in the room with me. Thank goodness for my smart little boy...

Did you know that they charge $10 to see a cow eat grass here? Just as soon as I get a little bit of land, I am going to put a cow on it and start raking in some cash. Yankees who conglomerate down South are just plain stupid. Can you imagine what they would pay to see a chicken?

07 July, 2007

Thank God for lysol...People were in my house today when I wasn't there. And not little green men from Mars, either. Realtors. And househunters. And I just want to get rid of the germs tonight.

I have a strong inclination to buy a new coffee pot when all of this is over...If people will pee in a hotel coffee pot, then they just might pee in the coffee pot in the house they are viewing. The realtor was supposed to call to make sure that it was a good time to see the house before they just came right on in. But they didn't. And now I am weirded out. We found the business card on the kitchen table.

It's a little weird to me to think of people walking through my house while I am walking through some stranger's house in Atlanta. I remember thinking today...wondering if the people viewing my house would criticize my cleaning habits or my "decor." I call it "moving chic." With touches of baby style. And then I thought about the nasty smells in some of the houses that I was in today. One house smelled like stale, rank cigarette smoke. And another smelled like cat urine. And one smelled like what I thought was some little old man's cheap cologne, but Hubby and the realtor informed me that it was the smell of curry. And one smelled refreshingly like nice, clean, sanitizing bleach. I am scared that my house has some weird, foul odor undetected by me. I am so happy for Lysol. And candles. And bleach.

I don't know whether to be thankful or depressed tonight. We really do need to sell the house...seeing that we will not be living here much longer. But this is the first house that Hubby and I ever owned. And the only home that Peanut has ever known. And strangers invaded it today. And all I want to do is scrub...and throw away something. I have found that throwing away things is such a nice, in-control feeling. I like it.

29 June, 2007

When I think of the wisdom and scope of God's plan, I fall to my kneese and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will give you mighty inner strength through his Holy Spirit. And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him. May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love. And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great ou will never fully understand it. Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
Ephesians 3:14-19

Do you remember what it felt like to fall asleep in the car when your parents were driving when you were a kid? So comforting. No worries. Well...I am glad that I can know that it's okay for me to just rest with the complete knowledge that my Heavenly Daddy is taking care of me and I don't have to worry about where I am going or if I will be safe.

28 June, 2007


It IS a GIRL! Yeah!

One wonderful hubby+1 sweet little boy+1 sweet little girl=1 happy Mrs.Phreedom

Looking for apartments/houses in a city that I have only been to twice in my life...but am going to be moving to soon is so weird. Weird. Scary. Exciting. Scary. Did I say scary? I am looking around my home trying to imagine what it will be like when this place isn't home anymore. So weird. The farthest away place that I have ever lived is only about half an hour away from the place that I grew up. And...why in this world do they call it "Hotlanta?" I would like to know.

So far the only things that I know about Atlanta amount to the following list...
1.Some people don't wear shoes or shirts in gas stations. I found this out on a girl scout trip when I was nine. I also discovered on that trip that the Embassy Suites is a wild party place on Saturday nights.
2.The city is infiltrated with CRAZY drivers. I prayed the whole time that Hubby and I were in the car.
3.There is alot of concrete and asphalt in the city. Oh, yeah, and I think that I saw some red clay.
4.Margaret Mitchell wrote Gone With the Wind there...and she also died on Peachtree Street when she was hit by a crazy Georgia driver.
5.Scarlett's Aunt Pittypat lives there.
6.I found a Jimmy Choo store! And there is some store called IKEA there that alot of people are fond of...but to which I have never frequented.

13 June, 2007

Such a gorgeous day outside. And...just 6 more days before I know if the pink flowery quilt that I am making will be needed in the nursery.

I would really love to watch "7 Brides for 7 Brothers" or "The Unsinkable Molly Brown" with a nice big veggie pizza. Or a John Wayne western with a nice, toasted hoagie sub. Or "Rear Window" or "Sabrina" with a plate of sushi. I haven't watched a movie in forever.

I was remembering yesterday what it was like to hold a tiny newborn in my arms. And I got so excited! Just 4 months and I will have my sweet little boy on my lap and my tiny, sweet baby in my arms. God has truly blessed me!

I was thinking this morning...At what point do you blindly trust God too much? Can it happen? How many times have I thought that when people say that God is in control that they are just behaving foolishly and using God as an excuse to do so. I mean...think about those people who won't take medicine or go to a doctor. They use the excuse that God will heal them without the medicine. Crazy, right? I'm not saying that God can't do that...Just read the New Testament. But maybe medicine and doctors are part of God's plan to heal people. God gives those people knowledge.
I have been reading Mark lately. And I was impressed by the story of the town that Christ went to where He couldn't perform miracles. He was impressed by their lack of faith. I don't want to be that town. But I don't want to take matters in my own hand and try to control God. Just because He can do something doesn't mean that He will do something. I know that He told us to ask and we will receive, but God is never "at our command." He is God.
So maybe it just all comes down to having alot of faith and listening for God's voice. He can do anything. But we have to be there and willing to hear what He is going to do for us. Without that combination, how many blessings we will miss... So prayer is key. And ...sometimes silence on our parts so that we can hear is also definitely needed. Maybe it is just that we need to remember what we are - dust - and what God is.

10 June, 2007

Randomness...I'm Bored

This has been a great birthday weekend. And...I have given Peanut the chance to practice blowing out the candles on Mommy's cake so that he will be ready to blow out the candles on his own little cake in just 9 days. Wow! My baby's going to be a year old...soon...How did the year go by so fast?

I finally feel pregnant. I feel heavy. And tired. And so EXCITED! I am going to have two little rugrats to play with in just 4 months. Yeah!

I am reading Jane Eyre again. Such a wonderful book. I love Jane...and Helen Burns...and Adelle...and Mrs.Fairfax...and even Bessie. I wonder if very many people have crazy wives in their attics who eventually burn down their houses? For those of you who haven't read the book - and shame upon you if you haven't - I wouldn't know where I got that idea. Read the book. I promise that I didn't give anything away...well, sort of. Just read it.

As soon as baby has arrived, I am thinking of only doing housework in a pretty dress and high heels...and a frilly apron with pockets and lace. I think that I could get more done that way. Oh...and pearls. And everynight when the babies are sleeping...I will pull out my workbasket and discuss politics with Hubby while I quilt or mend things. And I will serve a congealed salad with dinner at least one night a week...though I would never eat that crap...or let my babies eat that. Yucky! (It has horse's hooves in it.) And my babies will always have brushed hair and matching clothes...not matching to each other, though. And everything will be freshly ironed and starched. Including the handmade crocheted doilies lying around the house. And I will always have a small lamp on a table by an armchair near the window so that our house looks welcoming from the outside on cold, wintry nights. And it will smell like apple pie all year long. When it doesn't smell like freshly squeezed lemons. And people will slip up every once and again and call me "Mrs.Cleaver" or "Mrs. Reed." But only not on the days that me and my little wild Indians go outside and make mudpies or have "Act Like A Pirate Day"...

03 June, 2007

Now that I know what vanity size inflation is...It makes me mad to hear people talk about the fact that Marilyn Monroe wore a size 14. People! That is really like a size 8 or 10 - maybe - in today's catalog sizing charts. But I know that somewhere someone is going to use that argument to justify eating half a pizza or a huge quarter pounder with cheese and a large fry. Just plain sad.

So I found the cutest retro pattern. A dress with a huge skirt with petticoat underneath and the smartest little cropped jacket. So pretty. That is how I found out about the difference in the standard sizing charts and the catalog sizing charts. I was so worried because they didn't make the pattern small enough to fit my pre-pregnancy size. And I was all thinking that I would have to alter the pattern when I made it...and then I saw the measurements on the sizing chart. So everything works out in the end...and I learned that people will change alot to keep Americans obese...and feeling good about it.

Driving by a letter..."a" says "ahh"...Driving by a letter...

Never get a child's toy's song stuck in your head...It is awful.

I feel a headache coming on...

27 May, 2007

Thank you Marie and Vern for having the most fun wedding with the craziest dance floor and the best music. I got my first dance with my sweet little boy...who later wriggled out of my lap, grabbed my hand, and started stepping toward the dance floor for some more. And...I danced my crazy butt off until my feet hurt too bad to walk today. But...that's okay. I had a great time and two of my favorite people in the world...(might I add that they make some WONDERFUL German food?) are now experiencing the joyfulness that is married life...and I hope will add little German-food-eaters into the general population soon.

I love you both! Congratulations!!!!!!!

-----Just a side note...when the law offices of F and M get up and running...I think that a Christmas party extravaganza each year with a dance floor would be a much needed tax write-off. Just a suggestion...from one of the office managers. What do you think, Marie?

18 May, 2007

Hubby thinks it is a girl. He keeps reminding me that he was right last time. We will soon see. Just four more weeks...
No wonder Sauer's mustard and Dukes mayo are the best ever. Great story behind them both. Read this if you are bored.

17 May, 2007

On a mission to convert more people to the love of mopping...

Two things that make taking care of my family ...well...fun. The absolutely wonderful Libman Wonder Mop. I use this every night to mop my floors. The head is removable and machine washable. And you can buy refills. I hate mopping with a mop. I much prefer to mop on my hands and knees...I think that it cleans the floor so much better. But...this mop is absolutely wonderful. It cleans my floor almost perfectly. And it is so easy to use that I take just 5 minutes to mop my whole kitchen on my way to bed. Combine with Lysol 3-in-1 cleaner and you will be in mopping heaven. Heavy starch to use when ironing. I actually enjoy ironing my husband's shirts now. It makes his freshly ironed shirt look crisp and neat when he puts it on in the morning. And...it is fun to use. I can't explain it. Only those who have used it can understand.

Sad, isn't it? That's okay. I am still in love with my mop. Did I mention that I look forward to mopping my floors every night? If you haven't tried this mop...you must. You will be in love, too.

15 May, 2007

Wouldn't it be wonderful have a romantic dinner date at 21 in New York City...when the first snow flakes of the season are just about to fall...

14 May, 2007

It's always a good day when your doctor's office plays Offspring and Nirvana.

This is going by so much faster than before. I barely have time to realize that it is true. Wow...But this time I realize just what it means. And that makes me so excited I can barely sleep those few nights that I am not too tired to think about it for a few seconds as I lie awake in the dark...listening to my husband and baby sleep peacefully. I treasure those precious quiet moments.

10 May, 2007

Happy Confederate Memorial Day

07 May, 2007

I swear that I thought...and still think...that this is Kate Hudson and Ellen Degeneres instead of Kate Hudson and Owen Wilson. Maybe Owen and Ellen were twins separated at birth. Weird.

04 April, 2007

Thank God the virus is finally gone. I hate being sick.

If there was one thing that I want to impress on my children...There is no excuse for discourtesy to others. Even in anger, a gentleman or a lady does not say well calculated things intended to hurt another individual. I expect my children to consider the effect of their words and actions on those around them before they speak or act. And I expect my children to try to remove themselves from the company of those who would wish to break down the spirits and ideals of others...No malice or hate involved. But just to remove themselves from the presence of baser individuals who have no thought except for their own selfish ambitions.

I also want to teach my children that you are never too old to enjoy jumping on the bed. And icecream is always best eaten- at least when inside - in the security of your own bedroom while you are snuggled up in covers. Never feel stupid when you dance from the heart. Celebrate all of life's blessings. And don't be ashamed to cry. Guard your heart against hate and resentment, but welcome thoughts of charity toward others. Consult God first with everything...good, bad - it doesn't matter. Never think that you don't have time for a bubble bath. And always eat your vegetables. Even brussel sprouts. Don't discount someone's value just because they are different. The only Person's word that You should take for granted is God's. And never quit dreaming. Never grow up. And live every moment as if it were your last.

31 March, 2007

I hate being sick.

It's really weird to be sitting here popping pills and missing my baby. Thank goodness that I can drink ginger ale now without throwing up 15 minutes later...finally. I might even try to nibble on a saltine...Thank goodness for the drugs.

I bought an Easter egg decorating kit. For the past two years, Hubby and I have planned to dye Easter eggs together...to no avail. But this year...We HAVE TO. It is baby's first Easter. I am so excited!!!!!

I am officially addicted to reality TV. Dancing with the stars...though some of those little hoochies don't wear enough clothing to cover a hummingbird. American Idol...which isn't as interesting now that they are down to the top ten...I am so greatful for Sanjaya still being there to keep things interesting. The Donald...such a sexy devil.

This is the first day in probably over a year that I have not cleaned, scrubbed...Wait. That's wrong. But it would be correct if I said since I came home from the hospital with baby...It feels weird.

Hubby and baby bought me InStyle magazine today. And I devoured it. It is the absolute best magazine in the world.

Has anyone seen that new show - something about an American dream? I am still angry with all tv channels for taking my wife swap and bad children shows off of the air...but this show is hilarious. Now Peanut and mommy can laugh at weird people's goals and dreams instead of unruly, spoiled brats sitting in the naughty corner and hitting adults...

I love babies...my babies. Children are an absolute gift from God. And no one ever realizes just how much that is true until you feel your baby kick the inside of your belly or see their little faces light up when they see you...and then watch them crawl like fury to get into your arms. I miss my little boy...

16 March, 2007

I'm just a girl in the world...

I just read yet another article that - even though it wasn't even remotely related to the topic of differences in gender - just once again yelled to the world, "Women are exactly just the same as men."

Are you kidding me? Do we need to go over basic anatomy? Please, people. Women and men are completely different.

Okay, so society screams this, as well. Modern people make things so freaking confusing. You always hear, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus." And haven't we all heard men complain about how they don't understand women. And, you know what...I bet that deep down in everyone's secret thoughts they would very eagerly admit that working with a bunch of women is absolute HELL. (I can say these things because...well, I am a woman. Though I would hope that I don't talk about co-workers behind their backs or get moody for no reason or stab people in the back when they least expect it...)

Point is...I am so sick of feminism that I could puke. We absolutely cannot do everything that a man can do. That is why female athletes compete on different criteria. And how many female constuction workers have you seen in your lifetime? And the last time that I was in the maternity ward...Well, let's just say that I didn't see any men going through labor.

The fact is...men and women are completely different. And to tell our daughters, "Honey, you are just as good as a man...maybe better. Don't box yourself in by acting like a woman..." Which, though most might not exactly admit that is what they are saying...Let me tell you...That IS what they are saying...There are so many girls that are confused as crap now. They don't know what it means to be feminine. They know that they are different than the guys...but they mistakenly think that the only difference is physical. So they flaunt their bodies in hopes of attracting the opposite sex. It's almost as if they are saying..."Hey, look at me. I am a girl. I know that you wouldn't be able to tell any other way...Because I am just as strong as you and just as career oriented as you and just as good a leader as you...But I really am a girl...See..."
And if they do decide to wear covering clothing...Well, then they try to talk to draw attention to their bodies. They get eating disorders just to get attention and they talk about things that should never be discussed in mixed company...

What are we doing to our kids, people? Women are not "better" than men...they are just different. Since when did the attributes and strengths that God bestowed on woman become a mark of shame? I like the fact that I am weaker than my husband. I like taking care of our family...yes, that means cooking and cleaning and looking after our baby. I like that I know where everything is in our house because I put it there with my own two little hands. I like watching my husband be successful in his career while I care for the home while he is away. It doesn't bother me that Hubby makes the money and...well, I make the beds and the dinner. I don't need my own checking account. And, you know what - just while we are at it...I like my curves. I like my big "baby hips." (I would not, however, enjoy possessing a double chin, thunder thighs or a bedunkadunk (sp?) butt. Don't you love that commercial?) I am a woman - for crying out loud. I love the way that I look when I am pregnant. I love the fact that my body is 100% built for the job that God created me for.

And just while we are at it...I don't think that men are smarter than women. I just think that our brains are built differently. Men have a more focused intellect. Women can multitask. And with a baby underfoot...you have to multitask.

And here's one that is going to anger alot of women...I don't believe in women leaders. A woman President is just a bad idea. Let's look at Adam and Eve. Adam was given a position of leadership. And Eve was created as his help-meet. I may be stoned for saying this, but I don't think that women possess the leadership abilities that men do. Women are built completely different emotionally. We are nurturing. Men are strong leaders. But...as the saying goes...behind every man is a good woman. Let's just leave that there.

And I believe that men are supposed to be head of the household. There is nothing that I find more aggravating than a bossy, pushy, overbearing woman with a hen-pecked husband. I am very happy to let Hubby be head of the household. It is his God-given job. And I will not let my selfish pride get in the way of that. Men are supposed to love their wives as much as Christ loved the church...and Christ gave His life for the church. That's a very strong, selfless love. And for those of you who are still not convinced..."The church follows the head of Christ. In the same way, wives should follow the lead of their husbands in everything." Ephesians 5:24.

In short...God created us differently...men and women that is. We are absolutely not the same...and you know what? I'm kind of happy about that. And...I am happy to be a girl.

Klondike bars and a sunburned nose...

Every time that I read celebrity gossip...which isn't too often these days...I get the same thought. I wish that K-Fed would straighten up his act and get his butt in line. Then he could be a stable father to his two little boys. And...he could really help the Britster. Their marriage could be saved...I HATE divorce...and they could use their celebrity influence to open up their own rehab facility for troubled teens. And Britney would start putting out family friendly tunes that sold themselves because of their musical quality and not Britney's sexuality. Just a dream I have...

What would I do for a Klondike bar? Quite alot. I can't quit thinking about them. Yummmmmmm....

I must tell you how excited I am that the mall in town is going to be getting a Bebe store this spring! Such cute things...even if some of the things look a little slutty. It's just what you choose to wear...I am trying to think about things like that in the terms of "would I let my daughter wear that..." So, while I might buy some one-piece bathing suits this summer...I would still shop at Bebe.

I really want a daughter so that I can have a shopping buddy...but if I have all sons...I will still be the happiest woman on the face of the planet. I will just have to wait for daughter-in-laws to go shopping with. Even though my son isn't even a year old yet, I am already praying for his future wife - if that is God's will for him - and I must admit...I love her so much already even though I don't know who she is. I am praying that she and I will be Ruth and Naomi...just without the need of a Boaz.

Klondike bars...Klondike bars...sushi...klondike bars...

I want to watch Easter Parade with Judy Garland...And I want to eat a whole container of Chubby Hubby, and a Klondike bar, perhaps...And I want to wear a pretty new nightgown with pink flowers and ruffles...And I want to paint my fingernails and toenails and wear sweet smelling lotion...And a pink ribbon in my hair. And I want freshly shaved, slightly sunburned legs. And a sunburned nose. I know that it looks ridiculous...but I always wear my first sunburned nose of the season with pride.

14 March, 2007

Did you miss me?

I want a klondike bar...or 10 of them. Yum.

I hope that someday a wonderful, soon-to-be-married, greatly missed, soon-to-be-psychiatrist will have a black leather couch somewhere in her residence. And when Hubby and I go to visit her, I will lay down and start talking out of my head. Poor, Doc.

I think that I could eat corned beef and cabbage with yummy mustard sauce everyday of my life and that would be fine with me.

I am seriously considering becoming a partial vegetarian again...except for fast-food hamburgers and corned beef.

I live for the weekends. Last Saturday was so wonderful. And this weekend will be wonderful, too.

I really miss my Modest Mouse CD. I saw a modest mouse song butchered on American Idol by all of the contestants...It freaked me out a little. What really freaks me out...I am actually watching American Idol. And I am admitting it on my blog. What have I become?

If I had to choose what I wantd to eat right now...and I am hungry...but I refuse to eat just because I am hungry, because that is just a terrible reason to eat anything...I would eat fake sushi - cucumber rolls - a big, wonderful salad with boiled eggs, bell pepper, tomatoes, carrots, sunflower seeds, and cheese, and...hmmm...klonkide bars. Oh, yeah, and a steak. Okay, so add steak to the meaty things that I would still eat if I became a partial vegetarian. I think that my stomach is going to eat itself.

I have to iron tonight. I do not enjoy ironing - in the least...But I do very much enjoy the result of me ironing...My Hubby all dressed up.

There aren't many things more beautiful than the smile of my little boy. You know what...I can't think of any thing more beautiful. Thank You, God, for Your blessings on my life.

23 February, 2007

I'M HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY ALL THE TIME! I'm happy, happy, happy, happy, happy all the time. Since Jesus Christ came innnnnn....and He cleansed my heart from siiiiiinnnnnn....I'M HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY HAPPY ALL THE TIME!!!!

Okay, maybe not all the all the time...but right now I'm ecstatic. Praise God for His blessings!!!!
Such a great song! It just makes you happy to sing it...at the top of your lungs.

A few random thoughts...

- Now that I am seriously looking at people who are running in the next Presidential election...I really don't like the Republicans. But I truly, truly, truly can't stand the Democrats.

- I am happy. I have a WONDERFUL Hubby and a SWEET baby boy. And - did I mention that I was happy?

- I feel a little like the goose from Charlotte's Web tonight, tonight, tonight.

- I don't always agree with CS Lewis...but he writes a great story.

- Today felt like spring. And I am ready for spring...and sundresses with flip-flops. And flowers. And that makes me happy.

- I really wish that my hair would grow faster.

- I have wonderful family. And I got to spend time with my parents, my grandmother, and my brother today. And Hubby and baby were playing together tonight. And Hubby got Peanut hyper and rowdy at 9:30 at night...and I loved it.

- I like fishsticks. But I like mayonnaise and pickles better.

- My little boy loves cheese doodles. And green beans. And banana slices. And tomato pieces. And his mommy. And saying, "Dada." What's a mommy going to do?

-Warm weather is on the way! For good! I could kiss a groundhog right now.

13 February, 2007

Isn't it romantic?

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. And this time of year has always made me think of two things...spring...because April is getting really, really close...and romance. This year I have really been trying to think of something wonderfully romantic to surprise my Hubby with...

Hmmm...what would be romantic? Romance - at least to me - means the smell of roses and flickering candlelight and gleaming china plates and Frank Sinatra or Louis Armstrong or Rosemary Clooney playing softly in the background...and, of course, me in an ultra-femine dress...maybe something with a big, full skirt that is so full that it swooshes when I walk...and it would have to be black with just enough lace...and Hubby in a suit with no tie...And a meal that is elegant but easy...maybe quiche and cheese and chocolate covered strawberries...

But what really is "romantic?" Is it that scene in Sabrina where Humphrey Bogart is driving Audrey Hepburn and asking her to say things in French..."How do you say I have a yellow pencil?" ..."How do you say my brother has a yellow pencil?"..."How do you say my brother has a lovely girl?" ..."How do you say I wish that I were my brother?"

Or is it the scene in Casablanca, where Ingrid Bergman tells Humphrey Bogart, "Kiss me as if it were the last time."...all along knowing that they will be separated once he leaves Paris to escape the Germans because she won't really join him. Or maybe it's Rhett and Scarlett in burning Atlanta...'Kiss me, Scarlett. And know that you're sending a soldier to battle with a beautiful memory..."

No. Those things are beautiful...and entertaining. But that is not true romance. True romance is the time every evening when I hear Hubby's footsteps on the deck and my heart beats faster with happiness...no matter how tired I am. True romance is walking in the park pushing our little boy in his stroller. True romance is just living life with the man who captured my heart. Every day normal life. Not freaking out that he knows what I look like without foundation and blush. Knowing that he loves me enough to eat raw garlic on the top of his spaghetti without complaining. Holding hands when we pray together. Just the knowledge that until God calls one of us home, we will be together. And those are the moments I live for...when we are together.

Give me a kiss to build a dream on...

Hubby, every day that I wake up next to you and our little boy, I feel as if I am living that dream. I love you. Happy Valentine's.

08 February, 2007

My Hometown...

May I just start this off by saying...this is an angry blog.

I like the town that I live in. I like the fact that I can trace my family line back to the time before the Revolutionary War...and all of my ancestors lived HERE. Not someone near hear in the state. Not two towns away. HERE. No, not the area around the nearest large city. I'm talking about the tiny dot on the map that is succumbing to the wonderful plans being made for it to make huge money for those people who moved here five...ten...twenty years ago...if that long - let's try a year ago...or 3 months...that have no heritage here. Hey, they don't mind tearing down a gorgeous old house that was built in 1870s and still passes safety regulations. Heck, no. Let's tear that down and put up a strip mall.

If you take a walk with me downtown, I can still show you where my father lived when he was a boy. And the mill that my great-grandparents worked in. I can tell you stories that I have heard about various interesting characters who also lived right off of Main Street. But...if you really want the scoop...you should take a Main Street tour with my father. He remembers what the city was like before the Yankees moved in.

They have the house that my great-great-great grandmother was born in at the museum downtown. And the building that housed the restaurant that my great-grandparents owned on Main Street was still standing until about 9 months ago...when it was torn down to make way for a 4-story law office/bar that has yet to be built. The elementary school that I went to...and my father went to...and my grandfather went to, though they tore down that building...is just a little off of Main Street on Church Street. And in the area between Main Street and the elementary school...you'll find a graveyard. That is where my great-grandparents are buried. And my great-great-grandparents. And my great-great-great grandparents. And my father's two uncles that died in infancy...But, you see, I just found out that most of those people are "replaceable."

You see, my town was fortunate enough to have a gentleman move here from Philadelphia. He's really a great guy. He knows more about Lexington than any of us who have lived here for generations. And he knows that it reminds him of Philadelphia. Really. And I know this because I read his "from the editor" message in Lexington Life - the magazine he writes about this town...because he knows so much about us. Boy, am I glad that he got elected to town council!

This month, in his little note to the town of Lexington, he wrote about Mr.Boozer, who passed away recently. Now, just to clear things up, I have nothing against Mr.Boozer...But, he apparently used to have a little saying that went something like this:"If you think you're not replaceable, walk out the door of St.Stephens Church and look at the graveyard. It's full of people who thought they couldn't be replaced." After Mr.Boozer's death, the fine editor of Lexington Life had an epiphany. He realized that only a "select few passionate, creative souls and the contributions they make in our world are truly irreplaceable."

I wonder...as he stood in the graveyard that holds the memory of the town of Lexington...which people did he think could have been replaced? Which were the few that were irreplaceable? It's a question that can have no answer. The people are gone. The only thing that tells us they were there is a space of earth and a hunk of stone...and the impressions that they left on the people that they left behind and the city that they and their ancestors built.

My ancestor landed in Lexington by means of a charter from the king of England...who was only too willing to find German settlers to settle a piece of land called "Saxe Gotha." All the better that they were Germans...Saxe Gotha was part of a ten province area to create a buffer from the Indians for the people of Charleston. He settled and had three sons. For as far back as I can remember, I remember hearing stories about those three brothers. One of them was my direct ancestor. And all three of them fought - loyally - for the King of England in a little uprising we like to call the Revolutionary War. Two of the brothers left to explore Mississippi and Alabama. My ancestor stayed - despite the loss of land and fortune suffered by those who chose the wrong side. Maybe he is the one that we should replace...His grandson worked on a plantation until he could afford to marry his sweetheart and buy a little farm on Twelve Mile Creek in Lexington. This gentleman was also a Confederate soldier. (GASP! Let's replace him - surely.) In the infantry. And when he returned from war, his wife died just a few years later. The last records I have found of him place him in service as a manservant for some of his wife's relatives. What sort of "contribution" to society is that? His son is the young man who lived in Dutch Fork...but, just hold your horses...he married a girl who was from Lexington. And he walked all the way from Dutch Fork to Lexington - in the days before the dam was built - to court her. They had six children together - my great-grandfather being the youngest - before she died suddenly. Rumor has it that he died of a broken heart just a year or two after her. My great-grandfather served two terms in the Navy during World War II. Should we replace him?

I've only told you about one line of my family...but if you want more, just let me know. I have a whole passel of native-born Lexington ancestors.

I took my son to that graveyard in the not too distant past. And as I held him in my arms and showed him the grave sites that commemorate our family, I felt a sense of pride. And a sense of responsibility to teach him about those people to whom we are bound by honor , blood, and heritage. Maybe some people think of a city...and they suddenly see positions of power and dollar signs flashing before their eyes. Maybe they like the idea of developing beautiful farm land...that has belonged to the same family for generations. Maybe they like for public places to be filled with loud, arrogant, rude people who don't respect others' contributions...and who don't know that maybe if something has been a certain way for a long time,then maybe that's because it works and doesn't need to be changed. But let me tell you what this town means to me...this town is a way to connect with wonderful people that I have heard about for all of my life...and sometimes feel that I know...and definitely can't wait to meet some day...who have passed on long before I was even thought of. This town is my heritage. My history. And my home. No, I won't always live here. They will eventually force me out...in the way of progress. But when I die, I want to be buried somewhere near to land that my heart knew as home. Somewhere near where the bodies of my ancestors rest. You see, Mr Editor. There is something that only we Southerners can really understand :Towns are not about progress and money. Towns are about history and heritage - and people. Good. Bad. They are all irreplaceable. Money nor power can buy heritage. Just remember that the next time you try think about replacing people in my hometown.

07 February, 2007

Goal for this year=read at least 50 books...only 2 down...48 to go

My sourdough bread was WONDERFUL for breakfast this morning. Hot out of the oven. So good.

So...now the hard part is done and the starter is made. Looks like we will be having hot sourdough bread every 3-5 days. Yep. Weight watchers, I need you...or at least I really will soon...

A long, long time ago
I can still remember
How that music used to make me smile
And I knew that if I had my chance
I could make those people dance
And maybe they'd be happy for awhile.
But February made me shiver...

Wasn't it nice today? If my little boy wasn't feeling bad...There will be other sunny, warm days. And he and I will go swimming. Yeah for parents with a pool!!! (Okay - yeah for parents that are absolutely a gift from God. Yes, I definitely have the best parents in the world.)

Things that I would have done knowing what I know now...
-Never dated anyone but my husband. What a sweet thing to be able to say that your spouse is your first - and only - kiss. Or the only hand you ever held.
-I would have engaged in a few fist fights before I became a responsible parent. Yes, I have a temper. But what do you expect from someone with Scots-Irish ancestry? And, yes...I would love to stick a splintery board up a nurse's butt the next time they take a rectal temp when my child has just taken a big dose of Motrin. Especially when the doctor doesn't even look in my baby's throat or look up his nose. Or even know what the temp reading was. When someone messes with my child...Let's just say it makes me want to open up a can of Mama Grizzly Bear on their heinie.

I can't make up my mind if I like CS Lewis's fiction or not...Definitely well written...But what the heck is up with "Tash"? We'll see how Prince Caspian goes...And don't expect me to pick up any of his sci-fi. Too many nekked people. His mama would've been ashamed.

06 February, 2007

Sourdough fight sentiments...or is that right? Anyways...

My first attempt at making sourdough bread was a complete failure. I made a brick instead. However...I think that my second attempt will be purely delicious. I am letting the loaves rise for the final time before I bake them tomorrow morning. Yum. Ally, the starter at this site is really wonderful. It doesn't smell stinky at all. Just sweet and bread-y. I hope it works.

Have you ever wanted to get into a fight with someone? There are many times that I would like to give certain people a beat-down. Or just splash a glass of kool-aide in their face...while I'm wearing a gorgeously sexy black cocktail dress...Or maybe just give them a good ol' fashioned beat-down.
Yeah, a beat-down. Until they cry "uncle" and say that they're sorry. And promise to never do it again. That is mess with me again. Nor with any of my kin.

Listen to this. The Gone With the Wind quote for today. Let's see how long I can keep this going...

Oh, by the way...the quote is sort of an explanation of why I have never given anyone a real beat-down. Ladies don't express rude feelings...no matter how just those feelings are. But just if I wasn't a lady what wouldn't I...

Waiting for the dryer to stop...

Over 200 posts. Wow.

I was thinking today about some of the things that I would love to do before I die. The list is endless...almost. However, as a favor to those who are reading this - if there be any - I have considerable shortened the list. So...here goes...

I want...
1.to get a stamp on my passport...which means that I need to get a passport.
2.to build a sandcastle with my son and my Hubby
3.to know that I have played a part in leading someone to Jesus
4.to finally become a morning person
5.to go to a garden party
6.to wear white gloves and pearls
7.to see the Pacific Ocean...and dip my toes in the water
8.to be able to financially help someone unrelated to me for no other reason than the leading of the Holy Spirit
9.to have a picnic with a white linen tableclothe and crystal and candles and china plates
10.to learn how to do at least one dance well ...or at least well enough to avoid looking like a fool
11.to wear a dress with a HUGE skirt
12.to have a flock of children...all my own...asking me questions at the same time
13.to be in a place where all I can hear is nature...no cars...no noisy neighbors...no household appliances...
14.to see Alaska...the final American frontier...but only when there is lots of sunlight
15.to take a gourmet cooking lesson
16.to remember that the marriages of my children are a wonderful way to add to the family...without the pain of childbirth
17.to have grey hair
18.to play the piano once again
19.to run a marathon...with my son
20.to trust God so completely that the fear of the unknown - at least the unknown to me - has no place in my heart...sort of the way that I was always afraid of heights...except when I knew that my Daddy was lifting me up high. It was at those times that fear seemed irrelevant. God, help me to trust You...with everything. Like a child. Childlike trust. Complete. Without thought. Help me to remember that I am safe in the palm of your hand

For in the day of trouble,
he will keep me safe in his dwelling...

Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;
you have made my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.
I will praise the Lord, who counsels me,
even at night my heart instructs me.
I have set the Lord always before me.
Because he is at my right hacd,
I will not be shaken.
Psalm 16:5-8

03 February, 2007

Gotta love a groundhog...

The groundhog didn't see his shadow!!!!!!! Yeehaw!!!! Come on, warm weather...I miss you!!!!

All right, I have to make biscuits for Hubby now. I did promise.

Blue skies...nothing but blue skies from now on...
Never saw the sun shining so bright, when you're in love everything's right...

02 February, 2007

Jessica Simpson is a ho' who ain't fit to dust off Daisy's high heels...

I love my Hubby - with all of my heart...But...Bo Duke will always have a special place in my heart. Ain't he pretty? I fell in love with him when I was three years old.

Just some good ol' boys
Never meanin' no harm
Beats all you never saw
Been in trouble with the law
Since the day they was born...

Don't you just love that show? I mean...any show that has Waylon Jennings as narrator...and has him singing the theme song. Wow. And what a car! I must confess...I would take a '69 Dodge Charger with a horn that plays Dixie any day over a mercedes or a BMW or...anything else on wheels.

Staightenin' the curves,
Flattenin' the hills
Someday that mountain might get 'em but the law never will...

And I always wanted to be Daisy Duke. She wore heels with everything. I wonder what the other mothers at storytime would do if I turned up in a pair of cut-off shorts and high heels...and hose...Guess we'll have to wait and see...

Makin' their way the only way they know how.
That's just a little bit more than the law will allow.

I think that I should very much like to put some Waylon in the CD player and see how fast my little car could go on a country road again...

Just two good ol' boys. Wouldn't change if they could...

Thank goodness for that. Don't we just love 'em like they are. Only...they need to stay away from all of those floozies...and the moonshine.

Fightin' the system like two modern day Robin Hoods.


01 February, 2007

Gone With the Wind and Coffee

Here are some very optimistic words to remind us that the rain and cold can't last forever.

And to those of you who say that they don't appreciate the genius of this movie...I say "Fiddle-dee-dee."

31 January, 2007

Not Opinionated at all...sort of...

My sourdough bread did not turn out well. I did not even bake it. It was awful. So...I am going to try again. This time with another sourdough starter recipe.

Peanut has another earache. I hold him as long as he wants me to. My poor little boy!!!

I wish that I was 50 pounds lighter (wow...I'd be riding in a booster seat according to the guy at Babies-R-Us...), 4 shades tanner, many IQ points smarter, $1,000,000 richer, at least 30 degrees warmer with a tractor and 10 feet of long luxurious hair - that was all my own and did not come from Natural Wig. Oh, yeah...just one more thing...a whole basketful of fresh, South Carolina grown peaches. And my little boy without any earaches so that he could feel back to his rowdy little self.

I want peaches. And I have been thinking about peaches all morning. So...here is a list of things that I would do for a basket containing 5 fresh peaches.

1.I would get in an airplane for a flight around Columbia - as long as the peaches were in the airplane.
2.I would run five miles...pushing the baby jogger.
3.I would give up chocolate for 5 months.
4.I would wear hair curlers and slippers to the store.
5.I would go on American Idol and sing "I can't dance and I really can't sing..."That's all the words I know.
6.I would - gulp- allow a magnetic soccer ball to be placed on the back of my car for 15 minutes.
7.I would camp in the woods for 2 nights with - get this - no hair dryer, or clean shower, or ...okay, I do have to put my foot down at some point.
8.I would watch a two hour marathon of Veggie Tales.
9.I would - maybe - touch a hamster with one finger for 2 seconds...if it was a very clean hamster.
10.I would stuff a whole bag of Fluffy Stuff in my mouth at once...okay, make that 2 bags.
11.I would agree to not wear pink for a month.
12.I would dress up like Ronald McDonald and go to McDonalds for lunch.
13.I would eat one mouthful of one menu item from Waffle House.
14.I would walk through a haunted house - a really haunted house...as long as Hubby or someone was with me.
15.I would tap dance to a Britney Spear's song on a street corner of a busy city.
16.I would eat an anchovie.
17.I would start "Operation:Make Clothes for Naked Statues" project where I would sew clothes to be placed on naked statues all across the world. But I feel like doing this one anyway.
18.I would read "Moby Dick" in its entirety - cover to cover.
19.I would wear Mom Jorts to the mall...complete with aplique vest and sequined teddy bear t-shirt. And decorated Keds with colored scrunch socks. Sexy. Oooo Lala!!! So sexy.
20.I would agree to not write another blog for 3 months.

Hubby, let's become peach farmers!!!! Yeah!!! Peaches and John Deer tractors! A match made in heaven if there ever was...

29 January, 2007

Biltmore is a wonderful, wonderful place.

The only thing that could have made this picture better is if I could have found a picture with a tractor in front of the house. With Hubby and my wonderfully cute little boy on the tractor.

Hubby and I went to Biltmore last Saturday. Can I just say that it was FANTASTIC?!!! I had an absolutely wonderful time. And I almost cried on the tour. And I almost hurt a Yankee woman, too. First of all...I almost cried - not at the beautifullness of the house...and it was beautiful...but when I heard the story of George and Edith...and how much they loved each other. Just to think that love like that transcends culture and time and monetary status...and becomes a universal common denominator among humans. Beautiful. And then I thought about how little time he had with his wife. And then I thought about her... she had to live for 30 or 40 years without him. And I felt such sadness for them that I had to really concentrate to keep from crying.

Now to my anger management issues...Hubby and I paid to get the audio sets when we toured the house. And we didn't get to go into the house until 6pm because of the crowds...So we were on a tight time table. So...we are meandering through the house with our little ear phones on. And there is this huge group of rednecks near us. From Lexington. Go figure. And they are talking so loudly that I can hear every word - even with my headset turned as loud as it will go. And then there is the Yankee woman. She catches up with us in one of the bedrooms. I must look nice. Too bad I am not nice. Dumb-dumb didn't have an audio set. So...she decides to start asking me questions. I do not work there! I did not take the tour so that I could tell her everyone in every painting in the room. But...Ms.Dummyhead starts asking me who one of the children in the painting was. Why that particular child in that particular painting I will never know. I am trying really hard to be polite. So, I tell her what I just heard on my set - no thanks to her big mouth. And then the bimbo starts yelling at me that the person that I just told her about was not the person that she wanted to know about. I then very curtly told her that I did not know - and made a show of trying to turn up the volume on the set.

To make things worse...she got on the shuttle bus with Hubby and I to go back to the parking lot. Let me just clarify...I HATE shuttle buses. They give me the willies. I think that it has something to do with the shuttlebus I was on in Vegas...with the guy very high on drugs...And then there was the shuttle bus in Memphis with all of the senior citizens singing along with Elvis...and the punky girls with blue hair and piercings going to the recording studio downtown. Let's just say that after that I felt like I needed a nice, hot shower with lots and lots of soap and 30 minutes of my life back. So this was another shuttle bus experience. Here is a list of things that will make that bus trip forever bring back thoughts of injuring Yankee woman with big mouths...
1.Yankee woman told her teenage granddaughter that she should keep her brochure for a school project. (The granddaughter was a little old to cut out pictures for a school project...) Get this - "If you ever need a project on the South...Biltmore is a great thing to write about in the South." It may be in the South, you Yankee, but it ain't Southern. I wanted to shove a sweet potato pie in her face.
2.Then Yankee woman tried to pick a fight with the bus driver over driving her closer to her car...which was only about 20 feet from the place where he stopped. And this is after she walked through a four story house with no complaint. She really needed the walk, anyway.

Even though I act really agravated...she really did provide entertainment. And the house was SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!I think that it was just what Hubby and I needed...a very nice date. If you haven't seen it yet, you should definitely go to Biltmore! I can't wait to take my little boy there when the roses are in bloom!!!

27 January, 2007

Just makes you want to dance...

Hey, Marie and Verne...
Don't hire a DJ for the reception...
Hubby and I have been preparing a wedding extravaganza celebration dance to entertain all of your guests. Enjoy a preview.

26 January, 2007

Very, very opinionated. Reader Beware.

After reading that link, I do have to be opinionated. Wow. First of all - Do people really do this? But then again...I thought that the first few people who told me to rub liquor on a baby's gums were only joking.

My first question is...So how do you know if you can't function well enough to drive...or take care of a child? I've often wondered this. And if someone can tell me, the concept has always fascinated me. Is there just completely sober ...and then suddenly drunk? It's something that I haven't experienced so maybe I'm not the best person to talk about it. If you would have a designated driver, shouldn't you have a designated parent?

Another thing that struck me as interesting is the writer's stance on not drinking around your children.(Actually, this was not the writer, but it was in one of the comments.)They almost make it seem like a detriment to children. I think that the point that was being made is something along the lines of if the children don't see parents drinking alcohol, then they will binge drink in an act of rebellion when they get to college. So...maybe that means that we should toke up around them, too. And get a stripper pole in the living room. Because, while it would break my heart for my son to party hard with alcohol, it would really kill me for him to engage in those other behaviors. So maybe I will just desensitize him to everything so that he won't really care about it all and I can hope that he doesn't use those things to rebel against me.

Seriously, just from my personal experience...When a child gets to a certain age, they will make their own decisions. I grew up in a home where alcohol was a taboo thing. My parents didn't drink - whether I was there or not. My parents didn't allow others to drink in our home. I was taught that alcohol can be the root of alot of negativity. And even at it's best, you can still live without it. It just doesn't add anything to your life...except maybe the potential for addiction. I don't drink now - or ever. Disclaimer here: I don't think that other people who drink should be condemned...and I don't think that everyone who drinks is an alcoholic. It's a choice that each individual should make for themselves. And I think that to stop a behavior that you do not feel a personal conviction over can very well be a step of hypocrisy...unless you listen to Paul in Corinthians where he says that if you believe an action is right, but your neighbor believes it is wrong and you are causing your neighbor to sin by judging you...then you should stop the behavior to keep your neighbor from sinning. But back to the point...I've seen far too many homes where alcohol is welcomed...and the parent's don't have a problem with addiction, but the children do.

Bottom line of the article does not deal with whether drinking in and of itself is right or wrong. The bottom line of the article is that children should not change your life at all. Can I just say, "WHAT?!!" I now pause to chuckle. Have you not heard of the phrase "a baby changes everything"? Yeah, I wasn't exactly in the habit of chugging down Brewskies and getting my groove thing on at KnockKnock before Peanut was born...But my life still changed drastically. In ways that I didn't think about until it happened. No more midnight runs. No more going out to dinner with friends at a restaurant. Why? My little boy has a bedtime...and somewhat of a routine. No more phone conversations where I can fully concentrate on what I am saying...unless Peanut is taking a nap. It's a good day when I find time to put on makeup. And this is coming from the girl who used to wear makeup to the gym and grocery store...once upon a time.

Here's the point - Life does change when you are a parent. You can't get around it. You can't only think about yourself...though there are many parents who do just that...And I'm not talking about thinking about yourself all the time. I'm talking about thinking about yourself any of the time. When you have a child you make sacrifices. You look out for their best interest 24/7/365.25. And that is the way it should be. And, yes, I am fighting the soccer mom image as much - or more- than anyone. I feel like vomitting when I think that I could one day be mistaken for a "soccer mom." Yuck. I would much prefer to be Lorelei Gilmore - only with a few more morals - or even June Cleaver. But I will not put myself and my individuality over the my child's best interest. I want Peanut to know that unless I am knocked over the head...Mommy will always be there to protect him while he can't protect himself...and maybe even after that, too. And I want him to know how much I love him. And I don't ever want those words to come out of my mouth while I'm under the influence of some substance that I need to drink so that I can prove that I am still the same person that I was before I had my child...I've had relatives who didn't mind getting a "buzz" around me. It's just kind of funny how they would choose those moments to tell me how much they loved me. I don't want my son to go through that. Kids are smarter than most adults give them credit for. I think that there are many things that help destroy parent-child relationships...and I think that a lack of trust is definitely one of those things. I want my son to be independent. But not too soon. I want him to be able to be a child and know that Mommy and Daddy will make things all right...so that he can just relax.

Here's another question I have - why does not drinking alcohol have to separate you from those who do drink? I have friends - very good, close friends - who drink. Some of them even drink around me.Thank God that they don't see me as hypocritical, judgmental, unsociable pariah. But I have had tons of friends who dropped me when they found out that I wouldn't drink with them when I turned 21. The closest thing to condemnation that I expressed to them is concern over them driving themselves home while drinking. Apparently, offerring to drive them home when they weren't speaking coherently was insulting. If drinking is the only thing that you can have in common with someone ...that is really sad.

And here comes the opinionated part - drinking around your children is bad parenting. It is as bad - or worse than - leaving them unsupervised. Those parents do a great job of shirking off responsibilty when being responsible isn't convenient.What an example. Frankly, maybe if they tried playing with their kids they wouldn't need the alcohol to feel good or enjoy life. Seeing my baby smile is the best mood-lifter I have ever known. And if you were offended...you shouldn't have read it. Or maybe you should. Maybe you should think about it.

On another note...and a very unrelated not at that...I am very, very close to actually being a Daughter of the Confederacy!! Woohoo!

24 January, 2007

This one is very opinionated.

I don't know how many people read CNN.com - but did you hear about the family that got kicked off of an airplane because their three year old daughter was crying too much? Apparently, as the child was being put on the plane, she started pitching a temper tantrum. And that's why the family was asked to get off of the plane. And told that they could not board another plane for at least 24 hours.

As a parent, I have mixed emotions about this. Just to clear things up - my son cries alot of the time when he is being put into his carseat...unless I do this nifty little trick where I give him my keys while he is being buckled in and then trade them out for puppy afterwards. But my little boy is only 7 months old. That's a big difference from being three years old.

I think that it is kind of funny that the parents are outraged over this. Okay, so you went on vacation to Florida...and you are trying to get back home. So maybe that would make me upset that I was delayed because my child didn't know how to behave. But do the other passengers really deserve to sit on a flight that lasts for more than five minutes with a screaming child?
I would go crazy.

I think that it is really funny that some parents think that their child shouldn't know how to behave until they are 25. Maybe I just haven't gotten there yet, but I think that a three year old should know that you don't scream and cry in a public place...among many other things that a three year old should know. You don't hit. You don't talk back to parents. You don't run inside. You say "ma'am" and "sir." You stop the first time that the word is said to you. When food is put in front of you, you may not have to eat the starch or the meat...but you better at least eat one mouthful of the vegetables. You don't touch things that are not yours. And, yes, there are times that children should be seen and not heard crying - such as on an airplane.

I just have to throw this out there...I like children. I would be thrilled to pieces to have 20 kids. My dream is to be the old woman in the shoe...who had so many kids that she didn't know what to do. Only maybe I would be the old woman in the farmhouse instead of the shoe...Just a thought. But sometimes I don't like parents. It's easier to not correct a child. It is easier to take away anything that might get broken than to chase after an infant and say "no." It's easier to blame bad behavior in public on the lack of a nap. And it's easier to do what you want to do without considering what would be best for your child. Example...boarding a flight with a three year old that doesn't know how to behave.

Here's where my other point of view comes in...Maybe the child was scared. I would be tempted to scream and cry on an airplane, too. But she did okay on the flight to Florida.

Yes, this is a very opinionated blog. But that is why I blog. Everyone has an opinion. The nice thing is...this is the only way that I will express this opinion - unless the conversation leads directly to the subject. If you don't like it, don't read it.

So - to finish this - while it is shocking that the family was thrown off the plane...Good for the pilot or flight attendant or whoever. And I wish that more restaurants would refuse to serve toddlers who scream and yell and throw food when they are big enough to know better. (You can tell that I am scarred from my waittressing days...)

22 January, 2007

Good Day for Gone With the Wind and Coffee...and Chocolate Icecream and Pickles

Check this out. Kind of sad, huh?


That is why Peanut and I are going to celebrate Hubby's B-day and Peanut's UN-birthday. So put on your party hats, baby!!!! Wait a minute...is that sunshine I see trying to break through the clouds...And maybe Peanut and I can take a nice lunch to Hubby...then we will get to see him for 5 minutes during the daytime...And Peanut is definitely all smiles today. So cute. So maybe they are wrong. Sunshine, please come out!!!!!! I miss you and I love you and I miss you SO MUCH!!!!!!!

This one will make you smile...if you have a weird sense of humor like I do. Hahahahaha!!! Laughter makes the most depressing day of the year a little less depressing...Well, that article and this dream that I have. I would like to pretend to be insane for maybe a day or two...just long enough that I could call a bunch of people that...well, just say we don't always jive...and I would pretend that I have Tourrette's and I would just say a string of curse words the minute they said "hello." And then I would have to hang up before I burst out laughing. And I would go to the grocery store and pretend that I was an opera singer. But I haven't the courage or the self-hate to engage in these behaviors. Therefore, I will practice my wedding special extravaganza for a very special cousin of mine. I am going to perform a song called...."MrsPhreedom-ilicious." Complete with a dance.

21 January, 2007

It's Raining

Life is crazy. Rain is depressing. So sad. Rain, rain go away!!!! I want warm sunshine!!!!

Hubby's birthday extravaganza began yesterday. We went to the circus. And he didn't even know that was what I had planned until I told him yesterday!!!! I am so proud of myself - it's so hard to keep secrets from him. I talk too much for that. But I did it!!!!I tried to make him think that we were going to see Rent instead. That would have been hilarious.

I think that calling a steak "Black Angus" is disgusting. But then again ...I have a weird list of things that ruin my appetite. Picturing the fuzzy black hair and the cute little eyes of my steak is just one of the most sane things that ruins my appetite. Some of the other things are a little bizzarre. As is the spelling I chose for that word.

I didn't wash my hair today before I went out of the door. I scrubbed...and I mean scrubbed...my floor instead. And that made me feel weird. And old. Really old.

Sometimes I think that preparing for life is as pointless as preparing a gourmet meal that is going to be consumed in an hour at the longest. You can't help but enjoy it...but it sure is over fast. And that will probably make no sense to anyone but me. Life is not like a box of chocolates. Life is Christmas day. And every Christmas Day I sit and think that it will be over in 24 little hours. And alot of those will be spent sleeping. Kind of like a Sunday. The next day is Monday. And I think about that all day on Sunday. Sad isn't it?

I wish that I could smell a flower. A pink rose. On my farm. And I would let Peanut smell it, too. He has never smelled a pink rose before. And he has never smelled a pink rose on a farm...after a rain. I would not be surprised at all if Heaven wasn't filled with pink roses covered in raindrops. While I'm scared to death (ha ha) about the journey there...I think I'm going to like that place...

18 January, 2007

We Could Be Farmers!!!!!!

It is cold today. And I am 10% a man. I wonder which ten percent of me that is... What if that quiz was wrong and I'm really 15% a man. WOW...That could be freaky. The thing is...when I took that quiz I was really trying to tap into my inner man.

What would life be like on a farm today...I know that we would have smoke coming out of all 4 chimneys on our farm house. And the animals would be taken care of and all snug in their barn. And I would keep the perculator brewing coffee all day. And we would eat chicken and dumplings...with the good homemade flour dumplings like my Mama makes. Yum. And Hubby would look very handsome in his appropriately worn-out blue jeans and flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up to reveal his thermal shirt underneath. And I would have a pretty blue house dress on - with a clean white apron tied over it. And Peanut...well, Peanut is always the most handsome little boy that I have ever seen. And I would make my aunt's carrot cake - or at least try to...because it is the BEST carrot cake in the world...and I have been wanting it really badly lately...and I just remembered that she gave me the recipe at my bridal shower. Plus...anything cooked with a vegetable in it must be good for you. Right?

If I can get the house work done before I am so exhausted that I just crash...I really wish that I could start making my yo-yo quilt. But Peanut needs constant attention now that he is crawling everywhere. He is the cutest baby in the world!!! And the most fun!!!

I hate cold weather. Summer, I miss you!!!!

15 January, 2007

I still see tractors in my dreams...

I almost cried when the weatherman said that cold weather would be moving in for an extended period of time. Boo!!!!

Peanut and Mommy are going to go to the park today and bid a tearful goodbye to the warm sunshine - if it must go and leave us for a little while. But we'll eagerly await until he comes to visit us again for about a six month stretch. Yeah for summer!!!!!

I can't wait to make this recipe for pork and prunes. It sounds a little weird, I know. But I bet it will be a good combination. I think that I will make french onion soup as a starter. Then the pork with creamed spinach and les haricots verts et pommes gratin. And for dessert, if I feel really adventurous, maybe some floating islands. And this will be the meal that will start off Hubby's birthday celebration, which I have decided to start early on Friday instead of Saturday. Just for the record...Birthdays are a BIG deal in this family!!! Yeah for birthdays!!!!

I am really excited about Valentines' Day with my husband this year. I am already making plans for us. He knows most of what I have planned for us to do...he knows where we are going to eat...but I want to surprise him with something...I will have to put on my thinking cap. But his b-day...hopefully he doesn't have a clue. I like surprising him.

I have to blanch collards today so that I can freeze them. So good.

I need to make Navajo tacos soon. They are so good, and Hubby has never eaten them. I have never cooked them...maybe I can talk my mom into helping me. Yummo!!!!

I think that I will leave pictures of tractors all over the house today. Maybe Hubby will get the hint. WE NEED TO BECOME FARMERS!!!!With a John Deere tractor!! I know where the John Deere dealership is, Hubby!!!And I'm not afraid to go there!! Hubby, if I can't have the tractor, can I at least have the hat and a big belt buckle? So that I can just sit in the car with my eyes closed and pretend that I am in a tractor? Please?

Oh...I have to brag. Hubby surprised me with a date in the middle of the week last week. He even had a babysitter arranged. He called me and told me to be ready and to not worry about cooking dinner. He took me to see Charlotte's Web. Such a wonderful movie!!! And now I want a farm with a pig named Wilbur and alot of spiders. As long as I don't get web anywhere on me ...or the spiders don't land on me either. And no smokehouse!!!!!!

14 January, 2007

I still want a tractor...

This week starts off the week that is before the birthday week of my Hubby. So, I have alot of preparing to do. First of all, I need a complete wish menu made by my handsome Hubby. That means that all of his favorite food will be prepared from the Saturday before his birthday until the Saturday after his birthday. I am excited.

Tomorrow is Monday. And the weekend will be over. I really liked this weekend. Bye bye, weekend. I will miss you. But I will always remember you.

My baby now officially has two teeth. And he officially likes peach puffs...and monkey puffs...But he definitely officially LOVES his mommy. And his mommy definitely ADORES him.

I ran today with Hubby. And peanut. It was nice. Really, really nice.

Hubby and I are going to start the Wee-Miss-Verne-Club. Verne, the next time that you decide you want to go somewhere far away like Boston, you need to buy your own magic jet or your own magic magician guy who can get you back to SC really quick for fondue and stuff. We promise not to make shrimp anymore. (Hubby thinks that our club name sounds like "Little Miss Verne Club." I didn't get it, so I figured that you wouldn't either.)

I am going to try to take Peanut to storytime at the library. I am so excited!!!! They have finger puppets that the mommies get to play with, too!!!! Yeah!!!!

I am still trying to convince Hubby to buy a tractor. A John Deere tractor. We could sell our cars if we lived on a farm, Hubby. Do you think that I would have to put Peanut in a car seat to ride on the tractor with Mommy? I WANT A TRACTOR!!!!!!

Let's go to Luchanbach, Texas with Waylon and Willie and the boys...Well, maybe not Texas, but somewhere out in the wilds of South Carolina sounds good to me. With trees. So that I can hug them. And no Thug Huts around. And a big, green and yellow tractor.