25 February, 2009



1.I still really want to know if I could get a ride from a complete stranger just by showing a little leg. What a wonderful way to save on gas money...

2.Sometimes I laugh when other people's children misbehave. Quit kidding yourself and own up to it - you think it's funny, too.

3.I have the ability to eat a whole bag of mini Snicker bars at one sitting... Oh, yum...

4.I often want to shoot people with water guns. Strangers, people I know...yeah, it doesn't matter.

5.I have an awful crush on Robin Hood. He's soooooo ...sooo - well, foxy.

6.I am contemplating stealing my daughter's princess tiara - just for a day. I really love the way it feels on my head. I just want to wear it around town and wave at passing cars.

7.I so greatly dislike snakes that I will not take my children into the reptile complex at the zoo unless we are with other people.

8.I have always wanted a bed so high that I would need a step stool to climb up into it.

9.I have really always wanted a pair of pink leg warmers. If I ever find them...

10. It is nearly 2am, and I am just now getting sleepy... By the way, I can eat a 2 piece fried chicken snack from Zesto's in 28.6 seconds flat. I think that I could eat one in 16.9 seconds right now...I am sooooo hungry....

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