Okay, so another cute baby picture I found online. I can't wait to have pictures of my baby!! I was trying to imagine what it is going to be like last night. I am so excited!
I had this funny dream last night. I dreamed that I could actually feel Peanut kicking. It was magical. Then I woke up - and realized that soon I will be able to feel little Peanut. And not long after that I will hold Peanut. The love that I feel for this little squirming creature inside me is incredible. This is truly one of the greatest miracles that could happen to Hubby and me!!
I am going through so many changes right now. Trusting God is more imperative than it ever has been before, probably.( Then again, has there ever been a time when I felt like I didn't need to trust Him - that I could handle things on my own?) Right now my body is changing alot. Already, I have NO waist. I am tired, and sick - except for about 3 hours in the middle of the afternoon. I cry at Hallmark commercials. (Yeah, I know - it's pathetic. Hubby tries to keep a straight face.) My plans for grad school are gone - for now. And you know what - I couldn't be more happy. This shows me that what I think is good for myself may not always be good for me. But, God's plan is always awesome! So, once again, I am reminded that I don't have to worry. God has things under control. I can just sit back and take commands and NOT WORRY!!! Believe me, I am very tempted to worry - alot. But then I hear the reassuring, all-powerful Voice that I have learned to love and trust saying, "Haven't I always taken care of you? Isn't it Me who is building this baby right there inside of you? Then relax already. It's okay. I've got it."
I made gingerbread cookies with my mom and dad and Hubby tonight. It was so much fun! Christmas is coming soon! There is so much to celebrate!!! Yeah!!
When I was driving home alone tonight, I just kept thinking about how awesome God is. Lately my praise for Him has been centered around how He has been affecting my life. And then the realization came upon me tonight - praise like that is so easy to give. I want to give the kind of praise that comes for no reason, as well. I want to just sit back and quit thinking about myself and really think about Him. I want to tell others. I want to REALLY PRAISE Him. I want the kind of adoration for God that comes just because He is God. It is there - alot - in my heart. But, I want MORE!!! I want people to be able to see it. I don't want to hide it - or forget it - or base it on circumstances. I have to end this with Scripture again. This comes from Psalms 96.
"Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come into his courts. Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness; tremble before him, all the earth."
Wifey, that's a Freaky Picture there...like he's eyeing me up or something.
go there
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