"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty;
the whole earth is full of his glory."
Isaiah 6:3
If you want chills, read Isaiah 6. God is SO much greater than a mere mortal will ever know. Can you imagine? Even the angels have to shield their eyes with their wings.
I want my soul to dance for God today. I want to worship Him. He so deserves our worship! He is the Creator of everything - the Ruler of the Universe! And despite the fact that I am mere dust that doesn't even deserve to THINK about being able to talk to Him, He loved me enough to come to earth in the shell of a man's form to die a cruel death at the hands of men that He created - all of this so that I would have a way to enjoy His presence. PRAISE HIM, PEOPLE!!!
Easter is only a month away. Get ready, people. Prepare your hearts! This is a HUGE, ENORMOUS celebration for God's people. Christ conquered death and evil and sin once and for all! Our fates have been decided! Let's celebrate! We've won through Christ!
On top of being so blessed to have a chance at ETERNAL LIFE, God still blesses me! Isn't it amazing? WOW! Here are some of my blessings:
1.A WONDERFUL Hubby. I love this man SO much!
2.The wonderful miracle that is this baby being formed inside of me! Baby boys are such a blessing!
3.The best parents in the world. Thanks, Dad and Mom, for being there when I need you.
4.A new house! Two weeks, baby!
5.Wonderful, encouraging friends
6.A life renewed daily through direct communion with Christ. Isn't it an awesome thought!
8.Joy that doesn't need to be dependent on circumstances - and a God who reminds me of this when I forget.
9.The promise that God will take care of my child...
Wow, that reminds me.
My mom and I were talking the other day. We were talking about the baby, and about how I just want my child to be totally devoted to Christ - from the start. My mom had been reading 2 Timothy, and God had reminded me of this also. But, in the beginning of 2Timothy, Paul talks about how Timothy's mom and grandmom loved God and began instilling that love into Timothy. And then in 2 Timothy 3:14-15 Paul tells Timothy that he( Timothy) knew the Scriptures from a young age. And I could just see someone telling Peanut those words one day - to remind him to hang on to the grace of the gospel. Hubby and I have an awesome responsibility, but God is going to bless us here, too. Thank God for His blessings!
Let's just praise God today, y'all!
16 March, 2006
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