Okay, so just when I think that the urge to blog has diminished - POW! It's back. I feel that I must stop and blog this morning.
Want to know something strange? I woke up this morning before 8am. Normally I wake up at 11:30 and drag myself out of bed. I am not a morning person and lately, a cute little parasite has been draining all of my energy. Not this morning. All I want to do is clean, clean, clean...Weird, huh? Maybe Hubby's prayers for a clean study have been answered. It has been really slow going on that project lately. I unpack one box and am suddenly unable to move. Hopefully today I will be able to git 'er done. So, I am using my blogging to schedule my day.
Mrs.Phreedom's Day: ----- :)
1.clean breakfast dishes (I cooked Hubby breakfast this morning.)
2.clean study
3.mop kitchen floor
4.wash clothes
5.dust downstairs
6.vacuum downstairs (maybe clean carpets again)
7.paint mirror for dining room
8.go to grocery store
9.make bed with clean sheets
10.dust and vacuum bedroom (always in that order)
11.go spoil Lance and Gwen and work on tan (provided that the sun cooperates)
I had sugar-free hot chocolate this morning. Yum.
I would really, really like to get my wedding dress out of my car. It has been there since the move. I need to find a place where I know that it will not be smooshed. It needs to be in good condition to wear to Peanut's wedding. (Have you ever seen "Monster-In-Law?")
Isn't "smooshed" a fun word to say? So much onomatapeia. (Did I spell that correctly? Probably not. But that is another fun word to say.) More fun words to say - precocious, umbrage, yeehaw, sugar, declare, yeehaw whimididdle, quintessential, butter, baby... Fun phrases are - "that there yeller dog," "hold up a minute," "it wasn't loaded," "you gonna eat that," "how come," "I declare," "jumpin' Jehosaphat," "go back up North where you belong"....
I would like to unlock my inner-dancing-diva. Wouldn't you like to see that? I learned one of the dance routines from "Chicago" once upon a jazz class. And - I have the soundtrack to the movie. I wonder what the neighbors would think....
Why are some little kids so bad? I hope that Peanut is an angel like his mommy. Hubby was explaining something to me today - I forget what because I only remember his example - oh, yeah, it was about puppies. He was telling me about how little kids hit each other because they don't really believe that it will hurt the person that they are hitting. I say "bull malarky." When I hit my little brother I wanted it to hurt. The only thing I was thinking about was if Mama could see us. And she always could. My mother must have been born with eyes in the back of her head. She would have made a great spy. No matter how far away from us she was, she always knew just what was up. You can't sneak anything past that little lady. And my brother and I were sneaky little kids...
I would like to break dance in the middle of the floor to the worst '80s music that I could find. Hey, Doc - if you are reading this - how about having break-dancing at the reception? Wouldn't that be awesome?!!!!!I wish that I would have thought about it last August when I got married. Hubby and I could have had our first dance as a break dance. Wow. That would have been so cool!!!!
23 May, 2006
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