Peanut rolled over today - and I saw it!!! I was so excited! He cried yesterday morning, and when I went to change him - he was on his back!!!And the same thing this morning! And then today, he was playing on the floor on his tummy...And he flipped over!!! He is growing up so fast! Everyday is more and more fun with him. I can't imagine life without him!
And - while he is still Mommy's little boy...He absolutely goes gaga for his Daddy. Saturday he was lovin' having his Daddy home. And he didn't want to go to sleep last night becausee he was playing with Daddy. I love to see them play together!
...And he loves applesauce! He has started grabbing the spoon when I feed him. It's really cute - and messy. He gets applesauce all over his hands, my hands, his face, my face, his shirt, my shirt...You get the point. Feeding him is definitely an adventure.
I have given up on reading This Side of Paradise. What a boring book...Maybe it's just that my real life is so interesting...Or maybe I am too pre-occupied to read. (Who would've thunk it!!) But I really wanted to spank the main character after the first 20 pages. And the feeling only got stronger. The writing style is so freaking boring. It's all about this weird guy named Amory who has a horrid childhood with a weird, selfish mother who allows him to get drunk at a very young age...And laughs about it...And he goes to a prep school...And he goes to Princeton...And he makes friends...And I flipped to the back of the book and I think that he kills someone...Or covers for someone who kills someone. Anyways, the book is stupid. At least - that is my opinion. But opinions are has one.
The Dr.Phil house makes me want to roll in the floor and hold my sides while laughing so hard that I cry. What a bunch of fat, sloppy hicks! (Boy, aren't I love and sunshine today?) But did you see it? These people's relationship began as an affair. Did ya really think that she would be faithful to you, bubba? She cheated on her old man with you! She don't care about the sacredness of marriage vows! They don't mean crap to her! As long as someone wants her fat butt, she's going to take them up on it. And don't tell me you're upset, Bubba. Because you cheated on your old lady with her...and dated her knowing that she was a cheater. So stifle those crocodile tears and quit stalking her. Get on with life.
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