27 May, 2007

Thank you Marie and Vern for having the most fun wedding with the craziest dance floor and the best music. I got my first dance with my sweet little boy...who later wriggled out of my lap, grabbed my hand, and started stepping toward the dance floor for some more. And...I danced my crazy butt off until my feet hurt too bad to walk today. But...that's okay. I had a great time and two of my favorite people in the world...(might I add that they make some WONDERFUL German food?) are now experiencing the joyfulness that is married life...and I hope will add little German-food-eaters into the general population soon.

I love you both! Congratulations!!!!!!!

-----Just a side note...when the law offices of F and M get up and running...I think that a Christmas party extravaganza each year with a dance floor would be a much needed tax write-off. Just a suggestion...from one of the office managers. What do you think, Marie?

18 May, 2007

Hubby thinks it is a girl. He keeps reminding me that he was right last time. We will soon see. Just four more weeks...
No wonder Sauer's mustard and Dukes mayo are the best ever. Great story behind them both. Read this if you are bored.

17 May, 2007

On a mission to convert more people to the love of mopping...

Two things that make taking care of my family ...well...fun. The absolutely wonderful Libman Wonder Mop. I use this every night to mop my floors. The head is removable and machine washable. And you can buy refills. I hate mopping with a mop. I much prefer to mop on my hands and knees...I think that it cleans the floor so much better. But...this mop is absolutely wonderful. It cleans my floor almost perfectly. And it is so easy to use that I take just 5 minutes to mop my whole kitchen on my way to bed. Combine with Lysol 3-in-1 cleaner and you will be in mopping heaven. Heavy starch to use when ironing. I actually enjoy ironing my husband's shirts now. It makes his freshly ironed shirt look crisp and neat when he puts it on in the morning. And...it is fun to use. I can't explain it. Only those who have used it can understand.

Sad, isn't it? That's okay. I am still in love with my mop. Did I mention that I look forward to mopping my floors every night? If you haven't tried this mop...you must. You will be in love, too.

15 May, 2007

Wouldn't it be wonderful have a romantic dinner date at 21 in New York City...when the first snow flakes of the season are just about to fall...

14 May, 2007

It's always a good day when your doctor's office plays Offspring and Nirvana.

This is going by so much faster than before. I barely have time to realize that it is true. Wow...But this time I realize just what it means. And that makes me so excited I can barely sleep those few nights that I am not too tired to think about it for a few seconds as I lie awake in the dark...listening to my husband and baby sleep peacefully. I treasure those precious quiet moments.

10 May, 2007

Happy Confederate Memorial Day

07 May, 2007

I swear that I thought...and still think...that this is Kate Hudson and Ellen Degeneres instead of Kate Hudson and Owen Wilson. Maybe Owen and Ellen were twins separated at birth. Weird.