18 May, 2007

Hubby thinks it is a girl. He keeps reminding me that he was right last time. We will soon see. Just four more weeks...


Anonymous said...

NOw what have I been telling you..Googie-Doodles?????
Ole Whats-his-name NEEDS a little sweet girl to put him in his place (and she will!!!) I am living proof...and I can't wait till she does something (like her momma did long ago, and his response is 'it's ok...she's beautiful..)
ha ha ha... PS I miss you doodles..and Micky too!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello :) Vickie. Feel like another trip to the zoo soon? maybe I can bring my kids along too :) or at least one of them. Anyway, I wanted to see what you, Shawn and micky had going on Monday. Because I'm throwing Tyler a Birthday Bash. (He will be turning 25!!!!) And we'd love to have ya'll come celebrate with us. Check out my xanga for more details. :) See you soon, nonetheless! Ally