13 December, 2007

I have a confession...

I have always wanted to know - since I have been 5 years old - if I could really hitch a ride just by showing a little leg.

I often wish that I could watch old monster movies and eat myriads of wild food combinations until I could no longer hold my eyes open...and I wouldn't wash my ice cream dish until morning.

I wish that I could tap dance on a pier.

I like long conversations about government conspiracies.

I almost punched the girl hogging the treadmill today. If you want a place to stand and watch Spanish soap operas, go back to your apartment. Either run or get off the treadmill...

My dream car is a 60's or 70's monster car...or a big bubba truck. Okay, fine...I would settle for a tractor, too.

I would love to take a trip with no destination and no scheduled itinerary.


Anonymous said...

You go girl... punch her out!! :) Aren't ya'll supposed to be coming around here soon or did we miss you? -Ally

Anonymous said...

Doodles, you worry me to death....you 'showing a little leg..' will get you a trip to the wood-shed for a big woopin.....you are causing your poor, old, crippled dad to worry himself to death...now, I totally aggree about the punching the mill-hoggin chick in the snoz.... go for it!!! I miss my Micky and Weez....I can't wait till Friday...I love you Doodles....DAD

Anonymous said...

LOL... hey googies