31 January, 2008

My favorite cartoon quote EVER...

"Why are you sitting naked in Billy's closet listening to country rock?"

Aren't they cute?!!!! Of course, I wouldn't be partial...not at all. By the way, this is for you Ally. :)

25 January, 2008

To relieve stress....I dance like a maniac and think about all of the mundane little things that are really awesome to have in your life...such as...

1.8pm...what a wonderful time of day. Not daytime, but not late. It is the most exciting time of the day...and I hope that I never make that my children's bedtime...8:15 or 8:05, but never 8:00

2.the theme song to Curious George...sometimes that little monkey aggravates me to pieces, but it is really fun to try to play matchmaker for the man in the yellow hat...

3.McDonalds...some day - if I ever get the courage to fly on an airplane - I am going to go on a quest to see how many McDonalds I can eat at all over the world...Forget about ever wanting to see the Eiffel Tower or a pyramid or any of the other stupidly boring things that I can see in a picture...Give me a Big Mac.

4.Cheddar cheese...so quick...so easy...so salty...so yummy in my tummy.

5.Hot ginger ale...as in "no ice." Call me silly...who needs ice for ginger ale?

6.Dreams of one day owning my very own peach farm...Peach cobbler and red gingham dresses all summer long...WooHooooooo!!

7.Getting the mail...and the hope that one of those little pieces of mail won't be a bill or junk mail...

8.Fuzzy socks...and brand new fuzzy socks...

9.Trying to think of ways to make a hamburger a gourmet meal.

10.Singing in bed when you can't get to sleep...though, I just think back with longing toward this. These days I am asleep the very milisecond that my head hits the pillow...which leads me to...

11.SLEEP...such a commodity and a luxury in this life.

And now to something which should have it's own week long celebration with trumpets and elephants and little midgets carrying flags...

24 January, 2008

Have you ever had days when you felt as if you could reallly do that subsistence farming thing?...Did I even spell that correctly? ...And have your neighbors 50 miles aways from you...and be completely surrounded by nature...and even live in a little log cabin - okay, so maybe a big, white farm house would be better...and wear flannel parkas because you refuse to depend on electricity...except for the electricity going to your big bathroom with the really nice clawfoot tub that is perfect for long, hot bubblebaths - as if you would even have time to take a long, hot bath anymore...And you wouldn't feel trapped in a concrete dungeon where even the television sets have eyes...(I am so completely convinced that the government watches us through our television sets and listens to our cellphone calls...They must put crack in the cell phones so that everytime we talk on the cell phone, then we have to talk more and more and more...You really can't be without one anymore. Try it - I dare you...And if it isn't our government...then it is the Chinese government...) .......

I NEED CHOCOLATE!!!! Yeah, I haven't had my coffee today...which could explain the paranoid behavior...but I also think these things when I drink a whole pot of coffee...maybe it is just that I have been blessed by some special knowledge about the workings of the people in power...evil people who are secretly hiring people to come illegally into our country so that they can help these evil people - I won't name names but it rhymes with Devilbama and Sataninton...- raise up a land of illegal drones who are paid to be under the control of said evil dictators...Wow...this is deep stuff...

People make me angry...Politics depress me...Bills make me feel trapped by the system...and looking for a freaking house in an area that values "swim/tennis...no land...be all up in your neighors grill and call it fun" living above all else - have I mentioned that people actually pay to see a cow here and call it a bonus if they watch it take a crap?! -

Some days the only thing to do is....DANCE. to Nirvana, no less. Yes, it smells like teen spirit.

22 January, 2008

You know there are alot of country music songs that kind of sum up life...Here are a few lyrics...

1. I ain't first class, but I ain't white trash...Wild and a little crazy, too. Some boys don't like girls like me, but some boys do.

2.I wear what I want to...overalls, work boots...crank my music up loud. Like to sling a little mud on my 4-wheel drive...trick on into town. Shoot a little eight ball down at the pool hall...drink a root beer with my friends. Don't judge me and I won't judge you 'cause we all get judged in the end...

3.And nobody wants to get drunk and get loud...Yeah, me and my rowdy friends have all settled down.

4.And country folks can survive...Cause you can't starve us out and you can't make us run Cause we'se them ol' boys raised on shotguns. We say grace and we say ma'am...If you ain't into that, then we don't give a ....um...durn.

All right...maybe more later...

18 January, 2008

Mama, thank you for teaching me the verse that says, "Be ye angry and sin not." I wish that I could remember the chapter and verse...

The people in the apartment below us cranked up their music...and their loudmouths at this late hour. Don't ask me how my babies are sleeping through this. I am trying to pray for grace and peace in my soul...but it's just so hard. I keep seeing the beautiful, BEAUTIFUL blue sign with the gorgeous outline of the ever-so-lovely state of South Carolina on it...I really miss home. It is so much easier to breath South Carolina air. However, Hubby's job is fantastic...and everytime I pray to go home, God seems to say that this just isn't quite the time for that...

I am becoming such an angry person. Okay, a little late for that...I am becoming so much angrier...That is a more correct statement. By the time I am a little old lady, I am going to be sitting on my porch throwing eggs at my neighbor's cars when they are going to work in the mornings...Then I will go back to bed and sleep until it's time to throw eggs at their cars when they return home from work.

Ahhhhh....sleep.....I don't think that I will ever catch up on sleep. I think about how little sleep I needed or wanted before mono and two babies...Now, I would absolutely be so happy to go to bed at 8pm every night.

I think that I have done the impossible...I have actually come to appreciate the Mom Jean. Yes, Hubby is thrilled. But really, no mommy should have the whole neighborhood knowing the answer to the whole "tramp stamp or no tramp stamp" question.

How do people eat stinky food? How silly do I feel that I actually called maintenance and argued with them to send someone out ASAP because of a weird smell in my apartment. It actually just turned out to be the people below me. I was so sure that the furnace was going to explode...or that aliens were sending us smell signals...Hey, it could so happen. Maybe it's really some secret message from the illegals below me...they are really spies, and that is why they are illegal...and that is why 14 people live in a two bedroom apartment...and that is why they drive that $50,000 car...Oh, forget it. They just eat food that smells like it belongs in a toliet - even before it's digested.

I love my Hubby. It's a little funny...I can have an absolutely awful day...one of those days where my nice clean home gets toys all over the living room floor...and I eat a huge piece of chocolate cake when I am on a diet...and I cut my hair myself while my little boy tries to plunder through my makeup...Then Hubby comes home. And - suddenly - I find myself chasing my son through the apartment with a duck towel on my head and a cheeseburger with hot ketchup and pickles and little onions in my stomach...And I can't remember why I thought I was having a bad day.

Hey, I think the cute little illegals below me actually quieted down. I think tomorrow's going to be a pretty good day...

03 January, 2008

Things that I hate:

1.looking in the mirror

2.commercials that make credit cards, loans, and - especially - student loans look like a quick fix...

3.cold weather


5.iced tea without sugar

6.soggy fried foods

7.other drivers on the road

8.most pop music

9.Yankees who adopt country music...by the way, country music was originally called
'Western" because the Southwest was considered to be Alabama and Mississippi. And Yankees who say "y'all." I just want to go ballistic everytime I hear "y'all" pronounced with a Yankee accent.

10.cheap hotdogs. Yuck.

11.bad haircuts...though sometimes I wonder if there is anything else but bad haircuts for me...I think that I will take on a Lady Cadiva look - clothed, of course...

12.foul language. Most vulgar.

13.pork rinds. I would rather eat my shoe.

Things that I love:

1.crossing the state line back into South Carolina

2.having clean, perfumed hair

3.silent movies from 90 years ago - what an awesome chance to take a peek into the lives of a bygone era...However, I only like them during the daytime. The brevity of human life is much too real in the dark...

4.being a mother - it is one of the greatest gifts that God has given me.

5.strong black coffee - all day long

6.the nostalgic, somber feeling that jazz and roses give me - a feeling of solidarity with the past

7.decorating with clean lines, shiny metals, soft pillows, and tons of candles - and the dream of actually being able to do this in my own home again one day...

8.days when Hubby doesn't have to work

9.busting out of sing-sing with my two little jailers when the warden has deserted us

10.when opposites come together - modern and traditional, sweet and sour, high heels and blue jeans, ice cream on a hot day, old-fashioned values in today's world?...I'm still waiting on that last one.