24 January, 2008

Have you ever had days when you felt as if you could reallly do that subsistence farming thing?...Did I even spell that correctly? ...And have your neighbors 50 miles aways from you...and be completely surrounded by nature...and even live in a little log cabin - okay, so maybe a big, white farm house would be better...and wear flannel parkas because you refuse to depend on electricity...except for the electricity going to your big bathroom with the really nice clawfoot tub that is perfect for long, hot bubblebaths - as if you would even have time to take a long, hot bath anymore...And you wouldn't feel trapped in a concrete dungeon where even the television sets have eyes...(I am so completely convinced that the government watches us through our television sets and listens to our cellphone calls...They must put crack in the cell phones so that everytime we talk on the cell phone, then we have to talk more and more and more...You really can't be without one anymore. Try it - I dare you...And if it isn't our government...then it is the Chinese government...) .......

I NEED CHOCOLATE!!!! Yeah, I haven't had my coffee today...which could explain the paranoid behavior...but I also think these things when I drink a whole pot of coffee...maybe it is just that I have been blessed by some special knowledge about the workings of the people in power...evil people who are secretly hiring people to come illegally into our country so that they can help these evil people - I won't name names but it rhymes with Devilbama and Sataninton...- raise up a land of illegal drones who are paid to be under the control of said evil dictators...Wow...this is deep stuff...

People make me angry...Politics depress me...Bills make me feel trapped by the system...and looking for a freaking house in an area that values "swim/tennis...no land...be all up in your neighors grill and call it fun" living above all else - have I mentioned that people actually pay to see a cow here and call it a bonus if they watch it take a crap?! -

Some days the only thing to do is....DANCE. to Nirvana, no less. Yes, it smells like teen spirit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey!! You are toooo cute :) Dancing to Nirvana... LOL... I think maybe I could swing that. ;) Miss you...! al