03 January, 2008

Things that I hate:

1.looking in the mirror

2.commercials that make credit cards, loans, and - especially - student loans look like a quick fix...

3.cold weather


5.iced tea without sugar

6.soggy fried foods

7.other drivers on the road

8.most pop music

9.Yankees who adopt country music...by the way, country music was originally called
'Western" because the Southwest was considered to be Alabama and Mississippi. And Yankees who say "y'all." I just want to go ballistic everytime I hear "y'all" pronounced with a Yankee accent.

10.cheap hotdogs. Yuck.

11.bad haircuts...though sometimes I wonder if there is anything else but bad haircuts for me...I think that I will take on a Lady Cadiva look - clothed, of course...

12.foul language. Most vulgar.

13.pork rinds. I would rather eat my shoe.

Things that I love:

1.crossing the state line back into South Carolina

2.having clean, perfumed hair

3.silent movies from 90 years ago - what an awesome chance to take a peek into the lives of a bygone era...However, I only like them during the daytime. The brevity of human life is much too real in the dark...

4.being a mother - it is one of the greatest gifts that God has given me.

5.strong black coffee - all day long

6.the nostalgic, somber feeling that jazz and roses give me - a feeling of solidarity with the past

7.decorating with clean lines, shiny metals, soft pillows, and tons of candles - and the dream of actually being able to do this in my own home again one day...

8.days when Hubby doesn't have to work

9.busting out of sing-sing with my two little jailers when the warden has deserted us

10.when opposites come together - modern and traditional, sweet and sour, high heels and blue jeans, ice cream on a hot day, old-fashioned values in today's world?...I'm still waiting on that last one.


Anonymous said...

This is a cute post. When can we see ya'll again? I need to see and hold that new baby! -Ally

Anonymous said...

Hey! could you post that awesome sour dough starter recipe?? :)

Anonymous said...

'3 things I hate...
a thief
a murderer
and a fire-bug'....(a famous quote from from Scooter in Batesburg)

love ya Doodles....

Anonymous said...

hey, give us a call if you guys aren't busy during the day on Saturday. We'd love to meet up somewhere! Alison

Anonymous said...

miss you lots. you're on my heart. Love you! -Ally