25 January, 2008

To relieve stress....I dance like a maniac and think about all of the mundane little things that are really awesome to have in your life...such as...

1.8pm...what a wonderful time of day. Not daytime, but not late. It is the most exciting time of the day...and I hope that I never make that my children's bedtime...8:15 or 8:05, but never 8:00

2.the theme song to Curious George...sometimes that little monkey aggravates me to pieces, but it is really fun to try to play matchmaker for the man in the yellow hat...

3.McDonalds...some day - if I ever get the courage to fly on an airplane - I am going to go on a quest to see how many McDonalds I can eat at all over the world...Forget about ever wanting to see the Eiffel Tower or a pyramid or any of the other stupidly boring things that I can see in a picture...Give me a Big Mac.

4.Cheddar cheese...so quick...so easy...so salty...so yummy in my tummy.

5.Hot ginger ale...as in "no ice." Call me silly...who needs ice for ginger ale?

6.Dreams of one day owning my very own peach farm...Peach cobbler and red gingham dresses all summer long...WooHooooooo!!

7.Getting the mail...and the hope that one of those little pieces of mail won't be a bill or junk mail...

8.Fuzzy socks...and brand new fuzzy socks...

9.Trying to think of ways to make a hamburger a gourmet meal.

10.Singing in bed when you can't get to sleep...though, I just think back with longing toward this. These days I am asleep the very milisecond that my head hits the pillow...which leads me to...

11.SLEEP...such a commodity and a luxury in this life.

And now to something which should have it's own week long celebration with trumpets and elephants and little midgets carrying flags...


Anonymous said...

1) The McDonalds in Italy serves FRESH monzerella and tomatoes.

2) I MUST have chipped ice in my ginger ale.

3) I'm very glad you're posting so much!

4) I still wear that apron we made together that day

5) And a VERY happy birthday to your hubbs.

6) Can I have ya'lls address? I finally finished Ender's Game and I'm ready to give it back!


Anonymous said...

Hey! Do you have any pics of your little babies you could post anytime soon? :) That would rock.-ally It's free fridays at the zoo this month and next. Wish you could come!

Alison said...

I am missing my Vicky ;)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 POST!!!!!!!!11 :)