02 August, 2006

I finished reading Mansfield Park. It is a wonderful, wonderful book. I wonder if Jane Austen was like her heroines?

Wuthering Heights is dark, melancholy, comical and intriguing.

Peanut looks adorable in his Sesame Street pajamas.

Did you know that Crayola has partenered with Betty Crocker to make cookies that you can decorate by painting or drawing on them?

The summer is almost over. My first anniversary is this Sunday.

Build-A-Bear has cookie monster - with real cookie monster sounds!!!!!

For the first time in my life, I know that I am doing the job that God wants me to do. Always before, I felt that I was guessing - or I just couldn't see the whole plan. Now the plan for - at least this time - my life is so clear.

Peanut is making squeaky noises. He is in his swing looking at me. He can't understand why I am not holding him - and I can't either...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey you! I wanna see your baby!! Let me know when :-) ALLY