17 August, 2006

I am looking forward to being able once again to wear my hair in a bun by sticking a pencil into my weirdly frizzy, curly mess of hair...

I wish that I were at the beach ... neck deep in ocean water ... sunburnt and happy... weightless and bouyant...You would be there, wouldn't you?

When will I be able to feel relaxed in pearls? I only really want to wear pearls when I wear velvet, or white button-down shirts...

A teenage boy I once met died last weekend. I had heard him speak of the future. They say it was drunk driving...

Can we have a picnic in a field of wildflowers? Can I wear them in my hair? Can we drink kool-aide out of a champagne flute? And can I bring some candles? Can we eat off of china plates? Will you let me pretend that this is a pretty, pretty dream - but that we are still awake? And can we pretty please stay there until the sun starts to set and the lightening bugs flicker around us? Will you hold me in your arms and dance to no music - just so that you can have the chance to feel me next to you and smell the perfume of my hair?

I've always wanted to be a crystal champagne flute...But even if I was...I would still just hold kool-aide...common, everyday, run-of-the-mill kool-aide

Can I be your sunshine? Can I light up your day? If not - can I be your umbrella? Can I protect you? But I'm not an umbrella either... What am I?

I am cheesy and weird ...and happy to be that way. (By the way, the last blog was written by my beloved brother. Great poetry, huh?)

Would you want me when I'm not myself?


Anonymous said...

Heyyyy!!!!!! You're more than unique. :) the post is so good.... so poetic. And so lovely. I'd love to see you again. I really, really would. I'll be calling you soon to make a date. :) my birthday is on sunday, but we're celebrating it saturday. (if you and shawn could come, we'd love you to be there) Micky is invited too, ofcourse. :) we're going to go to the fun center over on dis side of town around 3, and then go out for dinner. (someplace like san jose or olive garden or something) k. AL

Anonymous said...

But you know what, even if you can't come on sunday, and if we can't make a date to get together in the next few days, we would really love to have the 3 of you over for dinner. Wouldn't that be fun? Is Micky going out to places much? I bet that's so much fun exposing him to everything for the first time, and seeing his reactions. We now have a kitten, Max, that we love so much. It's really fun showing him the outside world, and seeing him develop. BUT they DO grow up SOOOO fast!!!!! AL

Anonymous said...

And well you know, I really miss you a lot. You're quite the fun friend most everybody is looking for, but because it's hard to come by, your kind of amazing character and soul is hard to find. I'm glad I found you, I just wish I could be a better friend. More consistent. WOW. I'm a little too honest, now.AL

Anonymous said...

And I think you're quite brave, myself. Having a baby, getting married, all in the same year. It's pretty spectacular. And you are just the woman for it, because God said you would be. And you are. You have been so encouraging, and funny. I LOVE the "mom jeans" commercial, even though I squinted the whole first time I watched it. Gosh, they made moms look so gay. But, just know that you haven't lost your womanhood, because you became a mom. I'm sure Shawn has reassured you of this ;) AL

Anonymous said...

I bet you're the first to get 4 blog comments within 6 consecutive minutes (all by the same crazzy person)!!! I love gal, and hope to really see you soon. AL