31 January, 2007

Not Opinionated at all...sort of...

My sourdough bread did not turn out well. I did not even bake it. It was awful. So...I am going to try again. This time with another sourdough starter recipe.

Peanut has another earache. I hold him as long as he wants me to. My poor little boy!!!

I wish that I was 50 pounds lighter (wow...I'd be riding in a booster seat according to the guy at Babies-R-Us...), 4 shades tanner, many IQ points smarter, $1,000,000 richer, at least 30 degrees warmer with a tractor and 10 feet of long luxurious hair - that was all my own and did not come from Natural Wig. Oh, yeah...just one more thing...a whole basketful of fresh, South Carolina grown peaches. And my little boy without any earaches so that he could feel back to his rowdy little self.

I want peaches. And I have been thinking about peaches all morning. So...here is a list of things that I would do for a basket containing 5 fresh peaches.

1.I would get in an airplane for a flight around Columbia - as long as the peaches were in the airplane.
2.I would run five miles...pushing the baby jogger.
3.I would give up chocolate for 5 months.
4.I would wear hair curlers and slippers to the store.
5.I would go on American Idol and sing "I can't dance and I really can't sing..."That's all the words I know.
6.I would - gulp- allow a magnetic soccer ball to be placed on the back of my car for 15 minutes.
7.I would camp in the woods for 2 nights with - get this - no hair dryer, or clean shower, or ...okay, I do have to put my foot down at some point.
8.I would watch a two hour marathon of Veggie Tales.
9.I would - maybe - touch a hamster with one finger for 2 seconds...if it was a very clean hamster.
10.I would stuff a whole bag of Fluffy Stuff in my mouth at once...okay, make that 2 bags.
11.I would agree to not wear pink for a month.
12.I would dress up like Ronald McDonald and go to McDonalds for lunch.
13.I would eat one mouthful of one menu item from Waffle House.
14.I would walk through a haunted house - a really haunted house...as long as Hubby or someone was with me.
15.I would tap dance to a Britney Spear's song on a street corner of a busy city.
16.I would eat an anchovie.
17.I would start "Operation:Make Clothes for Naked Statues" project where I would sew clothes to be placed on naked statues all across the world. But I feel like doing this one anyway.
18.I would read "Moby Dick" in its entirety - cover to cover.
19.I would wear Mom Jorts to the mall...complete with aplique vest and sequined teddy bear t-shirt. And decorated Keds with colored scrunch socks. Sexy. Oooo Lala!!! So sexy.
20.I would agree to not write another blog for 3 months.

Hubby, let's become peach farmers!!!! Yeah!!! Peaches and John Deer tractors! A match made in heaven if there ever was...

29 January, 2007

Biltmore is a wonderful, wonderful place.

The only thing that could have made this picture better is if I could have found a picture with a tractor in front of the house. With Hubby and my wonderfully cute little boy on the tractor.

Hubby and I went to Biltmore last Saturday. Can I just say that it was FANTASTIC?!!! I had an absolutely wonderful time. And I almost cried on the tour. And I almost hurt a Yankee woman, too. First of all...I almost cried - not at the beautifullness of the house...and it was beautiful...but when I heard the story of George and Edith...and how much they loved each other. Just to think that love like that transcends culture and time and monetary status...and becomes a universal common denominator among humans. Beautiful. And then I thought about how little time he had with his wife. And then I thought about her... she had to live for 30 or 40 years without him. And I felt such sadness for them that I had to really concentrate to keep from crying.

Now to my anger management issues...Hubby and I paid to get the audio sets when we toured the house. And we didn't get to go into the house until 6pm because of the crowds...So we were on a tight time table. So...we are meandering through the house with our little ear phones on. And there is this huge group of rednecks near us. From Lexington. Go figure. And they are talking so loudly that I can hear every word - even with my headset turned as loud as it will go. And then there is the Yankee woman. She catches up with us in one of the bedrooms. I must look nice. Too bad I am not nice. Dumb-dumb didn't have an audio set. So...she decides to start asking me questions. I do not work there! I did not take the tour so that I could tell her everyone in every painting in the room. But...Ms.Dummyhead starts asking me who one of the children in the painting was. Why that particular child in that particular painting I will never know. I am trying really hard to be polite. So, I tell her what I just heard on my set - no thanks to her big mouth. And then the bimbo starts yelling at me that the person that I just told her about was not the person that she wanted to know about. I then very curtly told her that I did not know - and made a show of trying to turn up the volume on the set.

To make things worse...she got on the shuttle bus with Hubby and I to go back to the parking lot. Let me just clarify...I HATE shuttle buses. They give me the willies. I think that it has something to do with the shuttlebus I was on in Vegas...with the guy very high on drugs...And then there was the shuttle bus in Memphis with all of the senior citizens singing along with Elvis...and the punky girls with blue hair and piercings going to the recording studio downtown. Let's just say that after that I felt like I needed a nice, hot shower with lots and lots of soap and 30 minutes of my life back. So this was another shuttle bus experience. Here is a list of things that will make that bus trip forever bring back thoughts of injuring Yankee woman with big mouths...
1.Yankee woman told her teenage granddaughter that she should keep her brochure for a school project. (The granddaughter was a little old to cut out pictures for a school project...) Get this - "If you ever need a project on the South...Biltmore is a great thing to write about in the South." It may be in the South, you Yankee, but it ain't Southern. I wanted to shove a sweet potato pie in her face.
2.Then Yankee woman tried to pick a fight with the bus driver over driving her closer to her car...which was only about 20 feet from the place where he stopped. And this is after she walked through a four story house with no complaint. She really needed the walk, anyway.

Even though I act really agravated...she really did provide entertainment. And the house was SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!I think that it was just what Hubby and I needed...a very nice date. If you haven't seen it yet, you should definitely go to Biltmore! I can't wait to take my little boy there when the roses are in bloom!!!

27 January, 2007

Just makes you want to dance...

Hey, Marie and Verne...
Don't hire a DJ for the reception...
Hubby and I have been preparing a wedding extravaganza celebration dance to entertain all of your guests. Enjoy a preview.

26 January, 2007

Very, very opinionated. Reader Beware.

After reading that link, I do have to be opinionated. Wow. First of all - Do people really do this? But then again...I thought that the first few people who told me to rub liquor on a baby's gums were only joking.

My first question is...So how do you know if you can't function well enough to drive...or take care of a child? I've often wondered this. And if someone can tell me, the concept has always fascinated me. Is there just completely sober ...and then suddenly drunk? It's something that I haven't experienced so maybe I'm not the best person to talk about it. If you would have a designated driver, shouldn't you have a designated parent?

Another thing that struck me as interesting is the writer's stance on not drinking around your children.(Actually, this was not the writer, but it was in one of the comments.)They almost make it seem like a detriment to children. I think that the point that was being made is something along the lines of if the children don't see parents drinking alcohol, then they will binge drink in an act of rebellion when they get to college. So...maybe that means that we should toke up around them, too. And get a stripper pole in the living room. Because, while it would break my heart for my son to party hard with alcohol, it would really kill me for him to engage in those other behaviors. So maybe I will just desensitize him to everything so that he won't really care about it all and I can hope that he doesn't use those things to rebel against me.

Seriously, just from my personal experience...When a child gets to a certain age, they will make their own decisions. I grew up in a home where alcohol was a taboo thing. My parents didn't drink - whether I was there or not. My parents didn't allow others to drink in our home. I was taught that alcohol can be the root of alot of negativity. And even at it's best, you can still live without it. It just doesn't add anything to your life...except maybe the potential for addiction. I don't drink now - or ever. Disclaimer here: I don't think that other people who drink should be condemned...and I don't think that everyone who drinks is an alcoholic. It's a choice that each individual should make for themselves. And I think that to stop a behavior that you do not feel a personal conviction over can very well be a step of hypocrisy...unless you listen to Paul in Corinthians where he says that if you believe an action is right, but your neighbor believes it is wrong and you are causing your neighbor to sin by judging you...then you should stop the behavior to keep your neighbor from sinning. But back to the point...I've seen far too many homes where alcohol is welcomed...and the parent's don't have a problem with addiction, but the children do.

Bottom line of the article does not deal with whether drinking in and of itself is right or wrong. The bottom line of the article is that children should not change your life at all. Can I just say, "WHAT?!!" I now pause to chuckle. Have you not heard of the phrase "a baby changes everything"? Yeah, I wasn't exactly in the habit of chugging down Brewskies and getting my groove thing on at KnockKnock before Peanut was born...But my life still changed drastically. In ways that I didn't think about until it happened. No more midnight runs. No more going out to dinner with friends at a restaurant. Why? My little boy has a bedtime...and somewhat of a routine. No more phone conversations where I can fully concentrate on what I am saying...unless Peanut is taking a nap. It's a good day when I find time to put on makeup. And this is coming from the girl who used to wear makeup to the gym and grocery store...once upon a time.

Here's the point - Life does change when you are a parent. You can't get around it. You can't only think about yourself...though there are many parents who do just that...And I'm not talking about thinking about yourself all the time. I'm talking about thinking about yourself any of the time. When you have a child you make sacrifices. You look out for their best interest 24/7/365.25. And that is the way it should be. And, yes, I am fighting the soccer mom image as much - or more- than anyone. I feel like vomitting when I think that I could one day be mistaken for a "soccer mom." Yuck. I would much prefer to be Lorelei Gilmore - only with a few more morals - or even June Cleaver. But I will not put myself and my individuality over the my child's best interest. I want Peanut to know that unless I am knocked over the head...Mommy will always be there to protect him while he can't protect himself...and maybe even after that, too. And I want him to know how much I love him. And I don't ever want those words to come out of my mouth while I'm under the influence of some substance that I need to drink so that I can prove that I am still the same person that I was before I had my child...I've had relatives who didn't mind getting a "buzz" around me. It's just kind of funny how they would choose those moments to tell me how much they loved me. I don't want my son to go through that. Kids are smarter than most adults give them credit for. I think that there are many things that help destroy parent-child relationships...and I think that a lack of trust is definitely one of those things. I want my son to be independent. But not too soon. I want him to be able to be a child and know that Mommy and Daddy will make things all right...so that he can just relax.

Here's another question I have - why does not drinking alcohol have to separate you from those who do drink? I have friends - very good, close friends - who drink. Some of them even drink around me.Thank God that they don't see me as hypocritical, judgmental, unsociable pariah. But I have had tons of friends who dropped me when they found out that I wouldn't drink with them when I turned 21. The closest thing to condemnation that I expressed to them is concern over them driving themselves home while drinking. Apparently, offerring to drive them home when they weren't speaking coherently was insulting. If drinking is the only thing that you can have in common with someone ...that is really sad.

And here comes the opinionated part - drinking around your children is bad parenting. It is as bad - or worse than - leaving them unsupervised. Those parents do a great job of shirking off responsibilty when being responsible isn't convenient.What an example. Frankly, maybe if they tried playing with their kids they wouldn't need the alcohol to feel good or enjoy life. Seeing my baby smile is the best mood-lifter I have ever known. And if you were offended...you shouldn't have read it. Or maybe you should. Maybe you should think about it.

On another note...and a very unrelated not at that...I am very, very close to actually being a Daughter of the Confederacy!! Woohoo!

24 January, 2007

This one is very opinionated.

I don't know how many people read CNN.com - but did you hear about the family that got kicked off of an airplane because their three year old daughter was crying too much? Apparently, as the child was being put on the plane, she started pitching a temper tantrum. And that's why the family was asked to get off of the plane. And told that they could not board another plane for at least 24 hours.

As a parent, I have mixed emotions about this. Just to clear things up - my son cries alot of the time when he is being put into his carseat...unless I do this nifty little trick where I give him my keys while he is being buckled in and then trade them out for puppy afterwards. But my little boy is only 7 months old. That's a big difference from being three years old.

I think that it is kind of funny that the parents are outraged over this. Okay, so you went on vacation to Florida...and you are trying to get back home. So maybe that would make me upset that I was delayed because my child didn't know how to behave. But do the other passengers really deserve to sit on a flight that lasts for more than five minutes with a screaming child?
I would go crazy.

I think that it is really funny that some parents think that their child shouldn't know how to behave until they are 25. Maybe I just haven't gotten there yet, but I think that a three year old should know that you don't scream and cry in a public place...among many other things that a three year old should know. You don't hit. You don't talk back to parents. You don't run inside. You say "ma'am" and "sir." You stop the first time that the word is said to you. When food is put in front of you, you may not have to eat the starch or the meat...but you better at least eat one mouthful of the vegetables. You don't touch things that are not yours. And, yes, there are times that children should be seen and not heard crying - such as on an airplane.

I just have to throw this out there...I like children. I would be thrilled to pieces to have 20 kids. My dream is to be the old woman in the shoe...who had so many kids that she didn't know what to do. Only maybe I would be the old woman in the farmhouse instead of the shoe...Just a thought. But sometimes I don't like parents. It's easier to not correct a child. It is easier to take away anything that might get broken than to chase after an infant and say "no." It's easier to blame bad behavior in public on the lack of a nap. And it's easier to do what you want to do without considering what would be best for your child. Example...boarding a flight with a three year old that doesn't know how to behave.

Here's where my other point of view comes in...Maybe the child was scared. I would be tempted to scream and cry on an airplane, too. But she did okay on the flight to Florida.

Yes, this is a very opinionated blog. But that is why I blog. Everyone has an opinion. The nice thing is...this is the only way that I will express this opinion - unless the conversation leads directly to the subject. If you don't like it, don't read it.

So - to finish this - while it is shocking that the family was thrown off the plane...Good for the pilot or flight attendant or whoever. And I wish that more restaurants would refuse to serve toddlers who scream and yell and throw food when they are big enough to know better. (You can tell that I am scarred from my waittressing days...)

22 January, 2007

Good Day for Gone With the Wind and Coffee...and Chocolate Icecream and Pickles

Check this out. Kind of sad, huh?


That is why Peanut and I are going to celebrate Hubby's B-day and Peanut's UN-birthday. So put on your party hats, baby!!!! Wait a minute...is that sunshine I see trying to break through the clouds...And maybe Peanut and I can take a nice lunch to Hubby...then we will get to see him for 5 minutes during the daytime...And Peanut is definitely all smiles today. So cute. So maybe they are wrong. Sunshine, please come out!!!!!! I miss you and I love you and I miss you SO MUCH!!!!!!!

This one will make you smile...if you have a weird sense of humor like I do. Hahahahaha!!! Laughter makes the most depressing day of the year a little less depressing...Well, that article and this dream that I have. I would like to pretend to be insane for maybe a day or two...just long enough that I could call a bunch of people that...well, just say we don't always jive...and I would pretend that I have Tourrette's and I would just say a string of curse words the minute they said "hello." And then I would have to hang up before I burst out laughing. And I would go to the grocery store and pretend that I was an opera singer. But I haven't the courage or the self-hate to engage in these behaviors. Therefore, I will practice my wedding special extravaganza for a very special cousin of mine. I am going to perform a song called...."MrsPhreedom-ilicious." Complete with a dance.

21 January, 2007

It's Raining

Life is crazy. Rain is depressing. So sad. Rain, rain go away!!!! I want warm sunshine!!!!

Hubby's birthday extravaganza began yesterday. We went to the circus. And he didn't even know that was what I had planned until I told him yesterday!!!! I am so proud of myself - it's so hard to keep secrets from him. I talk too much for that. But I did it!!!!I tried to make him think that we were going to see Rent instead. That would have been hilarious.

I think that calling a steak "Black Angus" is disgusting. But then again ...I have a weird list of things that ruin my appetite. Picturing the fuzzy black hair and the cute little eyes of my steak is just one of the most sane things that ruins my appetite. Some of the other things are a little bizzarre. As is the spelling I chose for that word.

I didn't wash my hair today before I went out of the door. I scrubbed...and I mean scrubbed...my floor instead. And that made me feel weird. And old. Really old.

Sometimes I think that preparing for life is as pointless as preparing a gourmet meal that is going to be consumed in an hour at the longest. You can't help but enjoy it...but it sure is over fast. And that will probably make no sense to anyone but me. Life is not like a box of chocolates. Life is Christmas day. And every Christmas Day I sit and think that it will be over in 24 little hours. And alot of those will be spent sleeping. Kind of like a Sunday. The next day is Monday. And I think about that all day on Sunday. Sad isn't it?

I wish that I could smell a flower. A pink rose. On my farm. And I would let Peanut smell it, too. He has never smelled a pink rose before. And he has never smelled a pink rose on a farm...after a rain. I would not be surprised at all if Heaven wasn't filled with pink roses covered in raindrops. While I'm scared to death (ha ha) about the journey there...I think I'm going to like that place...

18 January, 2007

We Could Be Farmers!!!!!!

It is cold today. And I am 10% a man. I wonder which ten percent of me that is... What if that quiz was wrong and I'm really 15% a man. WOW...That could be freaky. The thing is...when I took that quiz I was really trying to tap into my inner man.

What would life be like on a farm today...I know that we would have smoke coming out of all 4 chimneys on our farm house. And the animals would be taken care of and all snug in their barn. And I would keep the perculator brewing coffee all day. And we would eat chicken and dumplings...with the good homemade flour dumplings like my Mama makes. Yum. And Hubby would look very handsome in his appropriately worn-out blue jeans and flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up to reveal his thermal shirt underneath. And I would have a pretty blue house dress on - with a clean white apron tied over it. And Peanut...well, Peanut is always the most handsome little boy that I have ever seen. And I would make my aunt's carrot cake - or at least try to...because it is the BEST carrot cake in the world...and I have been wanting it really badly lately...and I just remembered that she gave me the recipe at my bridal shower. Plus...anything cooked with a vegetable in it must be good for you. Right?

If I can get the house work done before I am so exhausted that I just crash...I really wish that I could start making my yo-yo quilt. But Peanut needs constant attention now that he is crawling everywhere. He is the cutest baby in the world!!! And the most fun!!!

I hate cold weather. Summer, I miss you!!!!

15 January, 2007

I still see tractors in my dreams...

I almost cried when the weatherman said that cold weather would be moving in for an extended period of time. Boo!!!!

Peanut and Mommy are going to go to the park today and bid a tearful goodbye to the warm sunshine - if it must go and leave us for a little while. But we'll eagerly await until he comes to visit us again for about a six month stretch. Yeah for summer!!!!!

I can't wait to make this recipe for pork and prunes. It sounds a little weird, I know. But I bet it will be a good combination. I think that I will make french onion soup as a starter. Then the pork with creamed spinach and les haricots verts et pommes gratin. And for dessert, if I feel really adventurous, maybe some floating islands. And this will be the meal that will start off Hubby's birthday celebration, which I have decided to start early on Friday instead of Saturday. Just for the record...Birthdays are a BIG deal in this family!!! Yeah for birthdays!!!!

I am really excited about Valentines' Day with my husband this year. I am already making plans for us. He knows most of what I have planned for us to do...he knows where we are going to eat...but I want to surprise him with something...I will have to put on my thinking cap. But his b-day...hopefully he doesn't have a clue. I like surprising him.

I have to blanch collards today so that I can freeze them. So good.

I need to make Navajo tacos soon. They are so good, and Hubby has never eaten them. I have never cooked them...maybe I can talk my mom into helping me. Yummo!!!!

I think that I will leave pictures of tractors all over the house today. Maybe Hubby will get the hint. WE NEED TO BECOME FARMERS!!!!With a John Deere tractor!! I know where the John Deere dealership is, Hubby!!!And I'm not afraid to go there!! Hubby, if I can't have the tractor, can I at least have the hat and a big belt buckle? So that I can just sit in the car with my eyes closed and pretend that I am in a tractor? Please?

Oh...I have to brag. Hubby surprised me with a date in the middle of the week last week. He even had a babysitter arranged. He called me and told me to be ready and to not worry about cooking dinner. He took me to see Charlotte's Web. Such a wonderful movie!!! And now I want a farm with a pig named Wilbur and alot of spiders. As long as I don't get web anywhere on me ...or the spiders don't land on me either. And no smokehouse!!!!!!

14 January, 2007

I still want a tractor...

This week starts off the week that is before the birthday week of my Hubby. So, I have alot of preparing to do. First of all, I need a complete wish menu made by my handsome Hubby. That means that all of his favorite food will be prepared from the Saturday before his birthday until the Saturday after his birthday. I am excited.

Tomorrow is Monday. And the weekend will be over. I really liked this weekend. Bye bye, weekend. I will miss you. But I will always remember you.

My baby now officially has two teeth. And he officially likes peach puffs...and monkey puffs...But he definitely officially LOVES his mommy. And his mommy definitely ADORES him.

I ran today with Hubby. And peanut. It was nice. Really, really nice.

Hubby and I are going to start the Wee-Miss-Verne-Club. Verne, the next time that you decide you want to go somewhere far away like Boston, you need to buy your own magic jet or your own magic magician guy who can get you back to SC really quick for fondue and stuff. We promise not to make shrimp anymore. (Hubby thinks that our club name sounds like "Little Miss Verne Club." I didn't get it, so I figured that you wouldn't either.)

I am going to try to take Peanut to storytime at the library. I am so excited!!!! They have finger puppets that the mommies get to play with, too!!!! Yeah!!!!

I am still trying to convince Hubby to buy a tractor. A John Deere tractor. We could sell our cars if we lived on a farm, Hubby. Do you think that I would have to put Peanut in a car seat to ride on the tractor with Mommy? I WANT A TRACTOR!!!!!!

Let's go to Luchanbach, Texas with Waylon and Willie and the boys...Well, maybe not Texas, but somewhere out in the wilds of South Carolina sounds good to me. With trees. So that I can hug them. And no Thug Huts around. And a big, green and yellow tractor.

10 January, 2007

Sorry, but Peanut is asleep...and this is just too funny. Can I just say that I am so tired of hearing about global warming and El Nino? Give me a break!!!!
I am going to say something that may offend some people. So, I want to apologize in advance. Big, angry, outspoken lesbians scare me. And I could be a little amused when one of these scary people fights with an egotistical, calculating business man. So, why wouldn't I follow the Rosie-Donald fight?

Just to clear the fight up for you - in case you haven't been reading about it yourself...
-Rosie bashes Trump on the View because she is angry that Trump gave Miss Universe a second chance at the crown after she was caught drinking underage
-Trump makes his little talk-show/ news-show circuit saying that Rosie is a big, fat failure and that he could easily hire a man to take away her "life-partner" ...he also added that he would sue her and take all of her money
-Rosie makes various comments on the View about Trump's hair and his supposed "bankruptcies"
-Trump rebuttles and definitely doesn't back down
-Trump says that Barb is sorry that Rosie is still on the show...and also hints at the fact that she won't be there for long
-Barb makes a statement on the View that she is not sorry she hired Rosie, nor has she ever been sorry about that decision. What the observant will notice is she did not say that she did not want to get rid of Rosie. Of course she is glad that Rosie was hired! She gets into lesbian fights with everyone and ratings soar!
-Trump sends Rosie a letter telling Rosie what Barb said to him and then antagonizes things by adding that Barb is lying to both of them by talking out of both sides of her mouth
-Rosie gets back to the View from a "preplanned" vacation and gets into a fight with Barb in the dressing room before the show...calling Barb a blankety-blank liar

That brings us to today. Of course, Rosie has to talk about the little situation. And Barb calls Trump a "pathetic man." Then I turned off the TV to play with my little boy. And I just want to tell the world that I think that Rosie gave Barb a big, ol' lesbian butt whooping before the show. And Rosie has a jealous, sick, twisted crush on Barb. And Barb has a secret longing for some Trump lovin'.

I am going to start taking my fashion cues from the nanny on the muppet babies' show. Sexy.

Hubby, did you ever think anymore about buying that tractor? We should be farming right now. Imagine if we had a whole field of collards...And we could make our own chowchow. Wouldn't that be awesome?

I want a make-over that will make me just like Audrey Hepburn. I want to be a skinny little
woman with impeccable taste and polished, graceful mannerisms.

Peanut has TEETH!!!!! Two cute little teeth. I LOVE MY BABY BOY!!!!

Alright, I have a play date with a cute little 2 foot tall man.

08 January, 2007


I just wish that I could let rays of sunshine permeate into my soul. I want to breathe fresh air. I want to sit quietly and apart from the bustle of a crowd with them. And I want a tomato and a cucumber with salt on them. And frozen grapes. And the sound of birds singing. And trees. Lots and lots of trees. And I want my baby and my Hubby to be there with me.

Come to the garden. It's a beautiful sunny day... Thanks, Mama, for wonderful summer morning memories. I love you.

I was just thinking about how wonderful it is to have such a close family. They are there anytime that I need them...and they've always been there to listen to me when I've needed them.

Life is so full of wonderful surprises. I'm a little curious to see what else I have ahead of me. But it's so unpredictable that I can't even think about what lies ahead. I think that I'll just sit back and enjoy the moment at hand.

My oven will be fixed tomorrow morning!!!! And Hubby and I are still trying to pick out our brand new dishwasher!!!! My hands are so excited!! No more cracked open, dry skin!!!...except for when I scrub the floors, bathroom, windows...But at least then I can wear gloves. Yeah!!!! And, oh my!, I am so going to fix Hubby a huge dinner tomorrow night when he comes home!!! I have been dying to try to make potato souffle (sp?) and maybe creme brulee for dessert...And chicken breasts stuffed with cream cheese and wrapped in bacon.

But he had better enjoy it...because then we are going to go on a raw foods diet. Just raw fruits and veggies...dipped in chocolate. Yummo.

I freak out when I think about the fact that my life isn't on a wonderful, neat, tidy schedule. With everything completely in place and all of the garbage in my life GONE.

I hate car seats. And legislators. And minivans. And the fact that if I have more than one child I will almost nearly be required to drive a minivan. No fun.

04 January, 2007

I am so excited about BAM that I have to blog about it. It is really wonderful and completely outshines CLR!!!!! I sprayed some on the tile floor in my bathroom where I have not found a cleaner that has been successful in producing white grout - even with much elbow grease...Let's just say there is white grout in my bathroom now...and I did not have to scrub that hard. So, I am very, very, very excited.

Mopping the kitchen floor with a mop just doesn't clean very well. The only way to clean a floor is to scrub it on your hands and knees. Mopping with a mop should only be done to alternate with days that you don't scrub the floor - but never as a substitute for scrubbing.

Peanut is crawling everywhere. He is keeping me busy. And I am having a blast.

I really want to go for a run. I want to be in shape again!!!! I realize that working out in the gym for 2 hours a day is completely out of the question...but just a half hour to an hour run is all I ask...Just to breathe fresh air and feel a runner's high.

Peanut keeps crawling to the vaccuum. Luckily, I can catch him before he gets to it...for now.

I can't wait until my oven is fixed! I want to cook!!!!Hubby, get ready for a huge dinner!

Hubby, if you got a tractor, I would think it was sexy. And, yes, all I want is a little house and a yard full of kids. Hey, it's easier to clean that way. And at least our kids will be healthy...out on our farm. And, of course, I have been listening to Kenny Chesney again. Our son loves country music...

I want a pair of red stillettos for my 80th birthday.

I love reading to my little boy. I love rocking my little boy. I love hearing my little boy sing. Having my little boy is more wonderful than I ever dreamed it could be. And I love it when he crawls up to where I am sitting and starts pulling on my shirt to get me to pick him up. Like he is right now. I am the luckiest girl in the world. I have the best baby in the world!!!!

03 January, 2007

There is something so wonderful about cheddar cheese and ginger snaps. So good.

My parents watched my little man while I went to the store tonight. Peanut is really wonderful in the grocery store - but not late at night...and I always freak out about putting him in a buggy. So many germs. Daddy rocked him to sleep and put him in his crib. I am still waiting for my Hubby to come home. So it looks like it's just me and my cleaning products.

I bought some BAM bathroom cleaner. I want to see if it cleans better than CLR. CLR is good- but it didn't clean quite as thoroughly as I could have wished. And - yes, even if BAM is fantastic, I will never forget my soft scrub on at least one of every week's cleanings.

I wanted to run today, but never got the chance to. The oven/dishwasher repair guy was about 3 hours late today. But he was extremely nice. And...he is going to get me a new dishwasher!!!! Yeah!!! And my oven will be fixed either tomorrow or Friday. Big decision of the day - what color to choose for the new dishwasher. Ooopppsss....Did I forget to mention that I am getting a new dishwasher??!!!Uh huh...Uh huh...That's right...In my mind I am dancing.

I want Hubby to sleep alot this weekend. Because...when I am sleepy or tired, I get really, really philosophical and talkative. And I like that. And he just gets really quiet when he is tired. And I want to pretend that I am Socrates and he and Peanut are some Greek guys that don't want to kill me.

Why do I like to cook so much? I'm not great at it, but at least my creations are somewhat edible. And I really love edible things. Why isn't the word "eatable"? That would make more sense. Wow. I really, really love to eat. I think with the realization of this little fact comes the solution to an age old problem...No wonder I'm not tiny! I was meant to eat and be jolly! Yeah for food!!!

Got to go cook...Hubby's coming home. Some kid is screaming outside and I want to muzzle them. Peanut is asleep. At least Thug Mansion isn't blasting music.