15 January, 2007

I still see tractors in my dreams...

I almost cried when the weatherman said that cold weather would be moving in for an extended period of time. Boo!!!!

Peanut and Mommy are going to go to the park today and bid a tearful goodbye to the warm sunshine - if it must go and leave us for a little while. But we'll eagerly await until he comes to visit us again for about a six month stretch. Yeah for summer!!!!!

I can't wait to make this recipe for pork and prunes. It sounds a little weird, I know. But I bet it will be a good combination. I think that I will make french onion soup as a starter. Then the pork with creamed spinach and les haricots verts et pommes gratin. And for dessert, if I feel really adventurous, maybe some floating islands. And this will be the meal that will start off Hubby's birthday celebration, which I have decided to start early on Friday instead of Saturday. Just for the record...Birthdays are a BIG deal in this family!!! Yeah for birthdays!!!!

I am really excited about Valentines' Day with my husband this year. I am already making plans for us. He knows most of what I have planned for us to do...he knows where we are going to eat...but I want to surprise him with something...I will have to put on my thinking cap. But his b-day...hopefully he doesn't have a clue. I like surprising him.

I have to blanch collards today so that I can freeze them. So good.

I need to make Navajo tacos soon. They are so good, and Hubby has never eaten them. I have never cooked them...maybe I can talk my mom into helping me. Yummo!!!!

I think that I will leave pictures of tractors all over the house today. Maybe Hubby will get the hint. WE NEED TO BECOME FARMERS!!!!With a John Deere tractor!! I know where the John Deere dealership is, Hubby!!!And I'm not afraid to go there!! Hubby, if I can't have the tractor, can I at least have the hat and a big belt buckle? So that I can just sit in the car with my eyes closed and pretend that I am in a tractor? Please?

Oh...I have to brag. Hubby surprised me with a date in the middle of the week last week. He even had a babysitter arranged. He called me and told me to be ready and to not worry about cooking dinner. He took me to see Charlotte's Web. Such a wonderful movie!!! And now I want a farm with a pig named Wilbur and alot of spiders. As long as I don't get web anywhere on me ...or the spiders don't land on me either. And no smokehouse!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It just happens that I have to go see Mr Harmon at the J. Deere place this week. Maybe Micky can ride along...ok... Doodles, you can go too....Mic needs a JD hat...