22 March, 2006

It's Okay, You're Not Supposed to Get It....

Trying to desperately get to know you...Tearing through layers and layers...spreading out like a jungle... My machete must be dull...

God save the King of New Orleans..

We are like dust floating in sunbeams...Do you remember?

How long ago was it? Red car, warm wind rushing in our hair, bright sunshine ... Music played...

Was it a dream? Shady paths, rustling leaves, high hopes...Birds sang...

My feet fly...my heart pounds...Feel the speed...Feel the rush of air...Keep running...Keep running...Keep running.....Don't stop...Never slow down...The peace of sweet oblivion...My feet move by themselves...

My eyes are closed...Arms spread wide...I float on the breeze...Am I standing still?...

Gravity is defied...I am weightless...Carried...My eyes are closed...I am floating...

You hugged me...my soul...my heart...I was supported...peace...

I am here, but I am far away...I dance...I float...weightless...Can this be real?...

Silly girl...silly thoughts...silly emotions that cloud my mind...

One chapter closed...another just beginning...The only part I know is the very last page...
And You are there...

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