21 May, 2006

I didn't think that it would happen this way. I never imagined that the feeling would be lost so fast. I thought that it would grow and grow and grow... But it hasn't grown. In fact, it has died away. And now I don't know how to go on. I don't want to say "goodbye", but I can't continue like this. Therefore, I must only blog every once and awhile. The days of the two-or-more-blogs-per-day are over. I just don't want to blog like I used to.

However, the blogs will continue. I just can't say "it's over." So, don't be impatient - you lovers of self-torture - the blogs will continue....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You CAN'T do this to me. Why else would I wake up in the morning?
p.s. I had fun at the german restaurant last friday.