14 May, 2006

My First Mommy's Day

Today was my first mother's day. It was wonderful. I went to my mommy's house this morning for breakfast. Then my little bro and I and the two puppies fell asleep for about 4 hours watching Hogan's Heroes while Hubby went to class. Then my mom beat me at two games of Chinese Checkers. (She was definitely cheating...)

Hubby came home and I got my mommy's day present. Somehow, I knew what he would do. I love him so much. He got me a year long membership to the zoo. So, we went out to the zoo and walked around the botanical gardens today. It was awesome.

So...after that we went out to dinner. We tried to go to about two or three different restaurants. Oh, my goodness! All the yuppies and brats that were out today!!!! It was a little scary. The wait times were outrageous. We finally went to a well-known Italian restaurant where I could get my calamari. (I love that stuff...) We sat across from the laziest hospital pharmacy technician to ever mix up an IV bag. Her children were absolute brats. Knock on wood - my little boy will know how to behave in public. I had to do some quick remembering of the cute well-behaved little boys that I have known in order to not freak out about what laid instore in my future. (I have two little cousins - one is 6 and one is 2 - who are absolute angels. They actually sit in a chair and eat like civilized little human beings. They say "yes, ma'am" and "no, ma'am." They listen to adults...Can you imagine? When the oldest little boy was about 3 - I think - he went to the store and cried for some flowers so that he could take them home and give them to his mommy. Isn't that the sweetest thing?)

Then we came home - after stopping to look at the sunset over the lake. I got to talk to one of my really good friends. Now, I am going to watch a movie with Hubby. "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" - no less. That is one of my favorite movies!!!!

Right now, however, I am just sitting here - relaxing, stuffed full of calamari and breadsticks, and thinking of how my life is changing radically... I am a mommy. I am somebody's mommy. Isn't that weird? I think that I just realized this week that my mommy wasn't always a mommy. That is also kind of weird to think about. She didn't always know how to say the perfect thing or ignore gross stuff - like her vomiting little girl running to her to be held... She wasn't always thinking of two kids before she could think of herself. She just sort of fell into it on June 8th (I feel old - let's not mention the year...). Sort of like I will sometime around July 1st, 2006. All I know is that I hope that I am one-tenth as good of a mother as she is. I am truly blessed by God to have such a wonderful woman as my mother. I have always known this - on some level. Now, I truly, truly know it. And I am sure that I will become even more sure of this when I hold my baby boy. Pregnancy does surely bring a girl even closer to her mother - even when I didn't think that it was possible to do. I love my mommy - what can I say?

We found a black kitten on our doorstep. I want him. Hubby said "no." He is mean. He also has a nasty cough. He has to go to the doctor this week.

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