30 March, 2006

Okay, so I admit it - I like some Britney Spears songs. And..right now I am listening to "Toxicity." It was really popular when I took this jogging class. Now, I just want to run when I hear it.

Yeah! We are moving!!! Can I hear a "whoop whoop"? No, I'm not insane - just insanely tired. And a little happy. And a little worried.

I want to tap dance again. I might just be another Ginger Rogers with a few more lessons. Yeah., baby, that's right. You heard me.

I am sooooooo tired. I need sleep. It's not fair. Hubby can have caffeine - I can't. No justice.

I like flowers. I want a yard full of flowers.

Friends are a blessing of God. I can't imagine life without any friendships.

Modest Mouse is a great musical group. Their music is great for days when you resolve to make the best of a stressful life. "Float On" just kind of makes you think things are better already.

What is a "machine head"? And why is it better than the rest? What is the rest?

I like to blog. It helps me procrastinate. Hubby is away getting more caffeine. I want Mountain Dew, too. NO FAIR!

Moving is soooo not fun. It will be thirty years before I want to move again. Then, I will just move onto my house boat and sail away. Of course, I will have to convince the people that I love to also buy house boats to sail with me. Wouldn't that be great? Either that or a RV caravan sort of like "Promised Land."

"You never know just how you look through other people's eyes..." A girl at the restaurant tonight told me I was huge. She asked me if I ate alot. She just found out that she is pregnant.

I must go pack things. I must go pack things...I hate packing boxes. However, if I don't watch Hubby closely he will do what he is threatening to do - throw random things in a box. Then the objects will be unorganized and jumbled - kind of like the thoughts in my head. Yeah, I'm tired.


Anonymous said...

Let's both plant a few flowers in our yard, buy some tap shoes, and tap in your new kitchen while we try to make sweet tea with honey. AND THEN, after your baby is born, we can enjoy fresh bagels from Publix. Sound good? :) I'm thinking of you girl. I can't sleep myself. Ally

Anonymous said...

when did you type this? how did I let you out of my sight long enough for you to type this?

Anonymous said...

Actually, it is called Toxic.

TTrotter said...

Are ya'll all moved in yet?

Carolyn said...

the machine head is the part of guitar at the end of the neck where the tuning pegs are. why is it "green to red..better than the rest"? hell if i know?!

TTrotter said...

I always thought it said, "Gotta rushing head, it's better than the rest......" AM I WRONG?!?!!? Ally-