29 April, 2006

That is inspiring! Wow!

My homemade sundress became a shirt today. I tried to hem it. I put pins in the skirt at my knee, right where I wanted the length to fall. But, being stupid, I then forgot 30 seconds later that I put the pins where I wanted the hem to be and not where I should cut. Yeah, I'm dumb. So, the dress was really, really short. (Ooh, la la...) I quickly decided that it would not be a good idea to wear a dress that short in public - especially when I am pregnant. So, I cut a little more, hemmed it up. The dress is now a shirt. That I wore tonight, I may add... It's a'ight, I guess. I do, however, want to try again.

I got Peanut's baby book today. I even began writing in it. Aren't you proud of me? I love that little boy.

28 April, 2006

I still want hotdogs and sauekraut - only now I also insist upon relish, slaw, onions, ketchup, and mustard.

I turned in my paper today. I have to do an evaluation for my professor. Ha, ha,ha... He started being very nice to me.

Poor little Lancelot had to get a shot today. He has a hot spot on his back. That means that he will have another spot of really red hair when it heals.

She wanted to paint our bedroom yellow and trim it in blues and greens. I should a' let her. It wouldn't a hurt nothin'...

Frozen York peppermint patties are wonderful...

Hubby does not like pour-over cheddar popcorn. What is wrong with him? Law school has affected his good taste.

I do not think that I have gained any more weight in the past two weeks. Hooray! We shall see if this is true on Monday when I go to the doctor.

I do not ever, ever, ever want to be a soccer mom.

Not talking to Hubby during the day is a challenge for me. I saw him for 5 minutes this morning before he left. I have only had about 5 or so minutes of conversation with him on the phone. I miss him.

I miss dieting. It is fun. I cannot diet while pregnant. I can only watch carbs - but I still can't try to lose weight. It has been weird to not try to lose weight for this long of a period of time. I like trying to meet goals.

I want to shave my legs. Isn't that one of the most awesome feelings in the world - the way your legs feel just after you shave them?

I am going to suntan tomorrow. It had better not rain - or else... I don't know what, but I'll think of something.

My mommy doesn't know that we are going to celebrate her birthday at home tonight. Or that we have surprise plans for tomorrow. I love birthdays!!!

I can't wait to have Peanut's first birthday party - or any of his birthday parties for that matter. Or any party for him. Yeah!

The cashier in Wallie World today was pregnant. Her little boy is due August 23rd. She was nice.

I really, really want hotdogs and sauerkraut. Yum!!!!!

I want to start working out after the baby is born. I miss feeling strong. I miss the adrenaline rushes. I miss the endorphins and the runner's high.

Angry white boy music is awesome. I can enjoy it even though I am a black Latina woman.

I want to take dance lessons. I want an excuse to buy pretty dresses to take dance lessons in. I am looking forward to getting a waist back again. However, I have become quite accustomed to and fond of my baby bump.

"My hump, my hump, my big ol' baby bump...Check it out..."

Last night it felt as if Peanut had kicked my hip bone. It hurt like the devil. It felt worse than when he grabs onto my ribs...

I want my Hubby to come home! Now!!!! I know that when he comes home, all of his exams are over. Then he is mine - all mine... Yeah!!!!

I have a bunch of overdue books to go back to the library. I always keep movies and books out later than I should. If they were girls and I was a boy taking them out on a date, I would be shot by their daddies...

Wastin' away in Margaritaville. Looking for my lost shaker of salt. Some people say there's a woman to blame. But I know...It's my own durned fault...

I like my running shorts. Those are the only pants that I will opt to wear now that it is so hot. I am kind of glad that I can still wear them - despite my baby bump. My hump, my hump, my big ol' baby bump...

I miss hanging out with the old drunk geezers in the Vista on Thursday nights. Hubby says it doesn't sound like fun. That's just because he hasn't ever seen old drunk people act rowdy while listening to remade Beach bands...You should see them shag... One time, I went with some friends. This really well-to-do old drunk woman saw me shagging with some guys I was with. She told me that she thought it was cute that I shagged - if that's what you call what I do on the dance floor to beach music - and that I was a little young to be there. I laughed at her. She was funny. Old drunk people - while being sad and pathetic, sort of like young drunk people - are hilarious. I really, really need to take some real shag lessons.

I cain't dance worth a hoot...But I shore like to try. Come on Hubby, let's go cut a rug...

Ooooh, digrace. Satin and perfume and lace. The minute I saw your face, I knew that I loved you....

You walk by and you shake that thing and you know I'm not that strong...

Wow. I just smelled my foot. It doesn't stink like I thought it would. Incredible.

I am so bored!!!!!!!!

I wonder if I would float better in the water since I have my baby bump. I heard that fat people float better than skinny people...

Watch out J-Lo! My butt is getting bigger everyday!!!! Soon, you will look like those skinny little white girls with no-butts compared to me.

I want a blooming onion with my hotdogs and sauerkraut...
I want hotdogs with sauerkraut. And icy cold root beer. And birthday cake. But it's not my birthday, it's my mommy's birthday.

Happy Birthday, Mommy!!!!!

I keep having dreams that I am in the hospital. The night before last I dreamed that I was actually having the baby. The weird thing - in my dream I was thinking "Wow, I usually don't experience physical pain in my dreams, but only the idea of pain. Now, I am experiencing physical pain." Isn't that bizarre? Last night, I must have had 2 or more different dreams about being in the hospital to have the baby. In the last one, I dreamed not really about giving birth, but that people were upset with me because I didn't call them on my way to the hospital so that they could be there. I kept trying to tell them that I was going to call them when they could come actually see the baby. It was a stressful night of sleep.

I am procrastinating again. I have to "polish" - in other terms, butcher - my paper in order to turn in the final draft by 4pm today. It sort of makes me sad.

"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."
1 Corinthians 15:58

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will."
1 Corinthians 12:2

27 April, 2006

This is a two-blog day...I am procrastinating...

I've got some ocean front property in Arizona
From my front porch you can see the sea.
I've got some ocean front property in Arizona.
If you'll buy that I'll throw the Golden Gate in free...

So much to do. So little time. I do not ever, ever, ever want to write another paper to be graded. (I know, I may not have a choice.) I hate the fact that I must butcher my work to satisfy the opinions of someone who has not done the research.

I got a 80 proof bottle of tear stopper...
Before I miss her I'll have forgot her...
Get a little loose and get a little drunk and lose that memory....

Horrible, isn't it?

A smart and stylish girl you see,
Belle of good society.
Not too strict but rather free
Yet as right as right can be!
Never forward, never bold
Not too hot and not too cold
But the very thing I am told
In your arms you'd like to hold!

Ta Ra Ra Boom De-ay!
Ta Ra Ra Boom De-ay!
Ta Ra Ra Boom De-ay!
Ta Ra Ra Boom De-ay!

I'm not extravagantly shy
And when a nice young man is nigh
For his heart I have a try.
And faint away with tearful cry!
When the good young man in haste
Will support me round the waist
I don't come to while thus embraced
Till my lips he steals a taste!

I'm a timid flower of innocence
Pa says that I have no sense
I'm one eternal big expense.
But men say I'm just "immense!"
Ere my verses I conclude
I'd like it known and understood
Though free as air, I'm never rude
I'm not too bad and not too good!

How'd you like that? Perhaps I'll post all the verses one day...Just let me conclude with the last verse...

Sometimes Pa says, with a frown,
"Soon you'll have to settle down -
Have to wear your wedding gown -
Be the strictest wife in town!"
Well, it must come by-and-by
When wed, to keep quiet I'll try;
But till then I will not sigh,
I shall still go in for my..
Ta Ra Ra Boom De-ay!
Ta Ra Ra Boom De-ay!
Ta Ra Ra Boom De-ay!
Ta Ra Ra Boom De-ay!

-Aren't you glad that you could not see me do the dance that accompanies it?

When I say this picture, my initial reaction was "You've got to be kidding, right?" HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

I should buy Hubby an outfit just like that! Where did he get that hat from - Elmer Fudd? What - is Madonna his angry mommy taking him to school? I have heard that they have been fighting. Guy Ritchie thinks that Madonna - now over the 50 year mark - should start dressing more maturely. He thinks that it's weird that she is still partying it up like a teeny bopper.Wonder what he thinks of his outfit. Maybe he was trying to prove a point to her. It's ridiculous. These are the people who help fashion the common person's sense of style. It's crazy...

So - what is style? Have you thought about it? I have. I have always wanted an awesome "sense of style." And never quite acheived it. I think that there is something that just flips in my brain when I start dressing myself. In my head, the artistic image should look fine. However, the finished image is always dowdy and frumpy. (By the way, don't you love the word "dowdy"?) I guess that it's a good thing that someone's outward appearance does not determine their worth...

It is cold today. Why? It's almost May. I want to go swimming. But with weather like this - I won't be swimming all summer...

The dog that lives behind us has the most annoying bark I have ever heard. I want to shoot BB's at it. Oooh, and at Bella. Fun...

I finally got to eat gnocchis last night. They were soooo good. I love gnocchis. Too bad that no restaurant around here serves them - that I have found. In fact, I have only found them at this little restaurant right outside of Myrtle Beach. Yum!

I think that Myrtle Beach should have a new name. It should either be called "Little Eastern Europe" or "Yuppie Town, USA". Oooh, yeah, or "Repository for Old Yankees and Yoppies Who Want to Live In the South So They Can Try to Change It". How about "Little Florida'? What do you think?

Hubby and I have too many books. I don't want to see another book for a long time. Even little Peanut has a collection of books. If they were books that were just too good not to own your own copy, then I would not complain. But, alot of them are things that if we suffered through it the first time, we won't be reading again. Books are great. However, they collect dust and mold and weird smells. Don't ask me how. I think that anytime there is food cooking in the house or it rains - the books become repositories for those smells. It becomes quite disgusting after awhile. I pretty much only read classics. It does me no good to even try to attempt to read a modern book. I get bored. Give me Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, Henry James - even William Faulkner, O.Henry, or Flannery O'Connor - I'll be lost for hours. But those books have stood the test of time. Books written by little-known authors with predictable plots bore me to pieces. There are very few contemporary authors that I find talented.

For example - I made the mistake of buying Isle of Palms by - I think - Anne Rivers Siddon. It completely sucked. Instead of being the wonderful, enchanting tale that captured the spirit of the lowcountry that everyone had built it up to be, it really, really sucked... I started reading it with high hopes. After the first page, I knew that it would most likely suck, but wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt. So, I kept reading. Halfway into the book, I flipped to the back to see if it got any better. Nope. In fact, it got worse. I don't know what ever happened to the book. It should be burned.

So, I know that I am stuck in one genre - but this is the way that I see things... If I am going to spend my time reading a piece of writing...If I am going to fill my imagination and thoughts with someone else's words...Then it had better be uplifting, educated, and inspiring. I don't want to here about a woman's now-gay ex-husband. I don't want to read a memoir about someone's sexual exploits. I don't want to read a book that goes no further in depth of the human soul than to tell what the main character had for breakfast and how they expelled it from their bodies. I also don't want to spend hours reading a book that is sympathetic to immoral ideas. I don't want to read profanity. I don't want to read a book about someone committing adultery - in action or thought. I don't have time for that crap. I don't have any desire to dwell on that garbage. If one of my peers or friends or acquaintances were to start talking to me about stuff like that - I probably would avoid their company. Why subject myself to someone else's foul thoughts?And reading this sort of book is much worse than engaging in raunchy conversation. In a conversation, you, at least, have the opportunity to explain and defend your point of view. With a book, while you are reading it at least, you are accepting the other point of view with no chance for rebuttal.(I know, that word cannot be spelled coreckly.)

Okay, I'm off of my soap box now. Aren't you happy - if you made it to this point without clicking onto another website...

Hubby is taking a 5 hour exam right now. I am praying for him. He will do great - I know. I have married a man who is not only incredibly handsome and charming, but he's danged smart, too. It's a little intimidating sometimes. I am indeed a lucky girl.

26 April, 2006

Martha Stewart - Watch Out!!!!

I have done it. I have made a dress. No, it's not made out of curtains.

It is just a strapless sundress. I was expecting to look like Sarah Jessica Parker's pregnant twin sister. Didn't happen. But --- I now can say that I have made a dress. It is dark blue with tiny, tiny white flowers. And...I have a big red bow that ties in the back right above my big, baby-filled belly. And - oh, I'm so proud - I did not use a pattern. I made up the pattern. I hate patterns. They cramp my style.

One of my friends got engaged last weekend! Yeah! I am so completely excited for her. Her fiance, besides being one of the luckiest men in the world, is a pretty awesome guy, himself. I have been praying for them ever since she told me the news. I know how stressful it can be to plan a wedding. And I just pray that God will bless their engagement - protect them from crazy people adding more stress - and bless their wedding. I know that my friend will look like a princess on her wedding day!

If I could tell them one thing - it is that marriage is one of the best gifts of God. Marriage is a little of what you think it is - and a whole lot different from what you think it is going to be. But, it is a beautiful thing. Spending the rest of your life with someone who understands you, loves you, supports you, and who helps lead you closer to God - that's beautiful. It is beautiful to wake up next to the one you love - and fall asleep next to them. It is beautiful to know that the baby you are carrying also belongs to the one you love - and that the baby is an addition to the family you have with him. It is a beautiful thing to have a chance to take care of the one that you love. It is a wonderfully beautiful thing to pray with the one you love. And that is exactly what I would say is the most important action that a married couple can engage in - prayer. It really is true - the closer a couple comes to God, the closer a couple comes to each other.

The sun is flirting with me today. It was bright and sunny. Now it is overcast. Now it is getting sunny again. Make up your mind, Mr.Sun!!!!! Mama needs a brand new suntan!

I took my philosophy final yesterday. My final draft of my 30 page paper is due friday - which is also my mommy's birthday. Yeah for Mommy! My last exam is on May 2nd at 9am. I still need to read a book on the history of baseball for that one.

I cannot seem to keep my nails short. They grow like crazy. I wish that my hair would grow like crazy. (My hair is crazy, but it won't grow like crazy...)

Mama's don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys...or lawyers...(sorry, Hubby!) or dentists...or policemen...or anything dangerous...or anything around crazy people...

I want Peanut to be a farmer. Then Hubby and I will move out on alot of land. We will have a family farm. No more city life. No more street lights. No more terrible traffic...

23 April, 2006

For those of you who have asked me when I was going to update my other blog - carolinacottonbloom.blogspot.com - this is for you. I have just added a new blog. So check it out, if you so desire.
I am debating... Should I take my philosophy exam early - and thereby be done with it? Or should I give myself more time to study? Will I study more if I have more time?

My tour groups at work today were fantastic. Especially the last group. They even took my picture. They were from Massachusetts. They were awesome. They liked my opinions on the War Between the States.

Inakaya's is soooo good! I highly recommend their love boat. (It sounds weird, but tastes soooo good.) I have eaten so much sushi. That's a good thing.

It is too hot. I want to go swimming. My parents are opening their pool this week.

Bella is an idiot. I want to shoot her. She has been digging in my flowers. I do not like her.
I am going to make leather mittens for her feet so she cannot dig.

I want chocolate cake. And fried green tomatoes.

I had a creepy dream last night about the house that I give tours in. I went inside the basement - but everything was changed. The lighting was different. There was different furniture all around. And people - in 19th century dress. They wanted something, but I couldn't figure out what it was. They would not let me out of the house until they told me what they wanted. But, I could not understand them. So, finally I pretended like I understood, so that I could leave. Isn't that creepy?

22 April, 2006

I am in a much better mood today. I am not going to drive again all weekend - that's what I have Hubby for. So, I am happy.

Where do I start in this study? I want to get all of the boxes finally unpacked - and this room and the baby's room are the only rooms that I have left to do.

You don't have to call me darlin', darlin'. You never even called me by my name.

I do not like fighting with my professors. And I have never had a real reason, or been so inclined before. Now, things are different. Maybe it's just that I don't care. Maybe I know that I am doing kick-butt work in this class. But, the guy grading my 30 page paper is really trying my nerves. His rude little emails can stop anytime.

Did you know that there are places that you can still buy bloomers? Weird - and scary - huh?

Why are people standing on their heads in this pre-World War I exercise class picture?

I was drunk the day mama got out of prison.
And I went to pick her up in the rain.
But before I could get to the station in my pick-up truck,
She got runned over by a durned ol' train.

Well, I'll hang around as long you will let me.
And I never minded standing in the rain.
You don't have to call me darlin', Darlin'.
You never even called me -
Well, I wonder why you don't call me -
Why don't you ever call me!!!!!

21 April, 2006

This Is An Angry Blog - don't read it if you are going to be offended

I feel misanthropic, and mean, and emotional, and very much disgusted with traffic...

This guy in a huge Bubba truck wearing Nascar glasses and tight, acid-wash jeans and a mullet stopped three lanes of traffic and got out of his car to fight me. Me - 32 weeks pregnant. I was in the turning lane approaching the light. He was in the lane to go straight, and suddenly turned his truck into my lane as he had already started going through the light- nearly causing me to be in an accident.

I hate the fact that the South is over-populated with rednecks. I guess that we can thank the welfate system for that. You would not believe how many women keep having children with no fathers in order to draw a check for them. It is incredible. And - usually - one of the baby's daddies is also living at home with her without working. (There are usually multiple baby daddies...) And they are not at all shy about talking about it. Believe me - working in a pharmacy in the sticks will open your eyes to alot of things that you thought were just misconceptions of society.

Just like the concept of the "dirty old man." Yeah, those exist like crazy, too. I still remember the old retired preacher who used to come into one of the pharmacies that I worked at. He started off appearing like a sweet, grand-fatherly figure. He would always wait for me to help him. He usually had some cute comment about me running in the Miss South Carolina pageant. He asked me for my address so that he could send me these papers he wrote about his time as a preacher. Then...things got creepy. He would wait around until everyone else that I worked with - and customers, too - had gone away from me. Then he would come over to me and tell me how nice I looked that day. He asked me if he could call me. I was freaked out. But, he didn't have my phone number, so I told him "sure, I'll wait for your call." A few weeks went by. He came back in to tell me that he was afraid of my father, so he wanted to make sure that I would answer the phone. He started giving me specific times that he would call - after 8pm. I tried to even things out by telling him that he could call my workplace at any time - and anyone would be glad to help him. But, I guess that pharmacy-related help wasn't what he was looking for. So, he told me to call him, because he was still scared of my father. Oh, yeah, he wanted me to call him after 8 or 9 o'clock because his invalid wife would be asleep and would not know what was going on. I made the guys that I worked with promise to help him when he came in - and to not ever leave me alone with him. Then came the time that he came in - and one of my guy friends at work was right there - so, the old man whispered that he really wanted to ask me something, but now was not the time or place, too many listening ears...

I quit working at that pharmacy for a while. But, I still kept in contact with those people that I had worked with. They let me know when the old man died. They also let me in on a little secret. He had repeatedly asked another girl who had worked there out - to his house - while his sick wife slept. Kind of sickening, huh? And to think - a man who was supposedly called of God... It's sad.

And if you think that life was sweet and innocent so long ago - think again. Human nature has always been this way. Of course, some people like it. I have to go to philosophy class today. We are talking about Nietzsche. Nietzsche felt that Judeo-Christian values are really just "herd morality." In other words, people who aren't out for total self-gain and who don't perform lewd acts and who don't believe that cruel and violent behavior are fun - those people are weak. And they are suppressing the "masters" by imposing their views of right and wrong. Nietzsche believed that what a Christian believes to be "evil" is really "good." Twisted, huh? The man spent his whole life trying to make himself feel better about being a sick, twisted, demonic man without a conscience. And he died of syphilus - that he contracted at a whore house - after years and years of pain. Hate to say this - but it serves him right.

I usually just sit and listen to lectures in this class. But, lately, I have become angry. I do not appreciate the attitude with which this garbage is being presented. And the parallels that are being drawn about it and my faith. I don't like to hear untrue generalizations about Christians. I don't like it when the whole class is being led to really believe Nietzsche's crap. Yes, I am angry.

And I feel sick to my stomach. And I am scared to leave my house to go to class. And I hate the people who are tearing up Columbia to make it "look like Charleston." If you like Charleston so much, move there! Charleston is a great city. But Charleston is Charleston. And Charleston also has its problems with Yankees. Now, the Yankees are moving here to Columbia and trying to recreate my city. Leave! And take the fire ants and cockroaches with you!!!!
And I am equally tired of rednecks. Redneck does not mean Southern, people! In fact, if you were to ask Wade Hampton, he would tell you that an uneducated, unmannered member of the South is dangerous to our society. Just look at his feud with Ben Tillman. I am sorry, but that redneck that you have seen with the huge Confederate flag (he probably doesn't even know that that flag was not the national flag of the CSA.) hanging off of their Bubba truck is not Southern. They are an embarrasment to the South. I hate it when they try to align themselves to the memory of great men like General R.E. Lee or Thomas Jackson, or JEB Stuart...And as for the Yankees, anyone who thinks that Lincoln wasn't a coniving dog and that Grant wasn't a stupid drunk and that Sherman wasn't a crazy minion of the devil - well, there just isn't any hope for you.

Hey, wouldn't this be great...Let all of the rednecks go have a war with the Yankees - only up North. Then, we would be left with our land without all of the crackheads that have taken over. Problem is that the rednecks probably can't read a map - and probably don't have enough courage to fill their pinky fingers. And the Yankees are too busy trying to ruin the South's economy and heritage to do that. They would be scared crapless in their little mini-vans at the thought of actually having to fight. Too bad the Civil War killed off some of the best people in our country. Now look at what we are left with... Oh, well, we are still better off than Europe. (No, I haven't ever been there, but I have met enough Europeans to know that I don't like them either - or most of them...)

Yes, I am misanthropic - very misanthropic...And very pregnant...
Hubby is asleep. And I will be, too - soon - I hope... I am still really hyped up. I was trying to keep myself occupied with housecleaning while he studied so that I would quit trying to talk to him...It backfired on me. I am really energetic now. And tired. And still wanting to clean. Yes, I am obsessive.

Today has been a great day. Hubby was home. It's wonderful just to have him around all day - even if he is studying.

I have a brand new flower bed. It has four rose bushes, a whole bunch of verbena, some dusty miller, black eye susans, beebalm, and I don't remember what all else. And...I have confederate jasmine growing on my back fence. My mom is going to give me a bunch of day lilies to put around it. I love flowers.

My lower back and hips are killing me tonight. It's kind of reassuring, though. All it means is that my body is preparing for my little boy to come into the world. I am getting so excited. It is kind of weird the stages that I am going through. In the first trimester, everything was just so exciting. Everything was real, and surreal at the same time. (I know that doesn't make any sense, but it is true.) When the second trimester hit, I was already deep into the realization that I was going to be a mommy. It is a really awesome feeling. And really scary. Wow. Now, I am in the third and final trimester (thank goodness). Every thought that I have somehow incorporates my little boy into it. I think about him constantly. I am so ready just to hold him. He moves around alot more now. And it's not all that jumpy movement that I began feeling after the floaty first movements. Now, it feels like pressure on my belly. Hubby and I watched him literally float across my stomach tonight. It looked a little bizarre. He recognizes voices. When he hears Hubby, or my mom, or my dad, he moves more. And, I am pretty sure, he recognizes his name. Wow, God is so awesome. I know that childbirth brings pain - but isn't this an awesome way to bring new life into the world?

Red, red kool-aide you make me feel so fine
You keep me rockin' all the time.
Red, red kool-aide you make me feel so grand.
I feel like a million dollars when you in my hand...

Getting sleepy...

I can still smell cyprus mulch. And my shampoo. Weird, huh?

I like sunshiny days...

I am going to make a dress - maybe...

Sleepy thoughts...Sleepy thoughts...I am now sleepy

Bye bye...

19 April, 2006

This one is soooo funny!

Did you hear about the 8 year old little boy who took a joy-ride in his teacher's mini-van? Yeah, the little tyke stole the keys from her purse, lowered the steering wheel and raised the seat. He then turned off the radio - no distractions just to be safe - and cranked her up. Apparently, he was the littlest boy in size in his class.

Do you know what's awful? The only thing that I can think - "Dude, why a mini-van?! I mean, if you're going to do this thing, do it right. Steal a jag or a mercedes or even a mustang with some power...But, come on, a mini-van?"

The little fellow was caught by one of his neighbors, who then called the cops. Did you really have to drive it by your house, little dude?

Oh, well, you have to say that it took some guts. That's one brave little guy. My mama would have tanned my hide.

And - I must add - I do not condone anyone out there to steal a car - especially a mini-van...

I had this really, really great thought today. And now - it's gone. Sad, huh...The world may never know what really brilliant things pop into my head...

Nietzsche's mama should have given him a big ol' spanking. That man had some serious problems. For one thing, how does anyone contract syphilus from playing the piano? For another thing, he really actually believed - or tried to make himself believe - that by giving into the things which enslave someone, that he could be a "master." I am really, really trying to not be judgmental - and I hope that he sought forgiveness for some of his blasphemous ideas - but I am thinking that when he kept talking about how suffering is such a wonderful thing, that might be a good thing for his situation right now. The man was absolute evil. I want to give him a black eye and a bloody nose every class that I sit through that we discuss his crazy ideas.

I got a whole lot more flowers...Uh, huh, uh huh... (I wish you could hear me sing this in my head...) No, really, Hubby and I have become avid gardners. Now all we need are matching bermuda shorts and straw hats. Wouldn't that be hilarious? I am one step closer to convincing him to give up law and become a farmer...

Today, I composed this nice little speech on the evils of big cars. Really, let's be honest...Unless you have about 4 kids, do you really need a mini-van or a SUV? If the most that you haul is the groceries back to the house, is that Ford F-150 really necessary? People - stop supporting terrorism! I really, really like Hummers - but isn't it ironic that they were originally a military vehicle - sort of - and now they are just huge, gas-guzzling, road-hogging vehicles to transport rich, old yuppies around town in? You would not believe the caravan of soccer moms I was caught up in today. All of them - only one kid and one soccer mom in each mini-van. It just seems wasteful. And these moms don't know how to drive. Part of it, I realize, is the great migration from the North to the South. Yeah, I can't say that I blame them. Who wouldn't want to live here? But, people from New York (sorry to pick on that one state now...) and California (yeah, that one too...It might as well be the North) can't drive worth a hill of beans - for the most part. Wow, I better stop. I am going to offend someone. Y'all have to excuse me. I sometimes get on one big ol' opinionated soap box. I'm off now, I promise...

You walked into the party like you were walking onto a yacht...

I must clean...I must clean...I must clean...I must clean...

Only 9 more weeks until my little boy gets here! Can you believe it? Time is just zipping by...And - if I don't finish his little room soon...Well, let's just say that things may get ugly. I am going to force my daddy to help Hubby paint it. It shouldn't be too hard. There are a few points that cause my dad's resistance to crumble. I will list them:
1.I am his only little girl.
2.I make a mean batch of crepes.
3.Hubby makes a wonderful key-lime pie.
4.I can fuss alot - and I know his phone number. And...I live about 5 minutes away. I know where he lives.
5.He loves me bunches and bunches. Did I mention that I am my daddy's little princess?
6.This one is the clencher - This is his first little grandbaby. And I can already tell that "no" will not be in his vocabulary towards this child. Yep, remind him whose room it is, and that should do it.

18 April, 2006

Do you remember how cute she was? How wholesome and refreshing her image was? The young Mickey Mouse Club member?

And then came...

The funny woman in pink...(I couldn't get the picture to go in the right space...)
And the world was a little scared...

And now...

We have the picture to the right at the top of the page (not here where I wanted it...)
And DSS visits her regularly - or so I read...


Writing papers is no fun...I don't like writing papers...I have to write a paper tonight...

I want to snack. I don't know what I want. I think that I want to snack because I am not happy with the schedule for my evening. Hubby is doing school work. I am cleaning house and writing a paper...sort of. I am definitely cleaning house. And trying to write a paper...

Babe, let's get packed. Take tank tops and flip flops if ya got 'um. No shoes, no shirt, no problem...

OOOoooh, we got a groovy kind of love...

Here is a opening line for a great novel - one that captures the attention of both ladies and gentlemen -
"There once was a lover and a ninja..."
- Be prepared - in moments of boredom, I might just finish blogging the rest of the story...

Boredom leads to insanity.

I want sushi.

I can dance like Britney Spears. Just ask some of my friends...and some weird guy that we were trying to scare off. It didn't work...Oh, so long ago.

My brother would be a great motivational speaker. I would never call him when he was in the middle of a speech. He would put a microphone to the phone.

Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild one. And it's hard to get by just upon a smile, girl...

I wonder if Oprah makes Steadman dance on her table in a sequined speedo...

Zoot suit riot! Throw back a bottle of rootbeer...(It's the mommy version.)

Mama had a chicken, Mama had a cow...Daddy was proud, he didn't care how...

I can feel it in the air tonight...Oh, oh - It's boredom!!!!!!!!Help!!!!Save me from the boredom!!!!

Since I have already blogged more than anybody will ever want to read, I only see two options for my evening. 1. Eat a pint of Ben &Jerry's and tap dance on my table to Tango's version of "Puttin' On the Ritz" or 2. Write my paper and sing Phil Collins songs

I don't think that my table will support my mammoth weight. Therefore, I guess that I am doomed to write my paper. Durn it!!!!

17 April, 2006

It's Gettin' Hot in Here....

Today is soooo hot! As a true Southern girl, I refuse to turn on my air conditioner until at least June. And normally, that's fine. But this summer! Wow! I don't know if it is where we are living - it really is hotter at my house than any other place in the city - or if it is being pregnant...

Those Bacardi mixer frozen things with lots and lots of ice blended in them are really awesome.

Today is Guinevierre's birthday. She is six years old today. I feel so sorry for her. She is at home all by herself today. (With Lancelot, but still...) But - tonight I am going over to my parent's house to see her. I am going to make her a birthday cake. With candles. I think that Lancelot's feelings are hurt because his birthday was kind of passed over this year. We sort of remembered - but did'nt do much. Poor little boy. So, I am going to do something for him, too.

I have alot to do today. I need to-
1.mop floors
2.tidy the living room (the cover never really stays on the couch)
3.do a take-home philosophy quiz
4.write a 5-pg paper for Popular culture - on bloomers of all things
5.organize my flower beds. (or bed - for now) My mommy gave me alot of flowers. I got a gardenia bush, a red rose, some Lady Banks roses, black eye suzies, butterfly bush...
6.wash clothes
7.make my bed
8.scrub the bathrooms
9.Make Guinevierre's birthday cake

Thank goodness that I don't have to cook dinner tonight. (Sigh of relief) Mom has alot of left-overs. Yeah!

I think that I like split-infinitives. My teacher does not. But, really, don't they sound cool? I kind of write them without thinking about it. I used to really like to use conventionally good grammar. But then I found that what I had to say was muted in the grammar. So, now I defy the laws of the mechanics of writing. No more grammar! It worked for ee cummings, right?

It is soooooo hot! I wonder if it would be bad if I went outside to lay out in the sun and wet myself off with the hose. No, I am not joking... It feels awesome. And I get a good tan in the process. Plus, it scares Bella to death to have the hose running in the backyard. Don't you remember how much fun that was when you were a kid - to play outside with the garden hose? Oh, how I miss those days...

I have decided that there is a list of things that Peanut and I will do:
1.jump on the beds
2.chase Bella with the hose
3.go for runs in the rain (when he's older, of course)
4.Take surprise trips to the beach (wouldn't that be great on a Saturday with Hubby?)
5.celebrate birthdays for a whole week - and sometimes unbirthdays, too
6.go to the park and swing for hours
7.eat ice cream before supper
8.have John Wayne movie nights - complete with hoagies and popcorn and rice crispy treats
9.sing loudly to the music on the radio at all and every stop light
10.finger paint (okay, this one has to be outside)
11.put lightening bugs in a jar for a nightlight when we go camping
12.go roller skating
13.go to the zoo
14.learn all of the words to "Bonnie Blue Flag"
15.Pray together with Hubby
16.Poke Hubby in the face when he's asleep - me on one side, Peanut on the other

And there are so many more things...I can't wait!

Woohooo! I'm getting a little boy!! Yeah!!

16 April, 2006

Today is Easter. Today is the day that we celebrate the AWESOME gift of God - that, may I add, we do not deserve to receive. The picture is of the tomb that Jesus was thought to be in. It is a view looking out. Just think about all of those emotions that Mary Magdelene, John, and Peter had when they got to that tomb and found it empty... Wow!

Will we ever really realize what we were given? Will we ever really know what You endured for our sakes? How can we ever show our greatfulness? The answer - we will never be able to really, really be able to do any of these things enough. How could we? All that we can do is resolve in our hearts to live for Christ and die to the things of this world. All that we can do is to constantly pray for His grace to enter our lives so that we can live for Him. All that we can do is pray for grace in order to live by His commandments.

This Easter, I don't want to get lost in the Easter eggs, the bunnies, the turkey, the key lime pie... I don't want to celebrate the warm weather, the fact that next Easter will be spent with my little boy, or the time with family - I don't want to be happy about any of these things if it means that I will lose sight of what I am really celebrating this day. Rather, I want to celebrate the fact that Christ conquered death once and for all. I want to celebrate the fact that because of this, the Creator of the Universe - of all things - loved me enough that He humbled Himself to come down in the form of a baby. That He lived and breathed among humans. That He came to teach and bring His message of love and repentance. That He allowed His creations to mock Him, to spit in His face, to pluck out His beard, and to torture Him. That He was separated from His Father. And why? Why did He do this? He did this for me - and for you. I still can't understand. Why, Jesus? Why do You love me? I'm awful. I'm dust. I am nothing compared to You. But You love me more than I can ever understand or more than I can ever return.

I am left speechless. What do You say to the One who died to give you life? What can you do?

So, today, I just want to fall at His feet - and cover them with my tears. And remember that they still bear the nail scars - that He received in my place. And I want to celebrate. I want to everyone to be happy with me about my gift. I want to praise God for being a mighty, wonderful, awesome, magnificent, holy, all-powerful, redeeming, forgiving, just God.

The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: 'He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.'
Matthew 28:5-7a

"Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he hs not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. "
John 3:14-18

Today, I praise God. And I thank Him for loving me. I thank Him for all of His abundant blessings - wow, take a look at my life so far...And I thank Him for those blessings that are coming in the future. Can you imagine the first Easter that I spend with my little boy after my son truly accepts Christ into his life? (Notice that I don't say if but WHEN! This will happen. I am claiming the promises of God. He asks us to only ask Him, and our request will be granted. I only must be faithful. I think that God is going to reveal Himself in a way that my little boy cannot ignore.)

I serve a risen Savior, He's in the world today.
I know that He is risen, no matter what men say.
I feel His Hand of mercy, I hear His Voice of cheer
And every time I need Him, He's always near!

He lives, He lives! Christ Jesus lives today.
He walks with me and talks with me Along life's narrow way!
He lives, He lives - salvation to impart.
And if you ask me how I know He lives,
He lives within my heart!!!!

HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14 April, 2006

Warning: This One's Really Shallow

What a cute cocktail dress!(The black one) It's from BCBG. I love their line of clothing and shoes. And, it's pretty affordable, too. This is about as close to real, designer clothing as I will ever come.

This blog is devoted to fashion. And, yes, I am trying not to covet these items.

Sometimes, however....I just feel like looking and shopping well beyond my means. This is the mood that I found myself in today. And then I subsequently found myself on the Saks web site. At first it was just to look at shoes. (In case you don't know, my goal is to someday be able to proudly wear a pair of $600+ designer shoes and not feel guilty. I do not actually think that this goal is attainable for me.)

Those shoes with the red bow are Bruno Frisoni. Aren't they awesome? I love bows on shoes. And red bows on shoes...HOW CUTE!!!! The other pumps on the page are made my Prada.

The silver cocktail dress is made by Michael Kors, maybe...I have already forgotten. Sad, huh? Oh, well, that's what having a pregnancy brain will do for you...

I love cocktail dresses. I love cocktail dresses with a full skirt. They are much more flirty than longer formal dresses. They just make you feel flirty and beautiful and sophisticated. That is a completely different feeling from the way a long, more formal dress makes you feel. Long, straight formal gowns give the wearer a feeling of glamourous old school chic. They make you feel powerful and sophisticated. Long formal dresses with full skirts are made for dancing. They make you feel like a princess floating on air. They give a regal, feminine feeling to the wearer.

Can you tell that I like to dress up? And - just like Oprah - I like the nicer things in life. I know, I know...I will probably never wear an Oscar de la Renta ball gown complete with Marc Jacobs shoes and Tiffany's jewelry, but, hey, can't a girl dream? I mean, where am I ever going to have the need to wear that stuff, anyways? But, it would be fun...

Every girl wants to be a princess. Every girl wants to dress up and be the belle of the ball. I am finding that that doesn't go away the older you get - but your outlook on the matter just gets more realistic...

Yes, sometimes I am shallow...

13 April, 2006

Nothing interesting has been happening in the news lately...But that only leads me to reevaluate what I find interesting. I was really interested in the Mary Winkler case. I was really sad when I read the case about the little six-year-old boy whose mother died because a 911 worker did not believe his call. I am interested in the arrival of the "TomKitten" - yeah, I know, it's pathetic...Why do certain things seem more interesting than others?

It is gorgeous outside today. I can't say the word "gorgeous" without thinking of Gorgias by Plato. That is sad. I greatly dislike Nietsche. He was a weirdo who needed to have the crap beaten out of him. How could someone contract syphillus from "just playing the piano"?

Does Beyonce really say "zippy poppin' turkey stompin' check on me tonight..."?

Ooh, Boy, you look like you like what you see...

I read an article by a woman who gave birth to her baby while squatting on her stairs - on purpose. What - was she crazy? Am I the only person who thinks that is bizarre?

Why is it that I feel that my house is never clean. When I try to think of ways to clean it more - I can't think of any. I really, really love to clean - especially now. But, I think that it is an obsession. Maybe once I get the nursery done I will feel better about the house. Is that what has me going crazy - an unfinished nursery and only 2 months to go?

Sushi would be great today. I want those volcanoe rolls from Sushi Yoshi. Yum! They are sooooo good. I wonder...will Peanut like sushi?

I want to go swimming. My dad is waiting for the pollen to pass before he opens up the pool. I can't wait!!! I hope that he hurries! Do you think that I will have a tan when the baby gets here?
Why do I always cut my hair? I want it to be long again. I know why I used to cut it - I felt fat or I had a bad break-up or I had a bad hair-cut...Now what's the problem? No more layers...I think that is it. I get layers put in, and then I have them cut out. Not exactly a way to get long hair. Plus, I read that most pregnant women cut their hair when they notice that they do not have a waistline anymore. Will I ever have a waistline again? Somehow, I think I should just give up on washboard abs. I was sooo close to having them once. I lost a good bit of weight and spent 2 hours in the gym every day. Don't see that ever being a possibility again.

Can you believe that I saw an advertisement for Mondo Blahniks? What the devil are "Mondo" Blahniks? I do, however, know what Manolo Blahniks are...

I think that "however" is one of my favorite words. It must be. My rough draft on body image was littered with that word. I also like "awesome" and "cute." Awesome just conveighs an emotion of being greatly impressed or being really happy about something. Cute is just one of those vague, polite words that you use when nothing else comes to mind. Not always, but sometimes...Baby clothes are the one thing - and puppies - that really, really deserve the word "cute."

I WANT SUSHI!!!!! And something else - but I don't know what... WHAT do I want? SUSHI!!!!

11 April, 2006

Can I hear a big "HURRAY"?!!!!! I can now eat sushi - well, sort of. It can't be raw. But, still...

My baby weighs about 2 pounds. I have only a little over 2 months to go. WOW!!!!

I want to tan in the sun today.

I greatly dislike pregnant women who have cute little baby bumps and are still trim and cute...and don't have big swollen, bloated faces and feet and huge butts and thighs. It isn't fair...

My hair is out of control.

I have decided... In the delivery room, I want a plate of crunchy rolls and Grateful Dead and pink stilletos...

Did you hear about Foxy Brown and Lil' Kim? I dreamed that I went to jail to visit Lil' Kim. She should have never lied in court...

Speaking of dreams...Last night I had a nightmare. Hubby moved me away from South Carolina. Then, he moved me into this little dumpy place in the woods. I made him gut the inside and replace everything with brand new flooring, appliances... Then all of these country women came to help me move in. They did not know me. They only knew Hubby, so they would only listen to him. And they rearranged my kitchen after I had everything just as I wanted it. It looked very tacky. And they were cooking weird things in my kitchen and sitting on my brand new furniture - just talking away. They were not clean. They even decorated everything for Christmas - in October. I yelled at them. Then I had a nervous breakdown. It was weird. I tried to leave, but I had a flat tire. Then a raccoon or something was after me when I tried to get back into the house.

If I were Katie Holmes, I would beat Tom Cruise to a bloody pulp. He will not let her have pain medication or make any noise in the delivery room. He would not live long around me. He made her a special mouthpiece to bite into when she is having the baby. He bought her an iPod for the delivery room so that she would be quiet. I would kill him. He is stupid.

The mystic powers of the sun are drawing me to the out of doors. I am even going to try to make my way into Bella territory, which is very scary... What may be scarier, however - I am going to wear a bikini when I get there. Poor Bella.

10 April, 2006

I have found that the random thought thing is very satisfying. I think that I am a very random person. Therefore, more blogging of random thoughts...

I hate evaluating other people's work. Especially when I have to give them my evaluation of their work and talk to them about it for 30 minutes. Not cool. I feel as if I must either tell the truth (it sucks) or be polite and lie. I might be a little biased against it already...But the information is not even exactly correct. They made generalizations about three different decades based on I don't know what. That's the part that sort of has me scratching my head. Bad grammar - I don't care. Boring sentence structure - so what? Faulty info - I don't know... I just want to write my paper and get my grade. Isn't the professor supposed to be grading the papers?

My flowers are doing great - except for my snapdragons. I love snapdragons.

My home town is changing like crazy. I don't like it. It has been overrun with people who have an IQ score of 10 - or lower. They tear down old buildings and put up shiny, new, ugly junk stores - and bars. I hate that. I wish that the chicken farmers and cattle farmers in the area that are being turned out of their homes to make way for more stinking Yuppies would "accidentally" drop off loads of manure in front of new, ugly, disruptive development. And in the town council members' front yards. Hey, maybe I could organize the Southern mafia. Then we could shoot BB guns at their screen doors. I have heard of the mafia up North doing that to people that they don't want to hurt, but they don't like. Wouldn't that be great?

I greatly dislike Yuppies...There are more of them than you may realize...

I heard someone say the other day that they had a handbag to match their skirt. They thought that was great. Isn't that funny? Handbags are supposed to match your shoes.

I want to wear something that actually fits correctly again.

I like having a clean house. My house is very clean. I cleaned it - alot...My mother's house is even cleaner than mine. Every time I visit, I want to clean my house more...

Hubby is going to make me a keylime pie. I am not supposed to eat carbs. There are no carbs in key lime pie...

I hate it when people want to sell their family's land...


I have connections to the mafia. Well, not really. But I know people who do. Or say that they do.
I hereby pledge to mop daily and to dust every other day. I will water my flowers every morning and wash clothes at least every other day. I will cook meals containing one meat, one starch, and at least 2 vegetables. I will make sure that my son eats five different fruits or vegetables daily. I will encourage my family to participate in heart-healthy exercise together. I will vacuum in high heels. I will prepare vegetables such as brussel sprouts and spinach - and my family will eat them. I will learn to magically take the pain out of scratches and bruises with a hug and a band-aid. I will learn to bring encouragement to the men in my life - both of them. All this I pledge to on my honor as a housewife and stay-at-home mom.

09 April, 2006

So, I went to see Chronicles of Narnia tonight. It was a really, really awesome movie. I was pleasantly surprised.

Did you know that giving your plants booze may just help them have more blooms? No, no thanks necessary. I'm always there to give out weird facts.

I can't really eat sugar now. I kind of don't want it... and still want it at the same time. Is that weird?

Only two and a half more months. WOW! That is so scary! And exciting!

I wrote my paper on body image - the rough draft. Now I have to evaluate one of my classmate's papers. It is on sex and the media. It has pictures - of naked women. I so do not need this. I abhor pornography in any sense of the word. I abhor women who clamor for equality and still treat their bodies as if they are objects meant only for man's lust and desire. I abhor people who feel no shame. I abhor the fact that a casual attitude of sex may be "okayed" by calling it art. I abhor writing an unbiased evaluation of a "professional" work written in an unprofessional manner.

I want a BIG blue bow on my mailbox - or front door - in July.

I am somebody's mama. Weird - and scary...

I get really talkative when I am tired. Hubby can attest to this. I like blogging because it saves my poor husband's ears.

Speaking of Hubby...I have to brag a little. My husband woke me up this morning by bringing up made-from-scratch whole wheat sweet potato pancakes complete with strawberries and whipped cream to me. I have never really had breakfast in bed before. And it looked so pretty on the plate. And it was delicious! I am such a lucky girl...

You know, I can't think of an any more wonderful way to spend life - than at the side of such a wonderful, Godly man. I am so in-love with him. We were walking today - holding hands and his child was kicking the inside of my belly. And it just kind of hit me...This is life - this is my life - this is my life with the man I love until I die. Marriage is one of the most beautiful gifts of God. Not always easy...but so wonderful. It's the chance to not be alone. The chance to have a fellow servant of Christ with whom you have a wonderful, amazing connection. Someone that you can just relax with. Someone who cares for you in a special, only-one-person kind of way. Someone who puts up with you talking their ears off at 1am. Someone that you have to hide your cell phone in order to keep yourself from inundating their mailbox with text messages throughout the day. Someone that you somehow like washing their dirty socks everyday. Someone to kiss goodnight - and goodmorning. Someone who you are learning to read their mind...and they are learning to read yours. Someone you never get tired of being around. Someone whose presence just exudes comfort and stability for you. Someone who waters your flowers every morning before he goes to school or work. Someone you find yourself loving more and more until you think that your heart must be going to burst. Someone who makes you soooo happy... and someone who, you know, you make happy - somehow. Someone to share life with. All that and so much more...Marriage is a wonderful thing.

06 April, 2006

I'm Back...

Why do the words "I'm back" always remind me of an old school Eminem song?

Guess what happened today? I had a doctor's appointment. I had to drink this yucky stuff 1 hour before I got some bloodwork done. I thought that my appointment was at 8:30, so I got out of my nice, warm bed and ran downstairs to chug that nasty crap. I went to leave the house to get to my appointment, when Hubby reminded me that my appointment was really at 9am. CRAP!!!!! I have to go back next Tuesday. And...I have to drink more of that nasty stuff that makes the baby kick exactly one hour before I go. (I don't know if it really makes the baby kick, but he sure was kicking this morning.)

We are finally moved in to our new house!!! I have a flower bed started!!! And I have wonderful neighbors!!!Yeah!!!

Hubby did what he was threatening to do. And my dad helped. Now I have a whole lot of boxes with random crap in it. Reminds me of the weeks right after Hubby and I got married and he moved into the duplex. Fun, right?

I actually got to class an hour early today. So, I am blogging in the computer lab. I have never done this before. I can't make up my mind if I like it.

I never want another breakfast biscuit from a fast-food place for the rest of my life. They are gag-o-matic. Yuck!

I think that I am going to make a mix-cd for the delivery room. What music should I put on it? I am thinking some Grateful Dead and maybe some Modest Mouse. A little Led Zepelin (did I spell that right?) and some Waylon Jennings would also be very nice. I want to call my son "Two" because he is a junior. Hubby won't let me.

I wish that I was a hippy. Hubby says that I am not because I like pink and I bathe regularly. I don't think that he knows what he is talking about. He still thinks that I am white.